A Real music battle

Real Networks mounts a big challenge to Apple’s iTunes in an effort to win market share at Apple’s expense, according to a BBC News report yesterday: BBC NEWS | Business | Real in online music price war Then, one post by Steve Rubel on his Micro Persuasion blog reported that Real had set up a […]

Yahoo! launches corporate blog

Yahoo! launched a blog yesterday. The first post is an intro by Jeff Weiner, SVP Yahoo! Search & Marketplace, so it’s kicked off with a solid business/customer focus. And, the blog starts out with commenting and trackbacks enabled. Yahoo! Search blog On his personal blog, Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo! (Finance) has an FAQ about the […]

Practical blog to link PR agencies

There’s lots of discussion going on in many blogs about the uses for blogs in a corporate environment. Guillaume du Gardier, owner of PR Planet in Paris, has taken one further step and published an example of a blog that could be used for linking together a company’s PR agencies. Simple, practical and elegant. A […]

Advertorials by another name

Just a matter of time, I suppose, and it’s happened sooner rather than later. Marketing VOX has a brief news item about a US company called Blogversations who offer to match bloggers with sponsors (advertisers); the bloggers would write about the sponsor’s product or service and get paid for it. Hmm. A natural development in […]

Photo blog to stay in touch

Nice article in PCWorld.com today on the benefits of using a photo blog when you’re on a lengthy holiday as a means of sharing your trip and staying in touch with friends and family. PCWorld.com | Blogging Across America A bit surprising, though, that in discussing blog services the article didn’t mention some of the […]

Olympic blog ban

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has barred athletes, coaches and nearly everyone associated with a team from writing about their experiences for a newspaper or website – blogs included. News report by Network World via Steve Rubel’s Micro Persuasion: Network World | Olympic blog ban So it’s now official. Also see my post on 12 […]

The BloggerCon un-conference

BloggerCon III, a conference about weblogs, takes place on 6 November at Stanford Law School in Palo Alto, California, USA. If you are keenly interested in blogs, and want to join 250 similar-thinking people and take part in discussions that will influence how blogs develop as a communication medium, this would be an excellent event […]

Internet: building better PR relationships

I came across an interesting survey report today on how the internet is changing PR. The survey was conducted by Ireland-based PR practitioner Tom Murphy through his PR Opinions blog. Although the survey was carrried out in February and published in March, I’d not seen it before (I hadn’t evolved into my active-blogging mode at […]

CEO blog list growing

Just ten days after Constantin Basturea started the ‘CEO Blogs List’ wiki, there are now 46 individual blogs listed. That’s impressive growth! The list is now organized by country. Interesting to see more blogs from France currently listed than from the USA. I’m trying to find CEO/business leader blogs from companies in The Netherlands and […]

TypePad down – again

Problems again today with TypePad, which hosts this blog. Unable to log in until about an hour ago (error messages spoke of ‘connections refused by server, may be unavailable’). Worse, the blog itself has been offline as well. Not just my blog: I couldn’t connect to a number of other TypePad-hosted blogs either. Among the […]

Blogs: PR is far from dead

If there’s one thing guaranteed to get lots of attention and comment from other business bloggers, it’s when someone posts an article that challenges accepted views. Roland Tanglao had done just that on his Streamline blog with a provocative post entitled “PR is dead and blogging killed it.” It would be easy to say rubbish! […]

Good review of TypePad

Review in the Chicago Sun Times about TypePad, the service that hosts my blog. If you’re considering using TypePad, or switching to it from another provider, this article will give you a pretty balanced view. […] And honestly, if you haven’t thought of yourself as The Blogging Kind, you should reconsider. As a mechanism for […]

Blogs make firing a public issue

A story that’s been posted on a couple of blogs today concerns an engineer at Friendster who comments on her blog that she was fired yesterday because she blogs. In her post, Troutgirl (Joyce Parks) says “I worked really hard for that company, and I don’t think I have anything to be ashamed of.” Reading […]

Sun to develop enterpise blogging tools

Sun Microsystems plans to include Roller blogging technology as part of its enterprise software, according to an Internetnews.com report today. Roller is server-based weblogging software designed to support multiple simultaneous blog users and visitors. To kick start this, Sun has hired Dave Johnson, the founder of Roller, to “design, develop, and deploy the primary blogging […]