Just a matter of time, I suppose, and it’s happened sooner rather than later. Marketing VOX has a brief news item about a US company called Blogversations who offer to match bloggers with sponsors (advertisers); the bloggers would write about the sponsor’s product or service and get paid for it. Hmm. A natural development in […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
Photo blog to stay in touch
Nice article in PCWorld.com today on the benefits of using a photo blog when you’re on a lengthy holiday as a means of sharing your trip and staying in touch with friends and family. PCWorld.com | Blogging Across America A bit surprising, though, that in discussing blog services the article didn’t mention some of the […]
Googling the market
The IPO is done, investors have made some immediate gains and the dust is settling. As Internetnews.com reports, Google must grow bigger, smarter and stronger or face being overtaken by powerful rivals such as Yahoo! and MSN, and compete not only on its stock price but also on its core technology and its marketing. Internetnews.com […]
Olympic blog ban
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has barred athletes, coaches and nearly everyone associated with a team from writing about their experiences for a newspaper or website – blogs included. News report by Network World via Steve Rubel’s Micro Persuasion: Network World | Olympic blog ban So it’s now official. Also see my post on 12 […]
UK travel chaos looming
If you’re planning a trip to or through London during the bank holiday weekend (27-30 August), you might want to dig out Plan B in terms of how you travel. Air travel to/through Heathrow and Gatwick (and other London airports) looks like it could be a nightmare if a strike by British Airways ground staff […]
The BloggerCon un-conference
BloggerCon III, a conference about weblogs, takes place on 6 November at Stanford Law School in Palo Alto, California, USA. If you are keenly interested in blogs, and want to join 250 similar-thinking people and take part in discussions that will influence how blogs develop as a communication medium, this would be an excellent event […]
‘Wordsmith’ Mandelson EU debut
Peter Mandelson, the UK’s new European Commissioner and current whipping boy of the UK’s anti-European factions, put on a star performance in Brussels on Friday during the first meeting of the new commissioners, 25 of them, who will start their new jobs in November. In a great display of political word-smithing, Mandelson said as Trade […]
Global ad industry 4% growth in 2004
Martin Sorrell, CEO of the WPP ad agency group, makes these predictions in a Daily Telegraph report: The 2004 Olympic Games is on target to boost global spending on advertising by about $1.5 billion (€1.2 billion) this year. Growth of 3%-4% for the market this year – helped by the Games, Euro 2004 and the […]
Making Windows XP more secure
Lots of media comment in the past week about how Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP still has holes in it from a security point of view. Most such reports I’ve seen comment on network security issues and further flaws in Internet Explorer security. Microsoft don’t agree with much of the negative comment. I’ve […]
Internet: building better PR relationships
I came across an interesting survey report today on how the internet is changing PR. The survey was conducted by Ireland-based PR practitioner Tom Murphy through his PR Opinions blog. Although the survey was carrried out in February and published in March, I’d not seen it before (I hadn’t evolved into my active-blogging mode at […]
CEO blog list growing
Just ten days after Constantin Basturea started the ‘CEO Blogs List’ wiki, there are now 46 individual blogs listed. That’s impressive growth! The list is now organized by country. Interesting to see more blogs from France currently listed than from the USA. I’m trying to find CEO/business leader blogs from companies in The Netherlands and […]
A site for sore eyes
From Wired News – story about a website that contains over 15,000 banner ads of all types, sizes, animations, etc. Great ideas resource. Wired News| A Site for Banner Ad Freaks
The Scream’s quick getaway
The head of the Oslo gallery where armed robbers snatched Edvard Munch’s The Scream has defended its security. — BBC News report. Right. And he has a sense of humour, too. BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Gallery defends Scream security
ChangeThis adds new manifestos
Ten days after ChangeThis launched (see my post), five new manifestos have been added to the library for viewing and download from today. Two in particular caught my attention: This I Believe! – Tom’s 60 TIBs. Tom Peters is back with more Big Ideas for your job, your company, and your life. The marketing and […]
TypePad down – again
Problems again today with TypePad, which hosts this blog. Unable to log in until about an hour ago (error messages spoke of ‘connections refused by server, may be unavailable’). Worse, the blog itself has been offline as well. Not just my blog: I couldn’t connect to a number of other TypePad-hosted blogs either. Among the […]
FT on business blogs as key influencers
The Financial Times published a piece last weekend on business blogging. Originally published by the Irish Times, the article is the latest big-media reporting on this topic. Overall, the article discusses the importance blogs have gained in their role as influencers of opinion. Excerpts: They were once seen as the preserve of the geek, but […]
Windows XP – SP3?
Neowin reports that a Service Pack 3 (SP3) for Windows XP is in the works: “Microsoft also confirmed that its will still be providing updates for XP after SP2, and that there is a SP3 scheduled, tho no further information is available.” However, there seems to be some lack of agreement in the Neowin discussion […]
The search engine belt buckle
The search engine belt buckle is a PDA which shows 24 hours of all the bizarre and banal things people are looking for on the web. Art project or pointless hack? That’s for you to decide, but all we know is that people are searching for some pretty freaky stuff out there, so why not […]
Blogs: PR is far from dead
If there’s one thing guaranteed to get lots of attention and comment from other business bloggers, it’s when someone posts an article that challenges accepted views. Roland Tanglao had done just that on his Streamline blog with a provocative post entitled “PR is dead and blogging killed it.” It would be easy to say rubbish! […]
JOTW gives a helping hand
Great to see a big public accolade in the Wall Street Journal to Ned Lundquist, a fellow professional business communicator and publisher of the Job of The Week (JOTW) email newsletter for communicators looking for new career opportunities. JOTW is much more than just a job-search newsletter with job listings, though. There’s a real community […]