Sam Whitmore, of Sam Whitmore’s Media Survey and occasional guest co-host of For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, has just launched Tech Media This Week, a weekly podcast: Each Friday we’ll spend between eight and 12 minutes discussing what went down in tech media during the previous seven days. TMTW also will feature […]
Category: Web/Tech
Wireless internet on board ship
First, it’s wireless internet on your plane journey. Now, it’s coming to the sea. From an InfoWorld report on more deals for Boeing’s Conexion service: […] The deal with Teekay Shipping [press release] marks Boeing’s first success in the maritime sector. Teekay will install the broadband Internet service on 50 of its ships. The maritime service […]
The continuous alarm bell for telcos
BBC News interviewed Niklas Zennstrom, the CEO of Skype, on Friday. The wide-ranging interview includes commentary on Zennstrom’s early venture with Kazaa and discusses Skype and its impact on traditional telephone services. The most interesting part of the interview: […] He believes Skype will take away revenue from phone calls, which is the bulk of […]
Talking about podcasting on BBC Radio 4
A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed by BBC News senior reporter Jonty Bloom for The World Tonight, a news and current affairs radio programme broadcast every weekday evening on BBC Radio 4 in the UK. Jonty came over to Amsterdam and we talked about podcasting. The interview was included in the programme which […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #43: June 20, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on Bluetooth headsets; +1 isn’t just the US; how could it be bad for a CEO to blog internally?; on Wonkette; on fonts and fads; all the laptops were in Copenhagen; webinars about blogging produce good results; no politics in show #38; what about the LA Times wiki?); the LA Times […]
Podcast Awards contest accepting nominations
Shel and I don’t get into much self-promotion, shameless or otherwise, for For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, our twice-weekly business podcast. Yes, we’ve had a bit of attention in recent weeks from mainstream media – from PR Week and from the BBC – which is very nice indeed and which Shel has […]
Interview: Angela Sinickas and Tudor Williams – June 22, 2005
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 49-minute conversation with Angela Sinickas, ABC and Tudor Williams, ABC, two of the leading internal communications measurement authorities in the business. About our conversation partners: A pioneer in the field of organizational communication measurement, Angela Sinickas has been measuring the effectiveness of communications […]
NewsGator Online adds support for podcasts
One immediate user benefit from last month’s acquisition of FeedDemon by Newsgator is that a new version (beta) of FeedDemon’s FeedStation podcatcher was released yesterday which supports NewsGator Online and, soon, NewsGator Outlook Edition: […] FeedDemon has had cool podcasting support since v1.5, with a helper application called FeedStation. FeedStation did the work of downloading […]
Success for Dutch business blog meeting
One of the great things about presenting on new media communication channels to a group of people of which over 90% are active bloggers is that it certainly keeps you focused on the precise relevance of the points you’re making and which they’re expecting to hear about. That was very much the case yesterday when […]
Interview: Jochen Specht and Jim Lukach, Siemens USA, June 23, 2005
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 28-minute conversation with Jochen Specht and Jim Lukach of Siemens USA addressing implementation of RSS feeds and blogs on the company’s intranet. About our conversation partners: Jochen Specht is Manager of Web Strategy for Siemens USA at the company’s Iselin, New Jersey (USA) […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #44: June 23, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on CEOs blogging internally; lower case is the way to go; KetchumIdeas; more on RSS; polls on blogs; getting the right URL; more on Ketchum; introducing The Spinfluencer); audio report on the power of gossip; better ways for doing podcast show notes; read your email out loud; more on Ketchum; Scandinavian […]
Microsoft really embraces RSS
Lots of buzz in the blogosphere and in mainstream media about the news today that Microsoft will be building support for RSS into Longhorn, the next release of the Windows operating system due in late 2006, and not only in the next version of Internet Explorer. Business Week Online has a good summary of today’s […]
Is this a record for HP toner longevity?
Printing out a draft this morning of a rather lengthy document I’d written and edited gave me pause for thought about my printer. My default printer is a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 4L. Black and white, a basic laser printer. I bought it on 17 November 1994 (I can recall the precise date because there’s a little […]
Explaining it simply: Microsoft and RSS
Nearly all the reporting I’ve seen in blogs and mainstream media during the past 24 hours about Microsoft’s support for RSS has tended to be rather techie in its focus, including my own post. Here’s all most people really need to know about it, from a BBC News report last night: Microsoft’s next version of […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #45: June 27, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on wit and wisdom from FIR; being stunned by Tudor Williams and Angela Sinickas; the heroes from Siemens USA); nice London hotel: blogging the IABC conference; bad press for the EC and the waste of the EU; the PR, blogs and press releases mashup; MIT surveys blog usage; Todd Cochrane’s podcasting […]
Podcasting is no fad
A tip from Constantin Basturea led me to the new travel podcast site from airline Virgin Atlantic, launched last week. Produced for Virgin Atlantic by Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R and Manning Gottlieb OMD, and created by podcast producer Loudish, the first topics in a series of podcasts – guides to New York – is available […]
Future Tense and the confluence of forces
Congratulations to Elizabeth Albrycht and the team at Corante for the latest thought-leading resource – the Future Tense blog which, Elizabeth as editor notes, is now live. What will we expect from Future Tense? From Elizabeth’s introductory post yesterday: […] It is [a confluence of forces including technology, science, population demographics, globalization, education, society and […]
iTunes gives you podcasts on a plate
Apple has now released iTunes 4.9, the new version that supports podcasts. I’ve installed it and tried it – and it rocks. Let me tell you – for podcasters and podcast listeners, this is what simplicity looks like. With literally just a couple of mouse clicks you can subscribe to a podcast within iTunes, get […]
iTunes podcatcher already makes an impact
The release of iTunes 4.9 a few days ago and its podcatching capability is already having an effect on downloads of For Immediate Release, the bi-weekly business podcast that Shel and I present. Just looking at the download and referrer stats in LibSyn, our file hosting service, shows a very interesting difference already in which […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #46: June 30, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on iTunes 4.9 and bandwidth, IABC Cafe posts, blogging the Nortel AGM); podcasts and Polish sausage; the launch of iTunes 4.9; Virgin Atlantic’s New York podcasts; PR Week UK talks about blogs; IABC International Conference; IABC Fellows; FIR celebrates 50 shows on July 14. Show notes for June 30, 2005 Welcome […]