Europe’s first conference on podcasting takes place in London tomorrow, and it looks clear that it will be a terrific event. So far, 128 people have signed up and paid their ₤30 to participate in PodcastCon UK. The sign-up wiki shows a further 35 people who still might be there once they’ve paid the small […]
Category: Podcasting
PodcastCon UK well underway
The afternoon session at PodcastCon UK has just got underway, with a live recording of the Richard Vobes Radio Show. An opportunity to get online (for the first time since leaving Amsterdam yesterday morning) on the conference hotel’s wifi connection to pick up email and RSS and do this quick post. PodcastCon UK is a […]
A bright future for UK podcasting
A tremendous success – that’s my judgment of PodcastCon UK which took place in London on Saturday. Europe’s first conference on podcasting saw 120 or so people gathered together to present, talk, mix and get to know each other in an atmosphere of keen excitement. A massive tip of the hat to the four organizers […]
The broadband siren call
We all want fast always-on internet, right? Not a measly 8-megs-fast (that’s what I get here in The Netherlands), something blisteringly fast: Give me speed that terrifies the old and exhilarates the young. Let me download life with wild abandon. Make it ludicrously affordable, that I may infuriate my friends (but make it easy for […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #69: September 19, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (sound improvements;; podcasting in higher education, and in business schools with RSS and Blackberries; lighting the blogging flame; podcasts at different bit rates); Global PR Blog Week 2.0; review of PodcastCon UK; Sun warns employee bloggers about confidentiality; Phil Gomes starts a podcast; Business Week’s podcasting efforts; viral marketing […]
Reuters is podcasting the news
First it was RSS feeds, now it’s podcasting – Reuters joins the mainstream media podcasting fray: Get the latest on world news, politics, business, entertainment and more. Click Listen to hear the stories now or select Podcast to transfer them to your MP3 player. Each podcast contains the ten most recent news stories in that […]
iTunes 5.0.1 released but woes continue
Apple released iTunes 5.0 earlier this month, which generated quite a number of complaints from users such as this one by Michael Hyatt. I installed version 5 for Windows and have not experienced any problems with it nor with syncing music and podcasts to my iPod Mini. Nevertheless, clearly there were issues with version 5, […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #70: September 22, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (more on five-assed monkeys; training employees on blogging; teaser samples for podcast subscriptions; bad e-book websites; podcasting in education; software that blocks Skype; a communication challenge update); Dan York’s report; Global PR Blog Week 2.0 update; b5media blog network; is the CEO’s finger really on the pulse at Microsoft?; copyright […]
GM’s Bob Lutz: The disruptive communicator
He was the first General Motors executive blogger when the GM Fastlane Blog launched last January. Now he’s the first GM executive podcaster on FastLane Radio, GM’s podcast series launched in February. GM vice chairman Bob Lutz stars in a Q&A discussion with Bill O’Neill, GM’s executive director of communications. During much of the 20-minute […]
BMW podcasts from Frankfurt Motor Show
On Wednesday, I wrote about BMW inviting some bloggers to the Frankfurt Motor Show. Today news that BMW is podcasting from the show in English and German. The introductory podcast says BMW will be presenting a series of podcasts during the show which runs until 25 September. So far, I’ve received nearly a dozen separate […]
Care charity offers self-help podcasts
This looks like a first – the St John Ambulance first aid, transport and care charity in the UK has produced iFIRSTAID, a series of first aid audio files that offer tips and advice on the steps you should take if you come across an accident scene and need to provide first aid to anyone. […]
FIR Interview: Charles Pizzo, Katrina evacuee – September 25, 2005
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel and Neville spoke with Charles Pizzo, a 20-year veteran of communications, a top-ranked speaker and writer and a former Chairman of the Board of IABC and its Research Foundation. A native of New Orleans, Charles evacuated from that city following Hurricane Katrina and the total […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #71: September 26, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (building engagement; figuring out b5media; the problem with Google Print; good and bad batteries; ID3 tags; finding the needle in the haystack); soundvertising with Senseo; sound quality challenges with podcast interviewing by phone; podcasting: tech challenges and communication opportunities; new business podcasts; tagging; Lee Hopkins report; end of the road […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #72: September 29, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments, an update on the iPod nano, Wikimedia’s open-source textbook project, more on soundvertising, Neville’s cheese sandwich, a great quote for making the employee blogging case, Whirlpool starts a podcast, a business podcasting white paper, Neville’s new mixer. Show notes for September 29, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #73: October 3, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion; changes to podcast show notes; PR waking up to social media; Nielsen survey on RSS subscribers; Wikipedia article posted on Wikipedia; book publishers using podcasts; blog spam forces a blog to close; Lee Hopkins report; Yahoo! to start digitizing books; US GAO publishes Ketchumgate findings; podcasting at The Conference Board. […]
Podcasting the Conference Board conference
My FIR co-presenter, Shel Holtz, recorded a series of podcasts at the Conference Board’s 2005 Corporate Communication and Technology Conference in New York on 26 September. Those podcasts are still not showing on the conference web page – but, last night, seven podcasts showed up in the podcast RSS feed in my RSS reader. So […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #74: October 6, 2005
Content summary: Edelman/Technorati survey results, AOL’s instant messenger hits the blogosphere, a threat to Microsoft Office, Apple’s upcoming announcement, a new communications podcast, the Conference Board podcasts, a report from Dan York, a cautionary tale of comment spam and fake blogs, listener comments, and way, way more. Show notes for October 6, 2005 Welcome to […]
Yahoo launches podcast directory
Yahoo has launched a podcasting site, a place that’s not only a directory of podcasts but also a great resource of rich information on podcasting generally, and a one-stop-shop for your podcasts and music purchasing. Yahoo Podcasts includes detailed information that explains what podcasts are and an excellent how-to guide on creating your own podcast, […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #75: October 10, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (employee engagement; bad PR gimmick with a fake blog; how to stimulate blog comments); Cillit Bang PR debacle update; helping victims of the Pakistan earthquake; US court ruling on not identifying an anonymous blogger; Yahoo! Podcasts launches; Google’s RSS reader; CBC employee lockout follow-up; Lee Hopkins’ report; the new FIR […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #76: October 12, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments, Emerce Eday in Amsterdam, RSS use study, Microsoft’s proposed RSS logos, Skype cordless handset, Microsoft and Yahoo link IM clients, Google Library project update, The Spinfluencer interviews Ron Bloom, reactive vs. proactive communication, Apple launches video iPod, the anonymous Publix employee blogger, and more. Show notes for October 12, 2005 Welcome […]