BOBs winners announced

Deutsche Welle, organizer of the Best of The Blogs contest – the BOBs – has announced the winners. Overall Best Weblog (Jury vote) was awarded to The Dog Newspaper from China. “This Weblog is about dogs,” the description on the BOBs site says. “Not just the way dogs suffer, but also the strange and curious […]

The Red Couch outlined

Robert Scoble and Shel Israel have outlined how they see The Red Couch, the book on blogging they are planning (see my recent post). Highlight from the outline introductory segment: The Red Couch argues blogging is changing everything and businesses choosing to ignore it, face the same fate as the blacksmith who ignored the automobile […]

How a blog will help Macy*s NY

My PubSub subscription that gives me RSS feeds of blog posts that contain the phrases “organizational communication” or “corporate communication” (see earlier post) continues to provide some really interesting news and information. For instance, Workers Rights and Comfortability: Key to Productivity at Macy*s Herald Square, a post today in the Positive Energy Activates Constant Elevation […]

Real blog ROI

One of the things that resulted from copywriter Bob Bly‘s "blogs are a complete waste of time" story in October (see my post) were lengthy (and still ongoing) discussions on a number of blogs, including mine, about showing some evidence that a blog can generate a direct return on investment (ROI). Here’s an example of […]

Technorati: Over 5 million blogs

As I write this at a quarter to seven on Saturday evening, I see that Technorati is now tracking over 5 million blogs: Two months ago, that figure was 4.1 million, a 10 percent increase on the previous month. Things continue to move forward very fast indeed. Quite a milestone. Related NevOn post: Technorati: Blogosphere […]

New PubSub tool to measure link rankings

While content has always been regarded as king in most communication, that’s not necessarily the most important thing any more, especially with blogs. Linking and referring – these are likely to become far more important, where what you say is one thing: who links to what you say is another. So I was very interested […]

Interview: Raising blog awareness in Norway

In October, I was interviewed about blogging for an article in the Norwegian business publication Kommunikasjon, published in Oslo, Norway, by Kommunikasjonsforeningen. The article’s now been published. It’s not online, only in print. And it’s in Norwegian. But thanks to translation help from Fredrik Wackå, I have the text in English. There’s increasing interest about […]

How to read a blog

Tech columnist John Dvorak has written a good starter’s guide on how to read a blog. Written for his blog specifically, it’s nevertheless a good general introduction to understanding the content structure of blogs, and illustrates with diagrams the common elements in most blogs, including links, categories, comments and quotations. Helpful for blogging newbies.

Podcasts for communicators to launch in January

Cross-posted from For Immediate Release, the new podcast weblog by Shel Holtz and I: Starting in January, Neville Hobson and Shel Holtz – two communicators who think they have something to say that you might find worth listening to – start their weekly podcasts. Shel’s in Concord, California, and Neville’s in Amsterdam in The Netherlands. […]

FT highlights example of blogs for internal communication

Today’s Financial Times has a report on corporate blogging that includes an excellent example of a European company using blogs for internal communication: Some companies, uncomfortable with the openness of public blogs, use them as an internal communications tool. Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, the German investment bank, has set up about 120 internal blogs to promote […]

Podcasting and vlogging: It’s all about the distribution

Media reports on two rapidly-emerging communication tools – (audio) podcasting and video logging, or vlogging or vblogging: BBC News on podcasting, featuring pioneer Adam Curry: An Apple iPod or other digital music players can hold anything up to 10,000 songs, which is a lot of space to fill. But more and more iPod owners are […]

TypePad problem today…

Looks like TypePad has some problems today as my previous post has ended up being published 3 times. And I can’t delete the two duplicates. Hopefully TypePad will have a solution asap. Sorry for any inconvenience! Update 20:00 CET: The problem now seems to be fixed – I was able to delete the 2 duplicate […]