Engadget interviews Skype

Engadget has a lengthy interview with Skype co-founder and CEO Niklas Zennström about the future of voice communication, using Skype through wi-fi handhelds, and the coming death of the telecom dinosaurs. (A reminder of what Skype is – free software that lets you make free phone calls from your computer to other Skype users anywhere […]

Skype to introduce voicemail

Skype, the company behind the flourishing internet telephony network, has begun to experiment with a voicemail service, hoping to introduce new paid offerings to capitalize on its success, eWeek reports. The company confirmed on Tuesday that it was testing voicemail, which a spokeswoman said was scheduled to be rolled out in the first half of […]

Shel’s offline but still doing business

Having a RAID hard disk setup on your server would usually be good insurance in case of some kind of system failure, hardware or otherwise, where if one drive goes down the other one has a mirror of everything. Unfortunately, not in Shel Holtz’ case last night. Shel has experienced the worse-case situation where both […]

PDAs will become irrelevant

InternetWeek: PDAs are moving toward irrelevance, a new study by In-Stat released this week says. […] The devices are entering a stage of serious decline. In-Stat reported that PDA shipments in 2004 were only 8.7 million, compared to 10 million in 2003. The study predicted a negative annual growth rate of 21.5 percent through 2009. […]

More Skype and more MSN

Internet phone service provider Skype has released a new update to version 1.2 of its desktop application for Windows. The new version offers enhanced user benefits including a centralized contacts list (meaning you can access your list of contacts from any computer you use to connect to Skype, not just the one you usually use), […]

So much innovation

> A British startup wants to give more consumers more chances to hear about what’s in the paper. Otodio bills itself as the “universal, eyes-free document delivery standard.” Just as companies like Audible.com enable radio listeners to hear audio versions of best sellers and any number of other books in their car, Otodio plans to […]