If you’re a listener to one of the For Immediate Release podcasts and you’d like to let the readers of your blog or website know about FIR, we have some graphics you can display on your own site. Here’s how: Choose which graphic (below) you’d like and save it to your own computer. Then, upload […]
About: neville
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- Owner of the NevOn Archive.
Posts by neville:
The new PR and the angels of the north
The north-east of England probably wouldn’t be the first place that would spring to mind where you’d expect to find one of the hottest gatherings of communicators eager to learn about the new PR – the place where communication and the new media ecosystem (blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts) intersect and connect. Yet that’s what happened […]
Killing Skypekiller FUD
As a long-time user of the Skype internet phone service, I read with more than passing interest about SkypeKiller, an application that’s designed to remove the Skype software from your computer. Not just uninstall it as you would on a Windows PC with the Add/remove programs applet. No, this eradicates Skype completely, either from a […]
The importance of continuity of personal presence
A good friend of mine in the UK has just left the big manufacturing company he’s been with for over 15 years and is now facing the Herculean task of quickly building and establishing his own identity. Two key starting points – a new email address (he had a personal Hotmail account but everyone knows […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #87: November 21, 2005
Content summary: Show 100 wish; The Sunderland experience; listeners’ comments; new free RSS and wiki tools; angry AOL bloggers push boycotts; blocking bots from stealing content; Google’s new head of communications in Europe and other developments; Eric Schwartzman’s Spinfluencer report; join the FIR community; upcoming interviews and book reviews; and more. Show notes for November […]
Sony’s rootkit woes tip of the reputation iceberg
Mainstream music publisher Sony BMG is getting hammered left, right and center as fall-out continues over Sony’s rootkit debacle. The rootkit in question was a spyware-like application encoded onto certain copy-protected music CDs that Sony sold in the US and which did some “ET phone home” type of activities from your computer without you knowing […]
Extending RSS far beyond just delivery
Two extremely interesting and related pieces of information about RSS have come out in the past 24 hours. First, “How feeds will change the way content is distributed, valued and consumed,” an 8-page PDF report from FeedBurner CEO Dick Costolo. There is quite a bit of technically-focused information in Dick’s report, much of which goes […]
New Feedster 500
Feedster has published an updated list of its Top 500, “a list of 500 of the most interesting and important blogs.” This is the first update since the list debuted in August. This blog was on that list, at number 221, but has disappeared way over the horizon from the new list and doesn’t appear […]
‘Blog Marketing’ is out now
A big package arrived in the post today from McGraw-Hill – a copy of Blog Marketing by Jeremy Wright. I’ve talked to Jeremy quite a bit about his book during his preparation of it, and we discussed the book during the For Immediate Release podcast interview I did with Jeremy in August. So I sort […]
Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 23-Nov-05
Amazon Launches Product Wikis Attention Movable Type Developers Blinx delivers legendary university speeches French Interior Minister reads (and comments on) blogs Google Analytics makes site owners illegal Google Base Goes Live GourmetStation: A Case Study of Damage Control in the Blogosphere IKEA Brand Evangelists Take to the Blogosphere Knowledge Work Needs Social Software Les Blogs […]
FIR Book Review: “Naked Conversations”
In this edition of For Immediate Release book reviews, Neville and Shel discuss "Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers," the new book on blogging and businesses by Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, to be published in January 2006. The Book: "With a foreword by Tom Peters, author of such […]
Winter weather arrives
Sitting in my hotel room in Strasbourg, France, late evening, catching up with email (always a constant task!), I look out of the window to a world of white. Yes, it’s snowing here. I arrived in Strasbourg late this afternoon after a pretty pleasant drive down from Amsterdam. About 700 kilometers and four countries in […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #88: November 24, 2005
Content summary: The Washington Post offers content mashups, IBM lets employees podcast internally, recording with Waxmail, our review of Naked Conversations, Richard Edelman’s post on PR’s readiness for discontinuous change, it’s time for annual predictions, pro- and anti-IKEA websites, Amazon’s new product wikis, character blogs, a report from Dan York, why CEOs don’t blog, listener […]
Snowed under – a literal tale
“Winter weather arrives,” said the headline of my late-evening post on Thursday. The light covering of snow in Strasbourg didn’t really match the optimistic headline, but my journey back to Amsterdam last night certainly did. After a relatively uneventful journey up the A61/E42 autobahn in Germany, the first heavy snow started falling about 20 kilometers […]
Who cares about Windows XP N?
CNET News: A major U.K. retail store and three of the largest PC vendors worldwide still have no plans to sell the version of Microsoft Windows that does not contain its media player, five months after the version was released. Microsoft started offering Windows XP N, a version of Windows without a bundled media player, […]
The evolution of trust as led by Amazon
Daily Telegraph: A record number of Britons, fed up with the crush, bustle and hassle of the high street, will do their Christmas shopping online this month, according to new figures. Internet stores are expected to take at least £5 billion, a rise of 45 per cent on last year. The growth has been fuelled […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #89: November 28, 2005
Content summary: AOL Journals update, a cheat sheet lets customers circumvent your IVR system, an ex-Googler starts a blog, replacing press releases with blogs, the future of newspapers, Steve Rubel’s high-level discussion on TheNewPR, an open-source marketing example, listener comments, and more. Show notes for November 28, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson […]
Giving time and finding time
I’m currently in the UK, in London, where today I led a workshop for Melcrum on New Communication Technology: Add Value to Internal Communication with Social Media. This was a full-day workshop which provided a great opportunity to address topics surrounding organizational communication and new media tools in some depth. A terrific group of communicators […]
Social Customer Manifesto wins CRM award
Congratulations to Christopher Carfi – his The Social Customer Manifesto blog has just been awarded the ‘Best CRM Blog 2005’ accolade by the readers of SearchCRM.com. Well deserved, Chris! If you haven’t encountered Chris’ blog before, now’s a good time from the communicator’s point of view – it’s the place where you’ll find the social […]
NevOn joins Corante Network
I am delighted to report that NevOn – this blog – is a participant in the Corante Marketing Hub, part of the new Corante Network that launched today: With the launch and development of the Corante Network, Corante has partnered with scores of the blogosphere’s most respected thinkers and writers in specific categories to bring […]