Posts by neville:

More like Dot Com 2.0

Second Chance Tuesday: The Web is back. Not that it actually went away, but you’d be forgiven for thinking so given the doom and gloom surrounding the industry over the last few years. […] We’re going to party like it’s 1999. Second Chance Tuesday? As The Times succintly explains, this is the next stage […]

Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 09-Feb-06

Apple unveils cut-price iPod nano BBC sees bright future with Orange Blog Buzz on High-Tech Start-Ups Causes Some Static Chinese man ‘jailed due to Yahoo’ Desktop Reloaded – Today we’re very pleased to announce … (Inside Google Desktop) Ebay sees Google, Yahoo, Amazon divergence EU hands Microsoft antitrust setback Google Desktop 3.0: Privacy is Dead(er) […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #110: February 9, 2006

Content summary: Nvidia and its PR agency are accused of unethical viral marketing; follow-up to Google’s removal of BMW from its search; Gallup assesses the importance of blogs to web users; your value decreases the longer you’re unemployed; NPR opens the podcast floodgates; new services from Odeo; a report from Dan York; listeners’ comments discussion […]

The Firefox upgrade and plugins dance

Mozilla released an update to the Firefox browser earlier this month which, the release notes say, provides improved stability, improved support for Mac OS X, fixes for several memory leaks and several security enhancements among other things. Notwithstanding the security fixes, I’m not upgrading to this latest version yet. The reason? If I do, […]

Beta view of what start-ups look like

Click on the image to see the slightly larger (and better in-focus) original on Flickr. And take a look at the comments there to get a sense of who’s missing from this visual list. I love the creator’s response to some comments: “the logo map’s a beta, too.” A number of these logos are of […]

WindowBlinds workaround for Windows Vista

John Peddie’s TechWatch: […] Over 600 million PCs shipped in the last 3 years, and are still in service. These are the ones that are most logical to upgrade with the new Vista operating system. However, because of the low graphics performance of integrated graphics chips found in most of the PCs, they would not […]

Daily Telegraph’s new media expansion

Another indicator of how some mainstream media see podcasting as a big opportunity – The Daily Telegraph is advertising for two Podcast Reporters/Producers: […] We are looking for two individuals who are capable of creating high quality and engaging Podcasts that feature comment and opinion from both internal and external sources. The successful candidates will […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #111: February 13, 2006

Content summary: Low ethics pay-for-placement PR; Luke Armour’s PR paper; RSS software converts content into spam blogs; Eric Schwartzman interviews The New Yorker Magazine’s Ken Auletta; Coca-Cola sends bloggers to Torino; NBC’s The Office character blog; Lee Hopkins report; are there libel concerns with using coComment?; listeners’ comments discussion; preview: potential new FIR intro music; […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #112: February 16, 2006

Content summary: Steve Rubel and Micro Persuasion move to Edelman; approaching communication issues using new media; delivering the new PR in Manchester; has PR figured out podcasting yet?; Technorati and the Magic Middle; Dan York’s report; listeners’ comments discussion; the music; and more. Show notes for February 16, 2006 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The […]

Under the weather

‘Knocked for six’ could be another idiomatic way of describing my state of being this past two days. Since returning from the Manchester conference midweek, I’ve been out of action with a malaise that kept me firmly in bed until today. Burning the candle at both ends is unquestionably the reason. So after two days […]