Posts by neville:

TypePad makes it even easier

If you run a blog hosted by TypePad, you’ll be pleased to know that a number of major upgrades to the service were announced yesterday: True WYSIWYG rich text editing interface so you can see common text formatting options like bold, italic, underline and strikethrough, as you edit. You still have the choice to use […]

IAOC hosts online PR blogging event

Constantin Basturea reports that the recently-formed International Association of Online Communicators (IAOC) has started a blog. What’s more, starting on Monday 8 November, IAOC will be facilitating an online blogging event throughout the coming week – the Thrilla’ in Mozilla blog fest – that will feature a different contributor each day: A-list US marketing and […]

BloggerCon III takes place today

BloggerCon III gets underway today in California. The focus of BloggerCon is weblogs in journalism, education, science, business and politics. BloggerCon is an unusual conference. There are no formal speakers, panels or an audience, but discussions and sessions, and each session has a discussion leader. It’s an un-conference and there is no cost to participate. […]

Bloggers blogging BloggerCon

In the coming days, no doubt we’ll be seeing lots of commentary, discussion and analysis on many blogs about BloggerCon III which took place in the US on 6 November (see my post). To help find blogs commenting about the event, try this Technorati link: See these reports by O’Reilly Network correspondent John Adams, […]

Those voting machines… again

So maybe my little joke on Friday about the Florida electronic voting machines needs thinking about again. From the Wall Street Journal: COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – 5 November 2004 – An error with an electronic voting system gave President George W. Bush 3,893 extra votes in suburban Columbus, elections officials said. Franklin County’s unofficial results […]

Konfabulator comes to Windows

More tools for customizing your Windows with the launch today of Konfabulator for Windows, a port of the rather neat Mac OS X app that lets you run widgets on your desktop. Konfabulator for Windows download page. 8Mb installation file. Free to try, $25 to buy. Good article in eWeek about Konfabulator’s history. eWeek | […]

Protect your bananas

Hold the front page! Here’s crucial news about how to protect your bananas: Are you fed up with taking bananas to work or school only to find them bruised and squashed? Our unique, patented device allows for the safe transport and storage of individual bananas letting you enjoy perfect bananas anytime, anywhere […] The Banana […]

Communicators’ views on BloggerCon

Good commentaries about BloggerCon III from Australian PR practitioner Trevor Cook who was there, with some focused thinking on what it all means from the business, PR and general communication perspectives. (What’s BloggerCon?) Blogging, journalism and public relations Bloggercon: the vendor problem Blogging and money The Bloggercon ‘politics’ session Some Bloggercon reflections – the podcasting […]

Firefox arrives

It’s here – release 1.0 of Firefox is now available for download. Mozilla will be holding a launch extravaganza today from 22:00 GMT, running through until 03:00 GMT tomorrow morning: We will be hosting AIR MOZILLA live from the Mozilla Foundation HQ, a 5 hour web event, including a live webcast and text chat. The […]

Engadget interviews Skype

Engadget has a lengthy interview with Skype co-founder and CEO Niklas Zennström about the future of voice communication, using Skype through wi-fi handhelds, and the coming death of the telecom dinosaurs. (A reminder of what Skype is – free software that lets you make free phone calls from your computer to other Skype users anywhere […]

Codes and policies to blog by

A welcome contribution to a clear code of practice for bloggers comes from Charlene Li at Forrester Research. As part of a report into corporate blogging that Charlene prepared, and which Forrester published last week, come 13 suggestions for a blogger ‘code of ethics’ (I prefer the expression ‘code of practice’): I will tell the […]

Today’s rich miscellany

Business, communication and technology news snipped from my RSS feeds today: Microsoft to Launch Fresh Challenge to Google, Yahoo (Wall Street Journal) – Microsoft Corp. tomorrow will start its long-awaited Internet search service, adding fresh competition to Google Inc. Firefox and Beyond: Mozilla President Browses the Future (eWeek) – As Mozilla launches Firefox for the […]

Using Gmail with Outlook

Coming soon – the ability to access your Gmail account via desktop applications like Outlook. The Industry Standard reports that Google will roll out POP3 support gradually over the coming weeks to Gmail users, who will be able to use the feature to download email from Gmail servers to email applications on PCs and wireless […]