Yet more blogging awards contests: The 2005 Business Blogging Awards organized by InsideBlogging, the blog consultancy set up by Jeremy Wright (of “auction a blogger on eBay” fame) and Darren Barefoot. The 2005 Bloggies organized by Nikolai Nolan at Fairvue Central. The website says this is the fifth annual contest. Last year, there were at […]
Category: Weblogs
BlogAid pledge to support the Asia disaster
UK blogger Andy Budd has come up with an outstanding initiative to focus the support of bloggers in a very tangible way on the Asia earthquake/tsunamis disaster. Andy has started BlogAid, bascially a pledge service – you go to the BlogAid site and publicly make a commitment: Help support the Tsunami and Earthquake relief efforts […]
Bloggers without borders
Via Loic le Meur, I’ve just seen Bloggers without Borders, launched last week: Bloggers without Borders is a citizen journalism hub, dedictated to raising conscience for, and about, events around the world. We use the tools and exposure of modern citizen journalism as a means to lend a hand in the creation of awareness and […]
Talking to consumers + blog mining = the new market research
Financial Times: When Procter & Gamble is deciding whether to put its advertisements on television or elsewhere, it puts a call in to Nicosia, Cyprus. The same holds true for Nissan and dozens of other leading corporations and marketing-services agencies. The calls are requests for help and go to Nicosia because the city is the […]
Skweezer and copyright infringement
A lively discussion is bubbling on Jason Calcanis’ blog on the issue of how others use content you have produced where copyright enters into the picture and, in essence, what’s right and what’s not. Here’s how it started as outlined in Jason’s post on 28 December: It’s one thing to take headlines. It’s one thing […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #1: January 3, 2005
Show notes for January 3, 2005 Welcome to our first podcast, a 43–minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands! Download the file here (MP3, 19.85Mb), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For this, you’ll need an ipodder, software that lets […]
IABC webinar on blogging and RSS
Not sure when this was first advertised, but I just noticed on the IABC website that IABC is holding a teleseminar (webinar?) on Thursday 20 January about blogging, presented by Steve Rubel: Weblogs, citizen journalism and a new technology called really simple syndication (RSS) have permanently changed how companies need to communicate online. Millions of […]
Don’t be dooced in 2005
Very good article on BBC News Online today on the pros and cons of blogging in the workplace. Entitled Looming pitfalls of work blogs, the BBC piece discusses employee blogging and potential legal pitfalls for both employer and employee (covering some similar ground to that published on this topic by ComputerWorld in early November), and […]
Five examples of great thinking
Maybe it’s everyone coming back fresh after a break for Christmas and New Year, but whatever it is, I’ve been reading some extremely thoughful and thought-provoking posts in the past few days by some of our fellow business bloggers. Take these five examples, for instance: Andy Lark on Ten Ways Communications Will Change In 2005: […]
The comforting hand of a loved one
Marketing blogger (and fellow IABC member) Angelo Fernando has converted his blog, Hoi Polloi, into a resource for focusing and helping relief efforts from Arizona, where Angelo lives, to Sri Lanka following last week’s tsunami disaster in south Asia: I began this blog, Hoi Polloi, as a MarCom and PR exercise nearly 8 months ago. […]
Six Apart to buy Live Journal
Six Apart, the parent company behind hosted blogging service TypePad and publishing platform Movable Type, is about to acquire Live Journal for an undisclosed amount, reports Business 2.0 writer Om Malik. If the deal goes through later this month, then Six Apart will become one of the largest weblog companies in the world, with nearly […]
A catalyst for the future of blogs
A very good analysis in the Guardian newsblog on the role blogs have played in the Asia tsunami disaster and the long-term catalyzing effect this will have on the significance of blogs in the future: The tsunami may have a profound effect on blogs. These self-published sites have played a huge role in the telling […]
Marqui could re-define marketing and PR
I spent a very interesting 30 minutes last night listening to a Geek News Central podcast recorded on Tuesday – an interview with Stephen King, the CEO of Marqui, the company who’s paying $800 a month to certain bloggers to write about their product. When I first wrote about Marqui’s pay-the-bloggers programme last month, I […]
Confirmed: Six Apart acquires Live Journal
As I said in my post yesterday, things are moving fast in the business of blogs. Strong rumours yesterday, confirmation today. In a press release dated today, Six Apart announced that it has acquired Danga Interactive, the owner of Live Journal, for an undisclosed amount of stock and cash. The press release says that, with […]
General Motors starts executive blog
General Motors started a blog yesterday, with the first posts by GM Vice Chairman, Bob Lutz: The FastLane blog is your source for the latest, greatest musings of GM leaders on topics relevant to the company, the industry and the global economy, and — most of all — to our customers and other car enthusiasts. […]
Gearing up for the New Communications Forum 2005
Planning proceeds apace for New Communications Forum 2005, the twin conferences taking place in the US and France, the first of which is scheduled for 26-27 January in Napa, California. If you’re in the communication profession – in PR, marketing, advertising, employee communication, etc – and if you are considering starting a corporate blog, want […]
There must be a better way to deal with comment spam
During the past week, I’ve had a trickle of comment spam on my blog. Nothing that I’m overly concerned with (not yet, anyway), but sufficient that for the first time since I started this blog, I’ve been deleting certain comments. I’m mindful of the experience Trevor Cook reported last week, when he had what appeared […]
The inadequacies of current copyright laws
So bloggers are firmly among the guilty in the area of ignoring copyright: […] Bloggers, in general, have little respect for copyright laws and tend to snatch and grab anything out there as “theirs.” One blogger who was involved in this had possession of 12 videos that he was making available on his site. He […]
Fishing for podcasts
I’ve been listening to quite a few podcasts during the past week, especially since Shel Holtz and I started our weekly podcast a week ago. You do know what podcasts are, right? If not, check this definition at Wikipedia. Much of my listening has been to gain some further knowledge in how different people do […]
Understanding copyright law is the hard part
In the past two weeks I’ve posted two commentaries about copyright – copyright myths and the inadequacies of copyright laws. In each, I argue that current copyright laws are inadequate protection of anyone’s intellectual property rights in the online world because it’s so easy to just grab someone else’s work. Equally, bloggers and website owners […]