A welcome contribution to a clear code of practice for bloggers comes from Charlene Li at Forrester Research. As part of a report into corporate blogging that Charlene prepared, and which Forrester published last week, come 13 suggestions for a blogger ‘code of ethics’ (I prefer the expression ‘code of practice’): I will tell the […]
Category: Weblogs
Gaining an education
Looks like copywriter Bob Bly has come around to the view that perhaps blogs aren’t a complete waste of time after all: B.L. Ochman | Bob Bly Would Like Some Marketing Blog ROI Info Related NevOn posts: Developing a conversation with Bob Bly The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it
Pitching to bloggers means building relationships
In my previous post, I wrote about BlogSquirrel about which I received a press release on Wednesday. This was the third press release I’ve had in as many weeks from companies pitching their services to business bloggers. While I don’t mind getting unsolicited press releases like this (well, I say that when the volume is […]
Disappointing IABC blog
Two fellow IABC members and bloggers, Shel Holtz and Allan Jenkins, have commented about the lengthy gap between posts by IABC Chair David Kistle on the IABC Chair blog launched last month. It is so – David’s last post was on 24 October, nearly three weeks ago. Since the blog launched on 7 October, there […]
Firefox is gaining, according to my blog
Lots of commentary around about how Internet Explorer continues to lose market share against Firefox. The numbers, though, have seemed to me to be rather minuscule. For instance, earlier this month, an Internetnews.com article said that IE usage has declined by 2.62% whereas usage of Netscape/Mozilla browsers (including Firefox) went up by 2.48%. Big deal, […]
Another employee relations issue goes public after blog post
First, Friendster. Then, Delta Airlines. Now, Electronic Arts. These are three high-profile examples in as many months of matters concerning employee/employer relationships that would likely never have seen the public light of day if it were not for blogs. The latest case, with Electronic Arts, has already expanded into a legal issue with the company […]
Blogger.com now in 10 languages
Google has launched 9 internationalized language versions of its Blogger free blog hosting service, according to an Infoworld report. Key Blogger sections, such as its sign-in and account pages, are now available in Japanese, traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Korean, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Brazilian Portuguese, in addition to English, making 10 languages in total. […]
More than meets the eye in Delta employee blogger case
An interesting angle on the story of the Delta Airlines employee blogger fired for posting photos of herself in uniform on her personal blog was reported in yesterday’s New York Times. The NY Times piece discusses the background to the case and the pending lawsuit the employee, Ellen Simonetti, has now filed against her employer […]
More advice on corporate blogging
Yet more advice for communicators to pay attention to, from Michael Gartenberg at Jupiter Research: Blogs are rapidly becoming a mainstream technology, but there’s lot at stake when an individual or business begins blogging to the outside world. Some organizations have a culture that allows for blogging to take place with minimal disruption, and blogging […]
Google advocates corporate blogs
Since implementing an internal blog about 18 months ago, Google has seen tremendous benefits from it and may in the future consider providing tools and expertise for this purpose to interested clients, according to a report in InfoWorld. Google deployed an internal blog for its employees shortly after acquiring the blogging service Blogger in early […]
Weblog Awards contest begins
The 2004 Weblog Awards contest is open for accepting nominations. Lots of categories, so something for just about everyone. For full details about the awards, the categories and the nomination procedures, see the nominations master post on the blog. I’m nominated in the Best European (Non-UK) Blog category. Ok, so I nominated my own blog – […]
The influence of hits and stats
This blog passed a milestone during Sunday – more than 20,000 hits since I started it on TypePad towards the end of July, according to my TypePad statistics page. Here are the stats from Sunday afternoon: Am I pleased? Well, yes, in a sort of quiet-satisfaction way. What non-commercial blog author wouldn’t be after his […]
Just say no, bloggers
Oh dear. Quite a bit of talk this past week about the notion put forward by some people in the US to form a committee on blogging ethics. There’d be a domain registered (blogethics.org) and the committee would work on keeping the blogosphere honest so helping prevent evil marketers spin their deceitful ways. Just hang […]
The copywriter who may now get it
Copywriter and direct marketer Bob Bly, who was vilified by many bloggers earlier this month for his claim that blogs are a complete waste of time, has now started his own blog. As a result of Bly’s claim, some interesting conversations developed on a number of blogs, including mine, in which Bly did participate – […]
How to get the real facts about business blogging
Is this a coincidence? Research company MindBranch, based in the US, has on its website a report produced by Janus Risk Management called Web Logs: Blog Threat Management. A few weeks ago, an Irish research company called Research and Markets published a report on blogging in the enterprise, also entitled Web Logs: Blog Threat Management […]
IABC blog disappointment continues
Today’s the 30th anniversary of the IABC Chair blog. Clarification – the 30th consecutive day since anything was posted to the blog. Fellow IABC members and bloggers Shel Holtz and Allan Jenkins have some comments about this today, and some good suggestions on what IABC can do to get back on track with the blog. […]
The sweat shop computer games industry
If you followed the story of ea_spouse, the wife of the Electronic Arts employee who wrote in her personal blog a from-the-heart tale about working conditions and practices at the game developer and the effects on her husband and family, a report in the New York Times throws some more light on what it’s like […]
A perfect visualization
Here’s a great contribution to the growing amount of information out there on the broad topic of why an organization should blog: Imagine a room with tens of thousands of your customers talking about your company and your products. That’s one way to think about the blogging community (the blogosphere). The choice for companies is […]
Ukraine blogs
[BBC News image] Headline news items on nearly every TV station and online media site is what’s happening in Ukraine. For instance, this latest report from BBC News. And this from the Kyiv Post. There are increasing numbers of blogs being written by people inside Ukraine and elsewhere, with comments and views that reflect the […]
Sound advice for pitching bloggers
While Google searching relating to a communication project I’m working on, I came across an interesting article on the PRSA website about pitching bloggers. Nothing to do with what I was searching for, but it made me stop and read it. Consider these key points from the article: The most important thing a publicist can […]