Playing with an interesting little web app – Webnote. Here’s what it is: Webnote is a tool for taking notes on your computer. It allows you to quickly write something down during a meeting, class, or any other time that you have a web browser available. You start by creating a workspace and creating notes […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
Blogger pressure forces change at PRSA
In a remarkable about-turn, blogging will now be included as a workshop at the forthcoming conference of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) in New York, which starts on 23 October. B.L. Ochman’s continuing pressure, supported by other bloggers including me, has convinced the PRSA to change its stance and agree to include a […]
New investor relations blog
Last week, PR Opinions’ Tom Murphy asked if there were any investor relations-specific blogs out there. There didn’t appear to be, anywhere. Google and Yahoo searches turned up none at all. But, Tom reports there now is at least one IR blog – The Buttonwood Tree, written by Rick Charles, which started up on 13 […]
Google Desktop looks a winner
Since the new Google Desktop search tool was announced last week (see post), I’ve been using it exclusively when I need to search for a particular file or email on my PC. No question – this beats Windows XP’s search function hands down, as I mentioned in my post last week. It’s pretty intuitive and […]
Ads start arriving in RSS feeds
It was just a matter of time – RSS webfeeds are now starting to carry advertising. I’ve noticed in the past couple of weeks that some of the feeds I subscribe to contain advertising messages, so far with the message header prefixed with the word ‘AD.’ Engadget now includes an ad message at the end […]
SEC in high gear on technology push
The Wall Street Journal reports on how the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is rapidly implementing plans to deploy new technologies as part of its quest to modernize and make more effective the filing and information services it offers as well as fulfill its regulatory mandate. Post-Enron and WorldCom and armed with new technology, […]
The joys of hard disk failure
This morning, the hard drive on my primary laptop PC failed. Not a sudden failure, more a gradual grinding down over a period of time. The signals had been there since last week, now I think about it. Peculiar noises from the computer (a heavily-customized Toshiba Satellite 5105-S701), hard disk activity when there really shouldn’t […]
Get over fear
What are the barriers to employee blogging? According to Robert Scoble: Fear of being different. Fear of telling your boss your ideas. Fear of speaking up in meetings. Fear of going up to someone you don’t know and introducing yourself. Fear of doing something that might destroy your career. Fear of weblogging. Robert discusses why […]
Business Week aggregated RSS webfeed
Nice work by Constantin Basturea! He’s created a group in Blogdigger that aggregates the seven RSS webfeeds offered by Business Week Online. Now, you can get them all in one go rather than have to subscribe individually at the Business Week website. Business Week Headlines aggregated RSS webfeed
Policies for employee blogging
More fuel for the discussion on why organizations must have clear policies in place concerning employee blogging, from Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg: If you’re an employee, and you identify yourself as such on your weblog, you better know what the ramifications will be at work. Frustration is always the result of expectation and unless […]
The Google factor for investors
Tomorrow, Google reports its first quarterly financial results as a public company. In a report today, the Wall Street Journal says there’s little agreement on what those results will be. Financial analysts’ estimates for Google’s third-quarter earnings, excluding several expenses, range from 22 cents to 61 cents a share, according to Thomson First Call, the […]
Blogging for dollars
The latest business-focused story about blogging appears in the October issue of CFO Magazine. Although the magazine article covers a lot of the same ground that has already appeared in publications like Business Week and through newswires like Reuters, its readership comprises an excellent business audience for getting the message to about the benefits of […]
Finding influential blogs as easy as 1-2-3
From Steve Rubel – a simple 3-step guide to finding influental blogs that reach your key audiences. Micro Persuasion | Finding Influential Blogs That Reach Your Key Audiences
Blog vs forum: What’s the difference?
One of the comments in response to the first post a few weeks ago by IABC Chair David Kistle on the new IABC Chair’s blog was question #7 asked by IABC member and leader, Jennifer Wah: What’s the difference (other than public access) between this and MemberSpeak [IABC’s member-only discussion forum]? Will one not cannibalize […]
Coming Soon: Blog conference for PR/Marcom professionals – New Communications Forum 2005
If you are considering starting a corporate blog, want to learn how to maximize your current blog, or simply want to learn more about how blogging and other new communications tools such as wikis and RSS newsfeeds are becoming crucial for your communications toolkit, we’ve got a conference for you. There is growing demand for […]
Creative Commons elevator pitch
Using a Creative Commons license to provide some protection of your rights to the intellectual capital that makes up the content of your blog is a sensible thing to do. I’ve done that on my blog (license at the bottom of the right-hand column). The trouble is, understanding the different Creative Commons licenses and what […]
Transatlantic gravy trains
The race between George W. Bush and John Kerry is set to become the most expensive US presidential election in history at $1.2 billion, a report on campaign spending said on Thursday, the Financial Times reported. Taken together, the presidential and congressional elections will cost $3.9 billion, up 30 per cent from the $3 billion […]
Everything you wanted to know about RSS
Excellent collection of easy-to-understand, non-technical descriptions of RSS, Atom, what you can do with RSS, how to find RSS feeds – you name it, it’s covered here. Fagan Finder | All About RSS (Via Online Business Networks)
PeopleSoft CEO: We’re not for sale
Dave Duffield, the founder and new CEO of PeopleSoft, issued a memo to employees this week dispelling any rumors that he has returned to broker a deal with Oracle CEO Larry Ellison in one of the more memorable hostile takeover bids in recent history, reports. “I didn’t come back here to sell to Oracle,” […]
Branson on business and branding
Virgin boss Richard Branson on business and branding as told to Fast Company: Branson on business – Profits are a by-product. “The bottom line has never been a reason for doing anything. It’s much more the satisfaction of creating things that you’re proud of and making a difference.” When you screw up, fess up. “The […]