Oh dear. The Financial Times nearly "did a Forbes" with a feature story on Friday about blogs and business. Using the headline Who’s afraid of the big, bad blog?, writer Kevin Allison starts out saying: […] Weblogs, or blogs, are the periodic rants and raves of millions of hobbyists and armchair pundits, who take advantage […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #83: November 7, 2005
Content summary: How we recorded today’s show; views on Hawaii; listeners’ comments; RSS discussion; The Spinfluencer interviews Alex Ben Block; the ousting of the Financial Times’ editor; US Democrats defeat blogger immunity bill; new survey on employee communication; how market researchers can use blogs; Lee Hopkins’ report; and more. Show notes for November 7, 2005 […]
Bare bones show notes continue, sorry
Regular listeners to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report might be wondering what’s happened with the show lately, what with the lack of detailed show notes and some erratic timing in posting the show MP3 files. Such things are down to me at the moment, sorry to say. With Shel on holiday in […]
PubSub ranks PR bloggers
If you want to find information on the popularity (sometimes equal to influence but not always) of PR bloggers, you already have quite a few choices such as Technorati Blog Finder: PR and Blogpulse Profiles. There’s now another choice – The PR List, part of PubSub’s new Community Lists. Managed by Constantin Basturea, the list […]
CEOs say blogs are useful
CNET News: A growing number of American chief executives rate blogs high as employee communication tools, though a majority of them remain skeptical about starting their own, a new study shows. About 59 percent of CEOs surveyed said they find Web logs, or blogs, useful for internal communications, while 47 percent see them as tools […]
Changes and constants in Budapest
I returned last night from a business trip to Budapest, Hungary, my first visit there since 2003. Reading the Budapest Sun and the Budapest Business Journal during my stay, I was struck as always by the vibrancy and energy of the business climate in this country. While Hungary may not currently have the strongest economy […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #84: November 10, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (getting online when traveling abroad); strife in podcast land; a lawsuit against Apple goes international; don’t play non-podsafe music: the warning from Adam Curry’s recent experience; blaming bloggers for rioting in France; eBay introduces more RSS feeds; Dan York’s Report; search strategies for PR; questions from a Financial Times feature on […]
Move from TypePad to WordPress getting close
My plan to move this blog to WordPress is now close to completion. The big test today worked without problem – importing all the content from this blog into NevOn 2.0, my new WordPress blog. Some 1,300 posts, 1,650 comments and 775 trackbacks since I started this blog in July 2004, all contained in a […]
FIR Speakers & Speeches: November 3, 2005 – CiB & IABC UK Panel Discussion
This panel discussion in London, organized by the British Association of Communicators in Business and the IABC UK Chapter, was titled "Join the Virtual Revolution." The organizers described the event: "Digital media is changing the way we communicate. Just as we’ve got our heads around the internet, email and mobile technology, a new wave of […]
Daily Telegraph starts podcasting
A new mainstream media entrant into podcasting – The Daily Telegraph today launched the first of its new daily podcasts. The UK daily says that its podcast is a single audio download available each day, consisting of three key articles from the day’s paper selected by the editor. I listened to the first one, a […]
Email might still be king but RSS is the heir
BBC News: Tesco is bombarding UK consumers with a massive e-mail marketing campaign. Way ahead of its supermarket rivals, it issued 44 separate e-mail campaigns last month, more than Sainsbury, Asda, Waitrose and Somerfield put together. According to e-mail marketing firm Interactive Prospect Targeting Services, Tesco is blitzing the nation with 16-20 million e-mails per […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #85: November 14, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (Blue Boxes and phone phreaks; the music industry and podsafe music; recommended IT Conversations interview; Daily Telegraph starts podcasting; more on the anti-blog backlash; regulating American political blogs); Wikipedia defends itself; report from the Portable Media Expo; most powerful women bloggers list includes a man; Podcaster News launches; My Syndicaat RSS […]
TypePad customers get an offer that’s hard to refuse
As many TypePad users know, the hosted blog service has been a literal nightmare to use in recent months. I’ve posted my frustrations about it as have many other TypePad users. There’s even one blogger who started a blog (on Blogger) last week on filing a class action lawsuit against Six Apart. No takers yet […]
Hoodwinking the marketers
Thanks to executive blogs and internet video, the dark ages are back, according to an article in The Independent yesterday. In a rant that displays an embarrassing lack of awareness and understanding of the changes in how relationships with customers and others are emerging, Stefano Hatfield uses GM vice chairman Bob Lutz and the GM […]
Les Blogs 2.0 geared up
Just under three weeks to go until Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris – and the event is certainly shaping up into what will likely be the most significant meeting of its type in Europe in 2005. There are some impressive speakers and participants who will be there. If you’re interested in being part of discussions […]
The Frappr nine
Last month, I signed up for Frappr. This is the neat free web service that lets you create a map that connects you with your friends and colleagues wherever they are. Those friends and colleagues can add their photo. If they have a Frappr map, you can link to theirs. The service is rapidly gaining […]
No more email guilt
BBC News: Live8 organiser Bob Geldof has revealed his contempt for e-mails, blaming them for tying up people’s time and stopping genuine action. Mr Geldof told a conference in London that e-mails “give a feeling of action, which is a mistake”. Here’s the best bit: […] He told delegates that what workers achieve each day […]
Blogging with Flock
For the past couple of days, I’ve been playing with Flock, the new web browser. Not so much for its capabilities as a browser – and it is pretty good at that – but more its capability as a blog editing tool. Even though it is still in development (nice warning when you download the […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #86: November 17, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (the FIR comment line; FIR RSS feeds; Shel’s website calendar; group vs. individual blogs; blogs and podcasts as conversation; the appropriateness of blogs as part of integrated marketing programs, Poynter’s E-Media Tidbits blog); Neville’s trip to the University of Sunderland, FIR has a Frappr map, more on Waxmail, Heather Green’s new […]
Murphy’s Law and smartphones
One of the downside elements of being away for a couple of days and not online at all is the time you then have to spend going through email and RSS feeds. It always seems to me that the high volume of stuff is directly proportional to the length of time you’re not online. Definitely […]