Spreading the word in Europe

As we head into the last quarter of 2005, it’s great to see so many worthwhile professional development events taking place during the next few months which either are wholly about social media from the business perspective or prominently include this broad topic as a constituent part of a conference or seminar.

I invest quite a bit of time in helping spread the word about the value of new media communication channels in organizational communication by getting involved with a range of conferences, seminars and other speaking engagements. So I’m very pleased to be actively involved in presenting and speaking at the following events during the coming months:

There are a handful of other events at which I’ll be speaking which are in the planning-finalization stages. I’ll be posting about those – and more details about the events mentioned in this post – soon.

if you’re in the communication business and want to find out how new media tools like blogs, podcasts, RSS and wikis can help you achieve your business communication goals, participating in European events such as these will be worth your while.

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