I’m sitting in Shel Holtz‘ session on “The Blog’s New Role in Crisis Communication.” Some highlights from the discussion: Not practical to expect that the CEO of a large company will run a crisis blog. It will depend on the nature of the crisis – whoever is the best spokesperson for whatever the crisis is […]
Category: Weblogs
The Napa experience Day 1
From my own perspective, the first day of New Communications Forum 2005 has been an enlightening experience. As I’ve presented one session and led two workshops, I’ve been able to participate in only one other workshop (Shel’s on blogs in crisis communication, which I commented about earlier today). The workshops I led today addressed the […]
The Hobson & Holtz Report – RSS Special Edition – January 26, 2005
Welcome to a the RSS Special Edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report, a 23-minute conversation recorded live at the New Communications Forum 2005 in Napa, California, USA, on January 26, 2005. In this show, we interview Fergus Burns, CEO of Hookable Media Ltd, the creator of Nooked, the RSS service for corporate communications. Listen […]
EPIC: The age of participatory communication
I’m blogging in the keynote presentation being given by Andy Lark that starts the second day of the New Communications Forum 2005. Andy advocates how the age of participatory communication that has already dawned will change forever the way we communicate. To illustrate this, he presents EPIC, an 8-minute video showing a concept of what […]
Insights on GM executive blog
If you’ve been wondering who was behind The GM Fastlane Blog, General Motors’ step into the public blogosphere by executive blogger Vice Chairman Bob Lutz, Susannah Gardner at Buzz Marketing with Blogs has the details: The blog was result of an ongoing conversation between [PR agency] Hass [MS&L] and GM about blogs. It is run […]
Panel discussion: Blogging and branding
Highlight points from the panel – pictured, left to right: Anita Campbell, Evelyn Rodriguez, Dan Taylor, Andy Lark – moderated by Elizabeth Albrycht. The panel addressed the broad theme of how the connectedness of blogs and other networked media creates both threats and opportunities for corporate brands: Where are conversations occurring and how does this […]
Panel discussion: Blogging and journalism
Highlight points from the panel – pictured, left to right: Dan Forbush, Tom Foremski, Jeremy Wright, Heath Row – moderated by Dan Forbush. The panel addressed the impact of blogs on their work, their general view on the value of blogs as a communication channel, and how best to promote their blogs. Tom: Blogs are […]
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Jeremy Wright Interview – January 27, 2005
Welcome to a the second Special Edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report, a 30-minute conversation with Jeremy Wright recorded live at the New Communications Forum 2005 in Napa, California, USA, on January 27, 2005. A high-profile business blogger, Jeremy authors the Ensight blog and is now focused on building his new venture, Inside Blogging. […]
Opportunity knocks for corporate communicators
A few immediate reflections on The New Communications Forum 2005 which took place in Napa, California over the past two days. I’ve posted commentary on some of the workshops and panel discussions; others have also posted during the event (Guillaume de Gardier has a great post with links to many of those posts). I will […]
Blogging jump-starts your relationships
Christopher Carfi says it all: Reason #6537 why business folk should write, podcast, or otherwise communicate often, and in their own voice: your customers, vendors, and partners get to know you before they even meet you, so when you do get together, you already have shared context and can get things done 10x faster than […]
GM executive blog and the role of PR
General Motors’ Vice Chairman, Bob Lutz, is not the only one blogging The FastLane Blog, GM’s executive blog. Last Friday, Tom Stephens, Group Vice President, GM Powertrain, joined Lutz as another senior GM executive blogger. This fits with the intent of this blog as this statement on 5 January says: The FastLane blog is your […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #5: January 31, 2005
Show notes for January 31, 2005. Welcome to our weekly podcast, a 71:55-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 33.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For this, you’ll need ipodder, software that lets you […]
Hewitt’s blog book: A helpful resource for business
While I was away at the New Communications Forum 2005 last week, a package arrived from Amazon with my copy of Hugh Hewitt’s new book on blogging, published on 13 January. With the rather lengthy title Blog: Understanding the Information Reformation That’s Changing Your World, this 256-page hardcover book is the first of the bevy […]
Who’s blogging at Google and Yahoo
Olivier Duffez’ Search Engines News has published two useful lists of some Google and Yahoo employees with public blogs: Google employee blogs (34 names) Yahoo employee blogs (8 names) He plans to add to the lists as he gets more information, so those totals may change. Thanks, Olivier, useful information.
Making Tablet PC evangelism wholly transparent
Having bloggers evangelize Microsoft’s Tablet PC is what Steve Rubel suggests as an answer to Robert Scoble’s vexation on the seeming invisibilty of the Tablet PC: So Microsoft, if you want to save the Tablet PC please take the hundreds of thousands of dollars you might be earmarking for a new ad campaign and invest […]
Comments fuel engaging conversations
The GM FastLane Blog is attracting quite a lot of commentary and opinion, with varying views being expressed on how effective it is as a means of engaging with GM’s customers. I’ve posted commentary, too, most recently on the role of PR in its development and some insights on how it started and how commenting […]
Hear the podcast, read the interview
During the New Communications Forum 2005 conference in California last week, Shel Holtz and I interviewed Jeremy Wright in a special podcast of For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report. In that 30-minute conversation, Jeremy talks about his planned book on blogging, comments on his being dooced for blogging, and discusses his own blog […]
Technorati tags just work
One thing I’ve had some difficulty in fully understanding is how the new Technorati tags work. For instance, I’d regard this post as to do with weblogs. So based on how I understand the system, what I’d do is include this tag: <a href=”http://technorati.com/tag/Weblogs” rel=”tag”>Weblogs</a> The text in red is the key bit. It seems […]
Search engine to acquire Bloglines
Search engine Ask Jeeves is rumoured to be buying Bloglines, the online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing RSS feeds and blogs. Two things make this news interesting from a communication viewpoint: The formal public announcement apparently isn’t due to be made until Tuesday, but was scooped by Mary Hodder in a post on […]
Superbowl advertising is the hot conversation
So the Superbowl happened yesterday. In scanning my RSS feeds this morning, I see that sporting event has occupied the written oupourings of just about the whole blogosphere across the Atlantic. (In case you’re not sure what the Superbowl is – it’s “a football game played each year to determine the championship of the [American] […]