About a month ago, I joined LinkedIn, the latest service to hit the web to offer a way of networking together people who know each other. Unlike those networks which offer a social-only structure – almost a kind of online speed dating system – LinkedIn is geared to business networking. Recently, I seem to be […]
Category: Web/Tech
Keeping your anonymity online
While many online newspaper readers are used to the idea of registering to read free content online, some news buffs are supporting and creating sites that help them beat the system with fake or shared login information that helps keep their personal information under wraps. Increasingly, web publishers, and in particular newspaper sites, are demanding […]
Google IPO site online
Google began taking bids on Friday for the public auction process it will use to sell as much as $3.3 billion worth of shares for its planned public offering in mid-August. Google IPO site online / CNET News.com Google IPO prospectus
‘Wiki’ may alter how employees work together
“What’s a wiki?” is a question I’ve had a few times in the past few weeks from some colleagues who are just beginning to pay closer attention to blogs, etc. This article in the Wall Street Journal last week answers that question pretty well (better than I did) and has a good focus on what […]
Porn blogs ahead of the curve
When I had my blog on BlogSpot, one thing I noticed each time I posted an article and checked in the listing of updated blogs (yep, I used to do that after every post!) was the amazing numbers of blogs with names like ‘sexy Zeta-Jones pics’ or ‘Britney’s secret honeymoon blog’ and similar. Just loads […]
Blog Wars Episode 1
A report this morning from Reuters says that Microsoft is launching a blogging service in Japan on a trial basis, and aims to have one million users in the first year. That sets things up for a major clash with blog services leaders like Blogger who offers free blog hosting. Blogger is owned by Google, […]
Firefox gets better, but…
With the latest version 0.9.3 of Firefox, released today, it looks like Mozilla is on the way to winning the contest of best browser. I’ve been using Firefox exclusively during today, and I’m really impressed with the improvements since the previous version I had, 0.9.1. Things like better bookmark management; much easier to import favorites, […]
Skype meets its promise
If you haven’t yet tried Skype, you really ought to, wherever in the world you are. I’ve written a couple of posts this past week about it. I’ve now been using it, and in my experience it is as good as the makers say. So far, I’ve made calls with Skype to landlines and mobile […]
P2P file sharing: hacks and respectability
Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing has often been associated in many people’s minds with illegal copying and sharing of music. Think Napster and Kazaa: not the shiny respectable Napster and Kazaa we know today, but the original services that were shut down after legal actions by the recording industry and others. P2P is in the spotlight […]
Firefox is the one
Ok, I’ve bitten the bullet and made the switch to Firefox as my default browser. Version 0.9.3 (it’s still in beta) is good enough to convince me to move away from Maxthon, the successor to MyIE2. Both of these browsers are based on Internet Explorer (but that’s got nothing to do with why I’ve switched). […]
The H-P way: Fire top managers
Carly Fiorina, the chief executive of computer maker Hewlett-Packard, pledged to fire top managers yesterday after announcing poor results that sent the shares tumbling. — report in the Daily Telegraph today. Telegraph | Money | HP heads ‘to roll’ after poor results I wonder how such public news of the CEO’s intentions just two days […]
RSS gets down to business
RSS is moving into the business realm with the release this week of RSSCalendar, a free web-based service for sharing calendar data over the Internet, CNET News reports. Developer John Pacchetti released a trial version of RSSCalendar last month. The service allows a user to convert and publish calendar data as an RSS feed. Friends, […]
RSS on your phone with iFeedYou
I discovered a new (to me) RSS service with a difference. Swiss-based iFeedYou offers access to various RSS webfeeds much as some other web-based RSS services do. Where iFeedYou adds value is that you can also view your RSS webfeeds from your mobile phone (WAP or iMode) or a PDA. Looks interesting. How does it […]
Google cuts IPO price
In a sign that Google’s initial public offering isn’t as popular as expected, the Internet search engine has slashed the price range for its IPO and reduced the size of the issue, according to a Wall Street Journal report today. The surprise announcement, made in an email to investors, dramatically changes the size of the […]
Biometric passports on the way
CNET News reports that a number of countries are about to launch trials of passports and visas that incorporate basic biometric information about the document holder alongside the traditional photo and passport number – data such as a digital image of the citizen’s face that will be compared to a facial scan taken at the […]
Yahoo! launches corporate blog
Yahoo! launched a blog yesterday. The first post is an intro by Jeff Weiner, SVP Yahoo! Search & Marketplace, so it’s kicked off with a solid business/customer focus. And, the blog starts out with commenting and trackbacks enabled. Yahoo! Search blog On his personal blog, Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo! (Finance) has an FAQ about the […]
Googling the market
The IPO is done, investors have made some immediate gains and the dust is settling. As Internetnews.com reports, Google must grow bigger, smarter and stronger or face being overtaken by powerful rivals such as Yahoo! and MSN, and compete not only on its stock price but also on its core technology and its marketing. Internetnews.com […]
A site for sore eyes
From Wired News – story about a website that contains over 15,000 banner ads of all types, sizes, animations, etc. Great ideas resource. Wired News| A Site for Banner Ad Freaks
The search engine belt buckle
The search engine belt buckle is a PDA which shows 24 hours of all the bizarre and banal things people are looking for on the web. Art project or pointless hack? That’s for you to decide, but all we know is that people are searching for some pretty freaky stuff out there, so why not […]
Microsoft new look depends on your browser
Microsoft has re-designed its public website with a new look. Interesting, though, that the site looks slightly different depending on which browser you use. For instance, the top of the screen has a coloured strip with the Microsoft logo. In Firefox, this is a solid blue colour and the logo background has a visible darker […]