Posts by neville:

Cool RSS web stickies

Playing with an interesting little web app – Webnote. Here’s what it is: Webnote is a tool for taking notes on your computer. It allows you to quickly write something down during a meeting, class, or any other time that you have a web browser available. You start by creating a workspace and creating notes […]

Google Desktop looks a winner

Since the new Google Desktop search tool was announced last week (see post), I’ve been using it exclusively when I need to search for a particular file or email on my PC. No question – this beats Windows XP’s search function hands down, as I mentioned in my post last week. It’s pretty intuitive and […]

The joys of hard disk failure

This morning, the hard drive on my primary laptop PC failed. Not a sudden failure, more a gradual grinding down over a period of time. The signals had been there since last week, now I think about it. Peculiar noises from the computer (a heavily-customized Toshiba Satellite 5105-S701), hard disk activity when there really shouldn’t […]

Get over fear

What are the barriers to employee blogging? According to Robert Scoble: Fear of being different. Fear of telling your boss your ideas. Fear of speaking up in meetings. Fear of going up to someone you don’t know and introducing yourself. Fear of doing something that might destroy your career. Fear of weblogging. Robert discusses why […]

Blogging for dollars

The latest business-focused story about blogging appears in the October issue of CFO Magazine. Although the magazine article covers a lot of the same ground that has already appeared in publications like Business Week and through newswires like Reuters, its readership comprises an excellent business audience for getting the message to about the benefits of […]

Creative Commons elevator pitch

Using a Creative Commons license to provide some protection of your rights to the intellectual capital that makes up the content of your blog is a sensible thing to do. I’ve done that on my blog (license at the bottom of the right-hand column). The trouble is, understanding the different Creative Commons licenses and what […]

Transatlantic gravy trains

The race between George W. Bush and John Kerry is set to become the most expensive US presidential election in history at $1.2 billion, a report on campaign spending said on Thursday, the Financial Times reported. Taken together, the presidential and congressional elections will cost $3.9 billion, up 30 per cent from the $3 billion […]

Branson on business and branding

Virgin boss Richard Branson on business and branding as told to Fast Company: Branson on business – Profits are a by-product. “The bottom line has never been a reason for doing anything. It’s much more the satisfaction of creating things that you’re proud of and making a difference.” When you screw up, fess up. “The […]