New podcast on tech media

Sam Whitmore, of Sam Whitmore’s Media Survey and occasional guest co-host of For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, has just launched Tech Media This Week, a weekly podcast: Each Friday we’ll spend between eight and 12 minutes discussing what went down in tech media during the previous seven days. TMTW also will feature […]

Wireless internet on board ship

First, it’s wireless internet on your plane journey. Now, it’s coming to the sea. From an InfoWorld report on more deals for Boeing’s Conexion service: […] The deal with Teekay Shipping [press release] marks Boeing’s first success in the maritime sector. Teekay will install the broadband Internet service on 50 of its ships. The maritime service […]

The continuous alarm bell for telcos

BBC News interviewed Niklas Zennstrom, the CEO of Skype, on Friday. The wide-ranging interview includes commentary on Zennstrom’s early venture with Kazaa and discusses Skype and its impact on traditional telephone services. The most interesting part of the interview: […] He believes Skype will take away revenue from phone calls, which is the bulk of […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #43: June 20, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on Bluetooth headsets; +1 isn’t just the US; how could it be bad for a CEO to blog internally?; on Wonkette; on fonts and fads; all the laptops were in Copenhagen; webinars about blogging produce good results; no politics in show #38; what about the LA Times wiki?); the LA Times […]

Interview: Angela Sinickas and Tudor Williams – June 22, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 49-minute conversation with Angela Sinickas, ABC and Tudor Williams, ABC, two of the leading internal communications measurement authorities in the business. About our conversation partners: A pioneer in the field of organizational communication measurement, Angela Sinickas has been measuring the effectiveness of communications […]

NewsGator Online adds support for podcasts

One immediate user benefit from last month’s acquisition of FeedDemon by Newsgator is that a new version (beta) of FeedDemon’s FeedStation podcatcher was released yesterday which supports NewsGator Online and, soon, NewsGator Outlook Edition: […] FeedDemon has had cool podcasting support since v1.5, with a helper application called FeedStation. FeedStation did the work of downloading […]

Interview: Jochen Specht and Jim Lukach, Siemens USA, June 23, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 28-minute conversation with Jochen Specht and Jim Lukach of Siemens USA addressing implementation of RSS feeds and blogs on the company’s intranet. About our conversation partners: Jochen Specht is Manager of Web Strategy for Siemens USA at the company’s Iselin, New Jersey (USA) […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #44: June 23, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on CEOs blogging internally; lower case is the way to go; KetchumIdeas; more on RSS; polls on blogs; getting the right URL; more on Ketchum; introducing The Spinfluencer); audio report on the power of gossip; better ways for doing podcast show notes; read your email out loud; more on Ketchum; Scandinavian […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #45: June 27, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on wit and wisdom from FIR; being stunned by Tudor Williams and Angela Sinickas; the heroes from Siemens USA); nice London hotel: blogging the IABC conference; bad press for the EC and the waste of the EU; the PR, blogs and press releases mashup; MIT surveys blog usage; Todd Cochrane’s podcasting […]

Future Tense and the confluence of forces

Congratulations to Elizabeth Albrycht and the team at Corante for the latest thought-leading resource – the Future Tense blog which, Elizabeth as editor notes, is now live. What will we expect from Future Tense? From Elizabeth’s introductory post yesterday: […] It is [a confluence of forces including technology, science, population demographics, globalization, education, society and […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #46: June 30, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on iTunes 4.9 and bandwidth, IABC Cafe posts, blogging the Nortel AGM); podcasts and Polish sausage; the launch of iTunes 4.9; Virgin Atlantic’s New York podcasts; PR Week UK talks about blogs; IABC International Conference; IABC Fellows; FIR celebrates 50 shows on July 14. Show notes for June 30, 2005 Welcome […]