It’s just a matter of time before companies will implement policies or guidelines on blogging by employees. A report in Fortune magazine on 21 September discusses the benefits to companies of employees blogging, citing Sun Microsystems (about 100 employees) and Microsoft (about 1,000 employees) as leaders in this area. The article’s highly positive focus includes a […]
Category: Weblogs
Metroblogging Amsterdam
I discovered a great collection of city blogs the other day – Metblogs (as they’re called) are a hyper-local look at what’s going on in a city with bloggers who live in a city providing their perspective on daily life. Currently, there are metblogs for Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Houston, London, Los Angeles, New Orleans, […]
Pinging Technorati with TypePad
Letting blog tracking services know when your blog is updated is one of the means of helping raise awareness of your blog and letting the world know you have new content. The automatic way of doing this is through pinging (definition). If you’re a TypePad user like me, your blog will automatically ping and […]
Spanish speakers blogging in English
Spanish blogger José Luis Orihuela has posted a long list of bloggers from all over the Spanish-speaking world who blog in English. His initial list is being added to with other names who leave comments to his post. What a great way to open up contact with others without the barriers of language! eCuarderno | […]
Internal communication wiki opens for business
Shel Holtz has started a wiki called “The Employee Communications Manifesto”: Internal communications seems to be performing less than brilliantly at achieving its goals of employee alignment and line of sight. One reason (and this is purely speculation on my part) is the lack of a common knowledge base for anyone starting out in an […]
Carnival of The Capitalists
Evelyn Rodriguez at Crossroads Dispatches is hosting Carnival of The Capitalists, a weekly focus on interesting business-oriented posts on blogs around the blogosphere. Evelyn has gathered a wide-ranging collection of topics with links to each post on the respective blogs so you can visit and contribute to discussions if you feel so inclined. My recent […]
RSS: How to get up to speed quickly
Are you clear on what RSS is and what the benefits are? Even if you are, a handy guide to what RSS is all about could be what you need to find out more on how you can gain better business advantage from RSS to keep fully up to speed with the news and information […]
Blogs catching on for recruiters and job seekers
According to a Wall Street Journal report yesterday, some career experts now predict that blogs could become the next wave in electronic recruiting, following job boards and corporate career sites. In short, blogs could become a new way for recruiters to identify candidates and for job seekers to gain a clearer picture of a company’s […]
Fly biz class on Air France, get a free iPod mini
Air France has a new promotion where they’re giving away free iPod minis to people who fly business class to Europe [from the US] between now and January 15th, but before you get any ideas about picking up your new toy at the airport lounge they won’t actually be sending you your free iPod mini […]
The role of PR in CEO blogging
Should PR stay completely out of the picture when the CEO starts a blog for public consumption? Or should PR be an element in planning how and what the CEO blogs? The answer is: It depends. There seems to be a school of thought that says there should be no role for PR in executive […]
Who says CEOs aren’t blogging?
Reading again through New Frontiers in Employee Communications: Current Practices and Future Trends, a survey report published in August by the Edelman PR agency (see my post today with a summary), I was thinking again about the report finding that nearly 20% of the survey respondents said, “My CEO would never blog.” It would be […]
Edelman CEO starts blogging
Just after posting my commentary on Who says CEOs aren’t blogging?, I see that Richard Edelman, the CEO of Edelman PR, started a blog on 29 September. Here’s his mission statement for the blog: My intention is share trends in communications, the issues, lessons and insights that I gather from managing this firm. […] I […]
Hotel WiFi – and blogs
A report from Engadget on developments with wireless network access in hotels in the US: Check in. Go to your hotel room. Get online. Or, more likely, try to get online. Call the front desk. “No WiFi access, sir. We can get you a phone cable so you can plug into your data port.” Great. […]
Sign up for virtual workshop for bloggers
If you would like to participate in a workshop for bloggers and those who read blogs, and contribute commentary (and essays if you wish), let Shelley Powers at Burningbird know. Shelley’s behind the IT Kitchen which takes place from Monday 25 October until Friday 5 November. It would be especially great to get as many […]
George Soros starts a blog
George Soros, the billionaire investor and philanthopist, started a blog on 30 September. In his introductory post, he says: “I have started this website and this blog to hear from you. I am eager to engage in a critical discussion about this [US presidential] election because the stakes are so high, and I welcome your […]
Blogs as part of job search strategies
A number of media articles and blog posts in recent weeks have been discussing the role blogs can play in the job search process, both from the recruiter’s and seeker’s points of view. Last week, the Wall Street Journal published an article on how blogs are catching on for recruiters and job seekers (see my […]
Spill your secrets at Workdirt
Loosely continuing today’s theme of blogs and careers, here’s a blog that has a lighter (no, darker) side about the workplace: Workdirt. Self description: We’re here to make it all better because our jobs suck either sometimes or always, or when you-know-who is around. We like to break the rules and share dirty little secrets […]
TypePad opens in Belgium and Holland
Congratulations, TypePad (the blog hosting service I use), for starting a Dutch/French-language service for Belgium and a Dutch-language service for The Netherlands. This news reported today by Loïc Le Meur, Exec VP and General Manager Europe, Middle East and Africa of Six Apart (the owner of TypePad), in his blog. TypePad now offers five localized […]
US PR association ignores blogging
If professional associations that represent communicators still don’t get it, it’s hardly surprising that there continue to be so many heads in the sand regarding blogging and other ‘new’ technologies that are of direct relevance to organizational communication. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) – the world’s largest professional organization for PR practitioners, according […]
Apple’s blog-like website
Take a look at the start page of Apple’s updated website. Very blog like with its chronologically-ordered information and XML buttons for subscribing to RSS webfeeds. Apple | Start While it’s not a blog by the accepted definition (no commenting nor trackbacks, for instance), this is a good indicator of how the current differentiators between […]