Microsoft seeks input on Longhorn development

In a post yesterday on the Longhorn developer blog, Microsoft asks for customer input on some networking features Microsoft is considering including in Longhorn, the next generation of the Windows operating system: […] The Microsoft network product team is investigating ways of resolving peer-to-peer connectivity problems in Longhorn, and we would like to get customer […]

Do people hate Oracle?

In an analysis in The Register, Philip Howard of Bloor Research discusses the database market and how vendors like IBM, Computer Associates and Microsoft are targeting Oracle and seeing weaknesses in the latter’s marketing (among other things). He says: […] Is it because [competitors] (and others) see weaknesses in Oracle? I don’t see how Oracle […]

Quite a number Over 180 million computer users have downloaded Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Microsoft said […] that it is working to make life more secure for those using non-XP systems. Microsoft released SP2 in August last year. Quite a number of people (and businesses) didn’t upgrade automatically via Windows Update amid concerns primarily […]

Flaky Gmail servers

I’ve been seeing this more frequently in recent days: This is a Gmail error message which pops up from your system tray in Windows when the Gmail notifier – a very useful tool – can’t connect to the Gmail server, with the little icon in the system tray showing an exclamation mark. I realized just […]

Konfabulator 2 rocks

This says it all about the folks behind the latest version of Konfabulator, an application that lets you run a wide range of programs called widgets on your desktop. (Tech explanation: it’s a JavaScript runtime application that runs little mini-programs, ie, the widgets, on the Mac and Windows operating systems. Also see this explanation in […]

vSkype rocket

Launched in beta just three days ago, the vSkype video conferencing plug-in for the Skype internet phone sevice has certainly grabbed the attention of an awful lot of people. From an email conversation last night with Stuart Jacobson, vSkype CEO: […] You might be interested to know that we have had ~50,000 downloads in 36 […]

The continuous alarm bell for telcos

BBC News interviewed Niklas Zennstrom, the CEO of Skype, on Friday. The wide-ranging interview includes commentary on Zennstrom’s early venture with Kazaa and discusses Skype and its impact on traditional telephone services. The most interesting part of the interview: […] He believes Skype will take away revenue from phone calls, which is the bulk of […]

NewsGator Online adds support for podcasts

One immediate user benefit from last month’s acquisition of FeedDemon by Newsgator is that a new version (beta) of FeedDemon’s FeedStation podcatcher was released yesterday which supports NewsGator Online and, soon, NewsGator Outlook Edition: […] FeedDemon has had cool podcasting support since v1.5, with a helper application called FeedStation. FeedStation did the work of downloading […]