Skype on multiple platforms

Internet telephony service provider Skype released a new public beta yesterday of its software for Mac OS X. Skype software is now available on the major platforms – Windows, Pocket PC, Linux (beta) and Macintosh. Skype | Download Skype In my experience, Skype really is an excellent communication tool as I’ve commented previously. Worth getting, […]

Windows Media Player 10: Very nice!

Just installed Windows Media Player 10, released by Microsoft today. For Windows XP only. First impressions: Easy install, very easy to set up (takes already-configured options from Media Player 9, if you had that installed), fresh and updated look, seems to load faster than MP 9. The presentation of various features is very different to […]

Sun to develop enterpise blogging tools

Sun Microsystems plans to include Roller blogging technology as part of its enterprise software, according to an report today. Roller is server-based weblogging software designed to support multiple simultaneous blog users and visitors. To kick start this, Sun has hired Dave Johnson, the founder of Roller, to “design, develop, and deploy the primary blogging […]

Skype is hard to resist

Great article in today’s New York Times about Skype, the internet telephone service. I’ve written a few posts about Skype (latest) as I think it’s an excellent service from my experience so far. The New York Times | Techno Files: In Internet Calling, Skype Is Living Up to the Hype (free registration required). If you […]

blinkx: A new way to search

Interesting desktop application – blinkx. It links together information from files on your own computer, and can suggest content from news sites, the internet, video and blogs. The developers say it’s not designed to replace current search engines like Google or Yahoo, but is a completely new way to use information on and from the […]

Apple’s mega security gap

I wonder if this will get as much media attention as happens every time a new security gap is known about Windows, leading to hotfixes, updates or patches. Apple has released a security update to fix more than a dozen flaws in the Jaguar and Panther versions of the Macintosh operating system, reports. According […]

Firefox passes 1m downloads

From Spread Firefox: In just under 100 hours, we have smashed through our one million download campaign – with 6 days still to go! This is the fastest adoption rate we have ever experienced, higher than every previous Firefox release. This refers to one million copies of Firefox 1.0 Preview Release downloaded between its release […]

Windows XP SP2 CD is everywhere

On a visit to my neighbourhood news store this morning, I noticed that the rack with all the computer magazines is chock full of mags sporting a cover-mounted Windows XP SP2 upgrade CD. What’s interesting about this is that these magazines aren’t just from The Netherlands – in addition, there are mags from Germany, France, […]

BlogJet and Ecto reviewed

For the past ten days, I’ve been using BlogJet and ecto to create some of my posts. Both these applications are offline blog editing tools which let you manage your post content wholly offline, creating your content on your own computer and then publishing that content to your blog. I’m going to focus my comments […]

Outlook and Hotmail to get a separation

A report on says that Microsoft is un-enabling access to Hotmail from within Outlook and Outlook Express: Citing concerns about spammers abusing the service, Microsoft on Monday will announce that it is dropping a feature from its Hotmail service that currently allows non-paying customers to access their email from Outlook and Outlook Express. The […]

Ecto does support thumbnails

In my review of BlogJet and ecto that I posted this morning, I said that ecto does not support the creation and posting of thumbnail images to a TypePad blog. Well, that isn’t correct as ecto developer Alex Hung commented. Indeed, when I checked the options in ecto for Windows version that I’m now […]