BBC News: Newspapers are far from dead, despite the challenge from online news and blogs, media executives have been told. […] The challenge now for established newspaper groups is not just to respond to changes in the consumption of electronic media, but to start profiting from the new ways that audiences access their media. I’ve […]
Category: Online Media
EPIC update 2015
Is this a vision of the very near future? Brazil, 1984, Blade Runner and The Matrix all rolled up into one? Or perhaps an Elliott Carver-esque future but without the mainstream media (or James Bond)? Whatever you might think of how we all will publish and consume news and information in the coming years, and […]
MSM: ‘Bloggers are here to stay’
I wrote a post the other day that said that mainstream media knows more than you think about blogging and other new-media communication channels. I’ve just read a very good column from last Sunday in The Observer (the online paper, not the blog) by John Naughton, a mainstream media man who clearly does. In his […]
New podcast on tech media
Sam Whitmore, of Sam Whitmore’s Media Survey and occasional guest co-host of For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, has just launched Tech Media This Week, a weekly podcast: Each Friday we’ll spend between eight and 12 minutes discussing what went down in tech media during the previous seven days. TMTW also will feature […]
Talking about podcasting on BBC Radio 4
A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed by BBC News senior reporter Jonty Bloom for The World Tonight, a news and current affairs radio programme broadcast every weekday evening on BBC Radio 4 in the UK. Jonty came over to Amsterdam and we talked about podcasting. The interview was included in the programme which […]
BBC blogs the G8
Newsnight, the BBC’s flagship news and current affairs TV programme in the UK, will be blogging the G8 summit in Scotland on 6-8 July. Actually, that’s not strictly true. Although Newsnig8t (that word really needs to be in colour so you can better spot the "g8" in there) clearly is a BBC-approved blog, it’s run […]
Accountants can blog, too
Blogs present many business benefits to accountants, according to The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). In the June issue of the Journal of Accountancy Online, AICPA’s journal, a feature entitled Would You, Could you, Should You Blog? gives a good overview of blogs and their business potential. Most of the reasoning in the […]
UK focus on blogs from PR Week
PR Week UK published a feature on blogs in this week’s edition of the PR industry’s magazine, out today. It’s the first real focus on the medium in the UK from a PR perspective. Entitled Blogs cast a shadow, the feature should be a big help in raising awareness of blogs as a business communication […]
Email has its disclosure risks, too
Financial Times: Versatel, the Dutch telecoms company, on Thursday denied it was the source of an e-mail announcing that it may be bought by Deutsche Telekom, triggering legal and regulatory probes into the document’s origin. Dutch media received the e-mail, purportedly from Versatel and Talpa, an investment company that is its biggest shareholder [and the […]
Through the side window with RSS
A story from the Associated Press has some great sound bites from mainstream media and others about RSS. All the quotes are from US media but the points they’re making would be valid anywhere today: Jim Brady, executive editor of The Washington Post‘s website: "When we all started this 10 years ago, we wanted to […]
Changing the 2015 history lesson
If you read US journalist Bob Cauthorn’s lengthy post on Corante’s Rebuilding Media, you might get a strong impression that blogs and mainstream media are a mixture that should never, ever, come together. Ne’er the twain shall meet, in fact: […] Memo to mainstream media: You don’t get to blog. You have a publishing apparatus. […]
They shall be heard!
Big news in Canada during the past few weeks has been a major labour dispute at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) which has seen programming disrupted as CBC has locked out many of the journalists and presenters from the workplace. So what’s this about? Not much on the CBC website to clearly explain it. As […]
The latest ideas in broadcasting, online media and content
The IBC 2005 conference and exhibition opens in Amsterdam today and runs until Tuesday 13 September. This annual event, organized by the International Broadcasting Convention, takes place at the RAI conference center. The conference is divided into theme days covering Delivery to the Consumer, High Definition Television, Mobile Applications, Content Production and Protection and D-Cinema. […]
Influential Dutch marketing blog in partnering deal
Ilse Media, a Dutch publisher and blog portal, has taken a 25 percent stake in, one of the most influential marketing and business blogs in The Netherlands. Ilse Media’s strong interest is in “the knowledge power of a community of interactive marketeers,” Marketingfacts pioneer Marco Derksen told me (I’ve known Marco for much of […]
Reuters is podcasting the news
First it was RSS feeds, now it’s podcasting – Reuters joins the mainstream media podcasting fray: Get the latest on world news, politics, business, entertainment and more. Click Listen to hear the stories now or select Podcast to transfer them to your MP3 player. Each podcast contains the ten most recent news stories in that […]
Blogging the Frankfurt Motor Show
The Frankfurt Motor Show takes place this week, and a group of bloggers is there courtesy of German car maker BMW. PR blogger Björn Ognibeni writes: I am traveling to Frankfurt [on 16 September] visiting the 61st International Motor Show (IAA). BMW was so kind to invite a bunch of bloggers, including me, to the […]
Free access to PR Week online
Hot on the heels of PR Week’s making available RSS feeds of much of the content of their US and UK editions, the publisher of the weekly PR industry journal is now offering free access to the complete content of PR Week US and PR Week UK online editions until the end of October. A […]
eWeek podcasting
Another mainstream medium starts podcasting – eWeek: eWEEK, the Enterprise Newsweekly, brings you a weekly roundup of the top stories from its latest issue. Hosted by Executive Editor Stan Gibson, the eWEEK Podcast also includes reports from eWEEK editors, a product review from eWEEK Labs, commentary from columnists including Technology Editor Peter Coffee, and the […]
Compelling Memeorandum
For the past few weeks, I’ve been reading tech news from a new (to me) website – Memeorandum. I’m not wholly sure what it is about Memeorandum – whether it’s the content or the buzz, or both – but I find it a totally compelling resource. It’s the place (RSS feed) I now check first […]
Working out a fair deal for iPod TV
BBC News: Unions representing Hollywood actors, writers and directors have called for talks over the use of TV shows on Apple’s new video iPod. The unions want to ensure their members get a cut of the revenue generated by the sale of TV shows on Apple software. A new (and clearly disruptive) technological advance enables […]