Skype to introduce voicemail

Skype, the company behind the flourishing internet telephony network, has begun to experiment with a voicemail service, hoping to introduce new paid offerings to capitalize on its success, eWeek reports. The company confirmed on Tuesday that it was testing voicemail, which a spokeswoman said was scheduled to be rolled out in the first half of […]

Corporate governance fuels boom for enterprise software vendors

Business Week reports on the success of enterprise software vendors and their ‘corporate governance programs’ to fix internal accounting problems, which have become hot sellers in a booming new market: […] It’s a growth business in a mature industry: Market researcher Gartner expects spending on corporate-governance software to hit $6.9 billion in ’06, more than […]

New BlogJet version released

BlogJet is a very good offline editing application for your blog. I’ve been using it for some months (I reviewed it in comparison with ecto for Windows, which I also use, in September). Yesterday, version 1.5 was released (download link). I’ve just downloaded and installed it, and I’m writing and will publish this post with […]

New Skype for Windows released

Skype has launched version 1.1 of its internet phone application for Windows: Skype launches v1.1 for Windows and introduces the new Chat feature, allowing Skype users to hold multi-person or forum-style conversations with groups of people. Chat expands the existing one-to-one chatting and other instant message features in previous versions of Skype, and allows groups […]

Always present with passion

In taking a quiet break from working on the PowerPoint presentation I’ll be using in my workshop at the New Communications Forum 2005 next week, I was reading the Financial Times online when I came to an article by FT columnist Jonathan Guthrie yesterday entitled Don’t be seduced by PowerPoint (paid subscription-only access). Guthrie says: […]

How to use iPodder

This is very neat – a simple audio-visual guide on how to use iPodder, a program that enables you to manage your podcasts and, optionally, synchronize them with your iPod or other digital player if you have one. Lisa Williams has put together an entertaining 4-minute video that explains how. I followed the video and […]