Enterprise software vendor SCO Group plans to launch a website to chronicle its legal battles relating to Unix and Linux, as part of an effort to counterbalance Groklaw.net which was set up to poke holes in the company’s legal claims, a CNET News report says. The site, to be called Prosco.net and launching on 1 […]
Category: Weblogs
Lots going on in Sweden
One European PR blog I pay attention to is Media Culpa, written by Swedish PR practitioner Hans Kullin. Hans is the PR blogging beacon on what’s going on in Sweden (and, at times, in Norway and other Nordic countries), and judging from his posts in recent weeks, there’s lots going on there. For example: Swedish […]
Blogger pressure forces change at PRSA
In a remarkable about-turn, blogging will now be included as a workshop at the forthcoming conference of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) in New York, which starts on 23 October. B.L. Ochman’s continuing pressure, supported by other bloggers including me, has convinced the PRSA to change its stance and agree to include a […]
New investor relations blog
Last week, PR Opinions’ Tom Murphy asked if there were any investor relations-specific blogs out there. There didn’t appear to be, anywhere. Google and Yahoo searches turned up none at all. But, Tom reports there now is at least one IR blog – The Buttonwood Tree, written by Rick Charles, which started up on 13 […]
Get over fear
What are the barriers to employee blogging? According to Robert Scoble: Fear of being different. Fear of telling your boss your ideas. Fear of speaking up in meetings. Fear of going up to someone you don’t know and introducing yourself. Fear of doing something that might destroy your career. Fear of weblogging. Robert discusses why […]
Policies for employee blogging
More fuel for the discussion on why organizations must have clear policies in place concerning employee blogging, from Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg: If you’re an employee, and you identify yourself as such on your weblog, you better know what the ramifications will be at work. Frustration is always the result of expectation and unless […]
Blogging for dollars
The latest business-focused story about blogging appears in the October issue of CFO Magazine. Although the magazine article covers a lot of the same ground that has already appeared in publications like Business Week and through newswires like Reuters, its readership comprises an excellent business audience for getting the message to about the benefits of […]
Finding influential blogs as easy as 1-2-3
From Steve Rubel – a simple 3-step guide to finding influental blogs that reach your key audiences. Micro Persuasion | Finding Influential Blogs That Reach Your Key Audiences
Blog vs forum: What’s the difference?
One of the comments in response to the first post a few weeks ago by IABC Chair David Kistle on the new IABC Chair’s blog was question #7 asked by IABC member and leader, Jennifer Wah: What’s the difference (other than public access) between this and MemberSpeak [IABC’s member-only discussion forum]? Will one not cannibalize […]
Coming Soon: Blog conference for PR/Marcom professionals – New Communications Forum 2005
If you are considering starting a corporate blog, want to learn how to maximize your current blog, or simply want to learn more about how blogging and other new communications tools such as wikis and RSS newsfeeds are becoming crucial for your communications toolkit, we’ve got a conference for you. There is growing demand for […]
PeopleSoft CEO: We’re not for sale
Dave Duffield, the founder and new CEO of PeopleSoft, issued a memo to employees this week dispelling any rumors that he has returned to broker a deal with Oracle CEO Larry Ellison in one of the more memorable hostile takeover bids in recent history, Internetnews.com reports. “I didn’t come back here to sell to Oracle,” […]
Business blogging: It just makes sense
If you want more hard evidence of how real-world companies are gaining business benefit from blogs, look no further than the experience of Clip-n-Seal. Christopher Carfi, CEO of Cerado, Inc, posted a great interview with Scott Benish, Brand Manager for Clip-n-Seal, on his blog. Just two of the Q&A will make you want to read […]
Illustrating the Law of the Many
Alan Nelson, co-founder of The Command Post political blog, posted an exceptionally good commentary last week with the full text of a speech he made to managing editors of major North American newspapers that subscribe to the Associated Press newswire service. What’s exceptional about Nelson’s post is that, while it focuses on one specific audience […]
The Kitchen starts cooking
Now open for business – The Kitchen: How to Cook a Weblog. The brainwave of Shelley Powers, here’s what it is: The Kitchen: How to Cook a Weblog is a two-week clinic on weblogging and related topics for bloggers and those who read blogs and even those who don’t but still manage to use the […]
Instructors for New Communications Forum 2005
Elizabeth Albrycht and Guillaume du Gardier have just announced the first list of instructors/presenters for the New Communications Forum 2005 conferences in the US and Europe next January and February respectively. Elizabeth’s post | Guillaume’s post
Yes, people do read blogs
Nice rejoinder by Don Temple in The Kitchen to the blinkered media types out there who say nobody reads blogs: Traditional media types criticize blogging by saying that nobody reads most blogs. What do they mean by nobody? Until we’re forced out of blogging by the need to increase readership for better ad revenue, it […]
Blogs at the heart of truth-telling networks
Once again Evelyn Rodriguez writes pretty thought-provoking commentary with a post yesterday on the topic of blogs as truth-telling networks. She quotes a key passage from Hardball: Are You Playing to Play or Playing to Win by George Stalk and Rob Lachenauer: …Employess, operating out of self-interest, often shade the truth when they pass information […]
One more tool in your marketing toolbox
Charlene Li at industry analysts Forrester Research has some sound advice from Bill Flitter, VP of Marketing at Pheedo, on successful blog best practice: Focus on your core interest area to establish yourself as an expert. Create at least 15-20 meaningful posts BEFORE you open your blog to the public. When people visit for the […]
Don’t forget the reality checks
Like most communicators who blog, I’m a strong advocate for encouraging, persuading, prodding and cajoling my fellow communicators into introducing blogs in their organizations as part of their communication planning. This isn’t a blind, because-it’s-there thing – although, depending on the organization, elements of that approach can be a very good idea in applying a […]
Delta employee firing highlights need for blogging policies
The story of Delta Airlines employee and blogger Ellen Simonetti, who’s been fired, is now a global story following a report today on BBC News. First reported on the blogosphere earlier this month by, among others, Steve Rubel, the story concerns a post on Ellen’s blog Queen of the Sky which included a photo of […]