The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #39: June 6, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on starting a podcast; Boeing’s blogging guidelines; full-time vs. part-time blogging; broken headsets; PR advice for the US government); keeping political commentary away; what’s next for Europe?; Lee’s 4 learnings; finding out who listens; podcasting growth and Apple’s lead; new books on podcasting; guest co-presenter for the next show; some of […]

Schwarzenegger podcasts

Podcasting knows no boundaries as a communication channel. It was just a matter of time before high-profile and internationaly-known politicians embraced this medium. Via Steve Rubel comes news that Arnold Schwarzenegger, Hollywood actor and current Governor of California, is now offering his weekly radio addresses as podcasts: Podcasting is the latest in on-the-go, on-demand technology […]

The days are numbered for ‘gatekeeper’ journalism

Journalism is the rightful guardian of disclosure of news and information, and what should be disclosed and what shouldn’t, and has a duty and a right to maintain that position. That’s my interpretation of a very interesting discussion point in John Humphreys’ opening address at the Communication Directors Forum conference on Wednesday evening. The conference […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report: Podcast #40 – June 9, 2005

Content summary: Introducing our co-host, Sam Whitmore; Listeners’ comments (on a new iPod-focused wiki and the work involved in creating audio comments); consequences of the isolation of print publications from their online staffs; Neville’s introductory comments from London, including a discussion about an airline survey; the hard-dollar return from online sales and its potential to […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #41: June 13, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on the linear nature of podcasts, RBLs, organizing thoughts about podcasts); guidelines for employee blogging; the Communication Directors Forum; communication measurement; what if the novelty of blogging wears off?; blogging and engagement; sans-serif or serif fonts?; rebuilding trust; blogs for tourism; the Ragan Corporate Communicators Conference; IABC International Conference; Global PR […]

Corporate responsibility reporting enters the mainstream

International accounting firm KPMG has published the results of its latest survey on corporate responsibility reporting. The survey report shows continuing support for corporate responsibility and open communication by the leaders of many of the world’s most successful and biggest companies: Corporate responsibility (CR) reporting in industrialized countries has clearly entered the mainstream, with Japan […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #42: June 16, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on the ROI of intranet blogging, on vidcasting and file storage, Firefox tabs, organizing podcast thoughts, PRs who don’t focus on what’s happening online); sans-serif or serif fonts?; what if the novelty of blogging wears off?; is a corporate blog an oxymoron? Business Week integrates online and print; PR gaffes #2 […]

FIR Interview: Josh Hallett, Hyku – June 17, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Neville enjoyed a 40-minute conversation with Josh Hallett, CEO of Hyku LLC. Topics and themes discussed include: consulting on blogs and other new-media channels; how blogs are being used in Florida, eg, in education, local government; mainstream media and blogs; working with PR and marketing firms; […]

Wireless internet on board ship

First, it’s wireless internet on your plane journey. Now, it’s coming to the sea. From an InfoWorld report on more deals for Boeing’s Conexion service: […] The deal with Teekay Shipping [press release] marks Boeing’s first success in the maritime sector. Teekay will install the broadband Internet service on 50 of its ships. The maritime service […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #43: June 20, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on Bluetooth headsets; +1 isn’t just the US; how could it be bad for a CEO to blog internally?; on Wonkette; on fonts and fads; all the laptops were in Copenhagen; webinars about blogging produce good results; no politics in show #38; what about the LA Times wiki?); the LA Times […]

Blogs: No substitute for personal communication and trust in the workplace

PR Week published a pretty good piece about policies and guidelines for employee blogging last week. The article includes much of the type of counsel and advice on why companies should have polices or guidelines that you’d expect to see now, given previous media reporting on this topic as well as the widely-reported examples of […]

Interview: Angela Sinickas and Tudor Williams – June 22, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 49-minute conversation with Angela Sinickas, ABC and Tudor Williams, ABC, two of the leading internal communications measurement authorities in the business. About our conversation partners: A pioneer in the field of organizational communication measurement, Angela Sinickas has been measuring the effectiveness of communications […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #44: June 23, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on CEOs blogging internally; lower case is the way to go; KetchumIdeas; more on RSS; polls on blogs; getting the right URL; more on Ketchum; introducing The Spinfluencer); audio report on the power of gossip; better ways for doing podcast show notes; read your email out loud; more on Ketchum; Scandinavian […]