Content summary: Listeners’ comments (podcasters’ and bloggers’ credibility on reporting information; what’s your favourite tool for conductng a communications audit and why?; on not liking listening to Catholic Insider; another perspective on the Gomery inquiry in Canada); blog aggregators, attribution and copyright; video news releases re-visited; organization turf wars on who owns branding; General Motors, […]
Category: Weblogs
Blair and Prescott take to the web in election campaign
With election campaigning now in earnest as the UK general election on 5 May fast approaches, I’m not surprised to learn how the Labour Party is now using its website as an active element in campaign communication. Prime Minister Tony Blair has a dedicated area on the Labour Party website called Tony Blair’s Campaign Diary. […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #24: April 14, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on open source marketing and the interview with James Cherkoff and Johnnie Moore; podcast tags; on Rupert Murdoch and the internet; where will co-creation take us?; world’s first train wi-fi in UK – not; on video news releases and FCC clarification; blog post republication without attribution will grow; on GM, the […]
The thirst for knowledge in Europe
So this time next weekend, I’ll be in Paris for the Les Blogs one-day conference on 25 April organized by Loic Le Meur of Six Apart. That event is a sell out, with 257 participants signed up. It’s interesting to see where people are coming from – Loic has a breakdown which shows that people […]
Blogging and messaging at 36,000 feet
Late last evening, my Skype desktop app dinged, and there was a chat message from Loic Le Meur. Nothing unusual there – except Loic was on a Scandinavian Airlines flight to the US at the time. He’s blogged his experiences from the flight. Not only that, he moblogged a couple of photos, uploaded a little […]
It’s not a blog but the BBC News editor’s site is a good read
I wrote a critical commentary earlier last month about the BBC News website and how its editor, Peter Clifton, had started writing commentaries that "look back at the week in the newsroom – and tackle some of your questions." My commentary focused on what I think the BBC could have done with this new idea […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #25: April 18, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on syndicating your RSS feeds and what a church is doing; Technorati search on your name can turn up unknown aggregated content; on keeping up the good work; more on professional journalists vs bloggers; thanks for the mention and the cool show; considering joining IABC and is MyComm any good?); intranets, […]
Just because you could doesn’t mean you should
Are character blogs – a topic that’s producing lots of discussion at the moment – worthwhile or not? It seems to me that a polarization of strongly-held views is emerging on something that isn’t really worth spending that much time on unless everyone is talking about the same thing. For instance, the link above is […]
GM blog stays on track
Yesterday, General Motors announced its financial results for the first quarter this year, reporting a net loss of $839 million compared to a net profit of $1.2 billion for the same period last year. It’s interesting to see the focus in media reporting about yesterday’s announcement – “GM posts worst results in 13 years”, “GM […]
Volkswagen monitors auto industry trends with blog tool
Techdirt has published a case study on how they have worked with the Electronic Research Lab of car maker Volkswagen to provide them with a customized, private blog of news and analysis concerning a variety of technologies and trends that impact the automotive industry. VW need to stay on top of all kinds of new […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #26: April 21, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on not knowing what to think about blogs; recording on an iPod; on enjoying open source marketing interview; more on character blogs; screencasting and Camtasia; on IBM intranets and good publicity; suggestions for transcribing interviews; syndicating RSS content; from our Australia correspondent); report on the Blognomics conference; don’t dismiss press releases; […]
Talk and images about Blognomics
Yesterday’s Blognomics conference at the RAI conference center in Amsterdam was a terrific event. With about 85 participants, there were so many great people to meet. I commented about it in yesterday’s edition of the Hobson & Holtz Report podcast, so I won’t repeat all that here in a post. If you’d like to listen […]
Telling the business world about blogs
Now it’s getting completely mainstream. Business Week’s cover story in the 2 May edition is all about blogs. You can’t miss this one – just look at that cover! It looks like it’s the main feature story in all Business Week editions, not only the US edition. So wherever you are in the US, Europe, […]
Why every company should blog
I’ve just been reading the drafts of the four interviews that Shel Israel posted in the past few days on The Red Couch, the blog that’s the focal point for developing the book on blogs that Shel and Robert Scoble are writing. Those interviews are with Jonathan Schwartz, COO of Sun Microsystems; Bob Lutz, Vice […]
It’s all happening in France – Part 2
Just about to unplug the PC from the net so I can get going. Off to Paris on the Thalys where I’ll be participating in Les Blogs, the one-day conference about social networks, blogging, nanopublishing and where it’s all heading which takes place at the French Senate on Monday. I’ll be one of 257 participants […]
Hanging out in Paris
What a great day so far. Arrived in Paris mid afternoon, met up with David Tebbutt and off to our hotels. A socializing afternoon and evening in some fabulous company. As the pic shows, that’s me sandwiched in between Halley Suitt and Mary Hodder. Truly a thorn between two roses 😉 This was taken in […]
Les Blogs kicks off
It’s about 10:10 in Paris as I write this from the conference room at the French Senate where Le Blogs is taking place today. Started a little late – lots and lots of people to enter the Senate and all the security, etc – but we’re now well underway. Currently, Joi Ito is presenting about […]
Les Blogs quotes
I’m sitting next to Fredrik Wacka here at Les Blogs. Back row in the room, closest place to a power connection and a wireless access point. I’ve known Fredrik for about six months, but today’s the first time we’ve actually met face to face. That’s the nature of the new trust model – you don’t […]
Les Blogs afternoon
This afternoon at Les Blogs has had many of the characteristics you see in almost any kind of conference. You know, it’s after lunch, after the time you’ve spent meeting new people, seeing people you already know, chatting, etc. So everyone’s just a bit jaded and a little tired. Now it’s nearly 6:30pm and things […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #27: April 25, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on character blogs, recording with an ipod, our mention in the New Scientists article on Skype, FeedDemon, our review of Yahoo 360 and employer monitoring of employee e-mail and online activity); Les Blogs update; Business Week’s cover story, "Blogs Will Change Your Business," communication strategic planning, executive voice in a CEO […]