The UK’s Association of Online Publishers (AOP) is forming a working group to help members address trends in web content, such as blogging and peer-to-peer networks, reports dotJournalism. AOP is an industry body formed in 2002 to present a unified voice to industry and government, representing about 130 online publishers in the UK. Its board […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
No CEO blogging: Good analysis or ignorance?
I commented last week on an employee communication survey by the Edelman PR agency entitled New Frontiers in Employee Communications: Current Practices and Future Trends (see post: Room for changes in internal communication). Among the findings in the survey report was this – nearly 20% of the survey respondents said, “My CEO would never blog.” […]
New knowledge portal for communicators launched launched this week as the first global knowledge-sharing portal aimed at improving organizational and human communication. The site is being built and supported by global communication leaders, associations, schools and businesses linked to the common goals of elevating the profession and sharing best practices that can make all forms of communication more effective. The […]
Do terrorists blog?
From a BBC News report yesterday: The capture of alleged al-Qaeda computer expert Mohamed Naem Noor Khan by the Pakistani authorities in July brought with it an unprecedented haul of high-tech intelligence. Speaking in London last month, America’s homeland security chief Tom Ridge said the volume of potential information was “the largest we’ve ever seen […]
Six Apart gets more VC funding
The future is looking rosy for Six Apart, the company behind the TypePad blog hosting service (the one I use) and the Movable Type blog publishing platform. Business 2.0 journalist Om Malik published an exclusive announcement on his blog yesterday stating that Six Apart is about to secure more venture funding in their series B […]
Flexible corporate ethics and diminished trust
In an article on 5 October, eWeek analyzes whether PeopleSoft would consider a takeover by Oracle at the right price and raises questions about PeopleSoft ex-CEO Craig Conway’s integrity. Consider this comment from the article: The [PeopleSoft] board decided to fire CEO Craig Conway because it was dismayed by his display of “situational ethics” when […]
Google: No to browser, Yes to more search
Detailed report in today’s Financial Times about Google. On whether Google is going to launch its own browser: Speaking at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, [John Doerr, one of Google’s non-executive directors] denied recent speculation that Google was planning to launch its own internet browser, to compete with Microsoft’s dominant Internet Explorer. On […]
Business 2.0 experiments
Business 2.0 has placed the complete content of its October issue online, for free access. The magazine says this open access is an experiment as they try out a new technology. So, don’t assume the magazine will be freely online after October. I assume their tech experiment is to do with a new online delivery […]
Check your .org from your .com
Oops! Easy to mix up domain suffixes (.com, etc) in a web address and get the wrong one. Precisely what US VP Dick Cheney did in a televised debate with his Democratic challenger, John Edwards. BBC News reports that, when answering accusations by Mr Edwards, Mr Cheney told viewers to visit But rather than […]
Scoble’s message to Bill Gates
In the funnel: what the market needs and wants -> employee -> leader. Grass roots communication in a very bright spotlight. Outstanding, Robert. Make it so, Microsoft. Robert Scoble | My message in a bottle to Bill Gates
PRSA and IABC: Exercise leadership
Earlier this week, I posted commentary about the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) ignoring blogging. My post referenced commentary from the Business Blog Consulting blog which said that, in the forthcoming PRSA conference that takes place later this month, blogging doesn’t get a mention anywhere. What’s been happening since I posted my commentary is […]
UK political parties struggle with trust
With so much media coverage about the forthcoming US presidential elections, literally everywhere in the world, just about any other political news tends to get a bit overlooked. For instance, other than in UK media, I’ve seen little wide coverage about what’s going on in the UK as things move along in preparation for a […]
The world of cultured messages
Just been reading a thought-provoking post by Evelyn Rodriguez on her Crossroads Dispatches blog. Core concept: The compartmentalization of business and “the rest of life” is breaking down. How we treat acquaintenances, family, friends, and colleagues can’t be night-and-day different from how we’d treat prospective or current customers. Yes, this seems entirely obvious. But the […]
BBC World radio broadcasts about blogs
Robert Scoble comments about a radio broadcast on the BBC World Service yesterday about blogging which features him and his blog. The broadcast, by Dow Jones journalist Jeremy Wagstaff, gives an overview of what blogs are, how they’ve grown in the past few years and why companies should get involved with them. He uses Scoble […]
IABC leader blog to launch
Following my post on Friday re PRSA and IABC, I discovered late on Saturday that a blog by 2004-2005 IABC Chairman, David Kistle, ABC, is imminent as this screenshot indicates. That answers the prime call: To start with, I’d like to see the leaders of the PRSA and IABC with a blog. I want to […]
RSS: Three ways it can make your web life better
Excellent ‘easy as 1-2-3’ concise guide to getting more out of RSS, written for CNET Reviews by Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome: Get a more up-to-date search engine: New search engines such as Feedster scrape results from RSS feeds, giving you up-to-the-minute results. There’s no easier way to keep an eye on the indexing of your […]
Corporate blogging helps companies open up
A well-articulated article that discusses the pros and cons of corporate blogging, written by Trevor Cook for the Australian Financial Review Boss magazine: Corporate blogging is being heralded as the next big thing on the communications horizon, valued mostly for its potential to bring personality and authenticity to a bleak landscape of dull newsletters, breathless […]
Get Firefox, but you still need Internet Explorer
I switched to Firefox a few months ago. Since then, I’ve not had a single case of browser hijacking that seemed to happen all the time with Internet Explorer. Every time I ran Ad-Aware (and I do that once a week), it would inevitably find a registry key, helper object or some such that had […]
Fake blogs, true buzz
The Chicago Tribune reported this weekend on how phony messages and hoax campaigns on the internet have gained acceptance as a marketing promotional tool with a goal of drawing attention to new product offerings. The paper quotes the example of a video-game tester named Beta-7. When he began suffering from blackouts and uncontrollable fits of […]
How to use PowerPoint with skill and communicate better
Using a PowerPoint presentation effectively is one of the things many business people just don’t do well. How many presentations have you sat through where the presenter shows slides with 20 bullet points in 8-point type – and then proceeds to read each one out loud? Or slides with animated graphics, builds and transitions all […]