As the third anniversary of 9/11 approaches, there’s a rash of commentary appearing on various blogs, naturally in the US in particular. This one by Jeff Jarvis is heart-wrenching. If you were in the vicinity of the Twin Towers or watched some of the live TV coverage, you’ll know exactly what Jeff’s talking about. BuzzMachine […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
Music to soothe your dog
The ethos of Dutch cool, from Reuters: AMSTERDAM (Reuters) – Help is at hand for pet owners and their neighbors troubled by barking dogs — soothing recordings of “new age”-style music blended with sounds of nature. “Piano music with twittering birds and murmuring water apparently has a soothing effect on dogs,” said a spokesman for […]
Apple’s mega security gap
I wonder if this will get as much media attention as happens every time a new security gap is known about Windows, leading to hotfixes, updates or patches. Apple has released a security update to fix more than a dozen flaws in the Jaguar and Panther versions of the Macintosh operating system, reports. According […]
Eliminating the obstacles to developing conversations
After the Google IPO last month, there’s been much comment in many media websites on Google’s future now. Lots of critical comment in particular. I’ve been following much of the commentary but not to the extent that I found anything interesting enough to comment about in my blog. Until now. And what I will comment […]
Their perception is your reality
If the single most important thing to any business is its reputation, then Oracle Corporation is in deep trouble. From a report published this week by market research firm Techtel: In 2Q04, opinion of Oracle by US IT professionals reached the lowest level in twelve years. This declining opinion, even against a background of declining […]
Run Firefox from USB drive
A very useful tip on running Firefox from a USB flash drive (or any removeable media, for that matter). I’ve recently had to use some PCs that aren’t my own which had Opera or some other browser, which I don’t like. Following this tip, I can have Firefox on my USB drive and use it […]
Thesaurus to help write good headlines
With so much information to sift through that comes in via RSS webfeeds, email, you name it, it’s getting so that what you have to do is scan stuff and give time only to what grabs your attention. And that means fast scan – quickly running your eye down a list of headlines in your […]
FAQ about blogging, PR and journalism
A link from Steve Rubel got me into a wonderfully tongue-in-cheek description of Everything you wanted to know about blogging but were afraid to ask by Simon World. Tongue in cheek or not, it’s a must-read. Got me thinking about other great ‘guides’ – PR and journalism easily spring to mind. So, courtesy of the […]
9/11 – Thoughts and Prayers
Never forget. September 11, 2001 – Victims
Get wicked at gapingvoid
If you haven’t yet discovered Hugh Mcleod’s gapingvoid blog, you’re missing the most wicked humour there is on the internet. Yes, even better than Dilbert. Hugh creates the most excellent cartoons, many of which you wouldn’t want to let your mother see, but all of which illustrate intelligent insight into what makes things tick these […]
Firefox and Technorati don’t seem to get on
Major gripe. Every time I go to the Technorati website, Firefox 0.9.3 freezes up; I get the hourglass and ‘Not Responding’ in the title bar. Yet if I visit Technorati with Internet Explorer or Maxthon, no problem every time. I commented on this behaviour in a post a few weeks ago. I’ve deleted the cache, […]
How to create and promote your blog
Here’s a well-written and easy-to-follow guide to best practice in creating the content for your blog, and then promoting it. Written by Biz Stone of Blogger, the guide has the usual content you’d expect – setting up your blog, how to focus your post content (think of the audience), publish frequently, etc. The guide also […]
The rising influence and rapid growth of weblogs
In researching background over the weekend for a presentation I’m making at a conference in Amsterdam on 16 September, I discovered two separate but connected sets of information. Both clearly indicate that blogs as a major force of influence are beginning to be felt more strongly, and the growth in numbers of bloggers worldwide has […]
Star Wars trilogy DVD set to beat records
Less than ten days to go until the remastered DVDs of the original Star Wars trilogy hits the stores! It’s out in the UK the day before its release in the US and Canada. As a mega-fan of the epic story (I saw the original in 1977 at the Tottenham Court Road cinema in London) […]
Microsoft exhibition stand needs a caption
During my visit this afternoon to the IBC 2004 exhibition in Amsterdam, I took some photos of various scenes in the exhibition halls. This one of the Microsoft stand (back end of it – click image for larger pic) is just missing a caption: How about – “How long did you say it takes to […]
HP guides to blogging
Two moves by Hewlett-Packard into the blogging area. Well, as least guidance about blogging: HP US just published a guide to blogging for small- and medium-size businesses – Hewlett-Packard US | Small & Medium Business: technology tips | 101 Series: Blogging This is a very concise but quite a good guide to business blogging. And […]
Blogging for love not money
Bloggers at this summer’s US political conventions brought heightened visibility to blogging, but the money, for most bloggers, is still missing, according to an report. eWeek | Pro Bloggers Find Workload High, Return Slim Proof of Rule #12 in Simon World’s Everything you wanted to know about blogging but were afraid to ask.
The EU wins on trust
Latest state of public opinion about the European Union, reported by Straight Banana: 80% of EU citizens support the proposed European constitution (see my post last month for more info about the constitution). On trust and distrust: Regarding the EU, 41% of citizens trust it, 41% distrust it. Regarding national parliaments, 32% trust their national […]
Firefox preview release available
Mozilla has announced the prelease version of the Firefox browser: Greenlane or version 0.10. Firefox | Rediscover the web Perhaps this version may sort out all my little niggles about Firefox (see here and here). Final release version 1.0 is due out in early October.
DW qo’: wa’maH ben chen ‘ach wej Doy’
German broadcaster Deutsche Welle has launched a Klingon-language website. “With its new 31st language, Klingon, DW has expanded its multi-medial offerings beyond our solar system,” the broadcaster says (with a perfectly straight face). The Klingon-language website includes an introduction to Germany – “Germany is a country located in sector 001 of the planet Earth…” – […]