Posts by neville:

Two cool things re Gmail

Since starting with Gmail, I’ve found two very cool things: 1. Gmail address/signature graphic generator. I’ve noticed a little graphic on a number of blogs that shows an email address, all done in a nice way with the Gmail logo. I want one of those, too! So I found this great site that generates your […]

Making Windows how you want it

So I was reading a post by Jeff Sandquist, linked from Scoble, about the forthcoming Konfabulator for Windows, a port of the rather neat Mac OS X app that lets you run widgets on your desktop (details about Konfabulator here). Of course, Mac users have had access to such cool tools for ages. But so […]

Illustrating the Law of the Many

Alan Nelson, co-founder of The Command Post political blog, posted an exceptionally good commentary last week with the full text of a speech he made to managing editors of major North American newspapers that subscribe to the Associated Press newswire service. What’s exceptional about Nelson’s post is that, while it focuses on one specific audience […]

The Kitchen starts cooking

Now open for business – The Kitchen: How to Cook a Weblog. The brainwave of Shelley Powers, here’s what it is: The Kitchen: How to Cook a Weblog is a two-week clinic on weblogging and related topics for bloggers and those who read blogs and even those who don’t but still manage to use the […]

Yes, people do read blogs

Nice rejoinder by Don Temple in The Kitchen to the blinkered media types out there who say nobody reads blogs: Traditional media types criticize blogging by saying that nobody reads most blogs. What do they mean by nobody? Until we’re forced out of blogging by the need to increase readership for better ad revenue, it […]

One more tool in your marketing toolbox

Charlene Li at industry analysts Forrester Research has some sound advice from Bill Flitter, VP of Marketing at Pheedo, on successful blog best practice: Focus on your core interest area to establish yourself as an expert. Create at least 15-20 meaningful posts BEFORE you open your blog to the public. When people visit for the […]

Green light for Oracle

The European Commission has given Oracle an unconditional green light to go ahead with its takeover of Peoplesoft, BBC News reports. The move clears one of the last hurdles for Oracle in the $7.7 billion hostile acquisition attempt of its competitor in the enterprise software market. Earlier this month, regulators in the US had reached […]

Imaginative HR at Genencor

Great story in Fast Company on a biotech company in the US which nurtures its people with imaginative benefits, keeping them happy, loyal and productive. Genencor International‘s headquarters in Palo Alto, California, are the physical manifestation of what happens when you effectively transform employees into designers of their own work environment. The 1,260-employee, $380 million […]

Get your bookmarks into Firefox

If you have a bookmark/favorites collection in the excellent online social bookmarks manager, and you use the Firefox browser, here’s a very neat Firefox extension that enables you to integrate your collection into your Firefox bookmarks. Dietrich Ayala| Foxylicious – Firefox and bookmark integration Thanks to Robin Good for the news. Additional […]

Don’t forget the reality checks

Like most communicators who blog, I’m a strong advocate for encouraging, persuading, prodding and cajoling my fellow communicators into introducing blogs in their organizations as part of their communication planning. This isn’t a blind, because-it’s-there thing – although, depending on the organization, elements of that approach can be a very good idea in applying a […]

Seeking the next challenge

Well, it’s official. I’m openly on the job search market. I’ve now completed my exit from my employer, Scala Business Solutions, a Tier 2 enterprise software vendor headquartered in Amsterdam. For the past five years, I’ve been VP Corporate Communication here. Five challenging and great years. Scala was acquired in June by Epicor Software Corporation […]

Microsoft executive emails: Great blog candidates

For some time, I’ve subscribed to Microsoft executive emails, the ones that periodically come out under either Bill Gates’ or, more usually, Steve Ballmer’s name. These emails address topical technology-in-business issues, and discuss how they relate to Microsoft’s products and services, obviously with a clear and strong Microsoft view. While some people cynically view these […]

Damn small Linux

Forget putting just Firefox on your USB flash drive when you can put the whole operating system on it. If you use Linux, you can do this. Your Linux Information Source | Linux on your USB key (Via Neowin)

New RSS reader targets bloggers

There’s a new RSS reader on the market – Blog Navigator. Folllowing beta testing for the past few months, Stardock – about whom I’ve posted on their Windows customization apps – released version 1.0 yesterday. From the press release: Blog Navigator is a program designed to make it easy for users who enjoy reading blogs […]