Constantin Basturea reports that the recently-formed International Association of Online Communicators (IAOC) has started a blog. What’s more, starting on Monday 8 November, IAOC will be facilitating an online blogging event throughout the coming week – the Thrilla’ in Mozilla blog fest – that will feature a different contributor each day: A-list US marketing and […]
Category: Communication
Communicators’ views on BloggerCon
Good commentaries about BloggerCon III from Australian PR practitioner Trevor Cook who was there, with some focused thinking on what it all means from the business, PR and general communication perspectives. (What’s BloggerCon?) Blogging, journalism and public relations Bloggercon: the vendor problem Blogging and money The Bloggercon ‘politics’ session Some Bloggercon reflections – the podcasting […]
Developing a conversation with Bob Bly
Last week, copywriter Bob Bly became the target for highly critical comment all over the blogosphere following an article he wrote in DM News that said blogging is a complete waste of time. As other bloggers did I posted commentary about Bly’s article, under the title The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it. […]
New Communications Forum 2005 launches website and blog
Planning for New Communications Forum 2005 is rapidly moving ahead with the launch yesterday of the new website and blog. The concept of PR bloggers Elizabeth Albrycht and Guillaume du Gardier, the New Communications Forum 2005 will provide you with an in-depth, hands-on exploration of the future of communications with two events taking place: in […]
Today’s rich miscellany
Business, communication and technology news snipped from my RSS feeds today: Microsoft to Launch Fresh Challenge to Google, Yahoo (Wall Street Journal) – Microsoft Corp. tomorrow will start its long-awaited Internet search service, adding fresh competition to Google Inc. Firefox and Beyond: Mozilla President Browses the Future (eWeek) – As Mozilla launches Firefox for the […]
Kinja for handy digests
I discovered Kinja today. It’s been around a while, since early this year, but I’d not seen it before. What a neat service! In essence, it’s a portal that contains digests of posts from blogs that you’re interested in. Once you’ve opened your free account, you set it up with the URLs of blogs you […]
Gaining an education
Looks like copywriter Bob Bly has come around to the view that perhaps blogs aren’t a complete waste of time after all: B.L. Ochman | Bob Bly Would Like Some Marketing Blog ROI Info Related NevOn posts: Developing a conversation with Bob Bly The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it
Blog monitoring: Pay or DIY options
I received a press release on Wednesday announcing BlogSquirrel, "a new service that enables businesses to monitor efficiently the contents of over 100,000 blogs," it says. While I admire the way in which CyberAlert, the provider, has spotted an apparent market gap and developed a service that lets you search, monitor and clip blog content […]
Pitching to bloggers means building relationships
In my previous post, I wrote about BlogSquirrel about which I received a press release on Wednesday. This was the third press release I’ve had in as many weeks from companies pitching their services to business bloggers. While I don’t mind getting unsolicited press releases like this (well, I say that when the volume is […]
Disappointing IABC blog
Two fellow IABC members and bloggers, Shel Holtz and Allan Jenkins, have commented about the lengthy gap between posts by IABC Chair David Kistle on the IABC Chair blog launched last month. It is so – David’s last post was on 24 October, nearly three weeks ago. Since the blog launched on 7 October, there […]
Podcast your voice brand
Music and sound can be an integral part of a business’s brand, say Fast Company and Strategize. Many leaders listen to music to inspire creativity and innovation. And it’s been found that corporate voicemail welcome messages can make an impact on your business and bottom line. The Top 100 Voice Brands project collects recordings of […]
Instant messaging crossovers
A survey by the META Group published in late October shows that 57 percent of respondents use instant messaging (IM) at work for personal reasons, while 56 percent of those surveyed use IM at home for business purposes, reports eWeek. According to the survey, US companies that have tried to restrict messaging have taken a […]
Another employee relations issue goes public after blog post
First, Friendster. Then, Delta Airlines. Now, Electronic Arts. These are three high-profile examples in as many months of matters concerning employee/employer relationships that would likely never have seen the public light of day if it were not for blogs. The latest case, with Electronic Arts, has already expanded into a legal issue with the company […]
SOX compliance today – and it’s not cheap
Today is the day that Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act comes into effect. Section 404 says that publicly-listed companies in the US must have in place an adequate internal control structure and procedures for financial reporting, and holds corporate management accountable for inadequate controls. To ensure compliance with Section 404, enterprises must have data […]
More than meets the eye in Delta employee blogger case
An interesting angle on the story of the Delta Airlines employee blogger fired for posting photos of herself in uniform on her personal blog was reported in yesterday’s New York Times. The NY Times piece discusses the background to the case and the pending lawsuit the employee, Ellen Simonetti, has now filed against her employer […]
More advice on corporate blogging
Yet more advice for communicators to pay attention to, from Michael Gartenberg at Jupiter Research: Blogs are rapidly becoming a mainstream technology, but there’s lot at stake when an individual or business begins blogging to the outside world. Some organizations have a culture that allows for blogging to take place with minimal disruption, and blogging […]
The problem with marketing
Is marketing as a function or profession in crisis? According to a UK survey carried out by The Marketing Society and McKinsey, it is. The Financial Times reports on the survey and on the negative views of marketing held in many boardrooms: Not everyone will care if marketing is in trouble. However, since successful marketing […]
Helping Firefox spread the word
If you’re a committed Firefox user and want to help spread the word more than just by including a graphic on your blog, here’s how you can. Things you can do include: Translate flyers Help translate the Mozilla Europe pages (see also Mozilla Europe’s wiki) Help translate applications from the Mozilla Foundation (this isn’t usually […]
Europeans give mixed marks for corporate reputation
The best-known firms in Germany, the United Kingdom and France are largely homegrown, reflecting Europe’s still-fragmented local markets, according to a survey published last week in the Wall Street Journal. The comprehensive survey of corporate reputations among companies in the European Union’s three largest countries – carried out by The Reputation Institute and Harris Interactive […]
The influence of hits and stats
This blog passed a milestone during Sunday – more than 20,000 hits since I started it on TypePad towards the end of July, according to my TypePad statistics page. Here are the stats from Sunday afternoon: Am I pleased? Well, yes, in a sort of quiet-satisfaction way. What non-commercial blog author wouldn’t be after his […]