What do you make of this? Kevin Dugan writes about a website and faux blog from McDonalds as part of their advertising in yesterday’s Superbowl: […] Anyway, I dutifully visited the site and was intrigued initially to see it also had a blog. Then I realized it is a fake blog. Even the post comments […]
Category: Weblogs
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #6: February 7, 2005
Show notes for February 7, 2005. Welcome to our weekly podcast, a 46:41-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 21.4MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with your iPod or other digital […]
Google blogger firing highlights again why guidelines are essential
News yesterday that Mark Jen, a Google employee, had been fired for blogging serves to add yet more focus to a matter that has become increasingly important to companies and employees alike – establishing clear guidelines on blogging in the workplace. This subject is beginning to sound like an auto-repeat CD (yes, I have moved […]
Wiki repository of PR and related knowledge
I had the great pleasure of meeting Constantin Basturea at the New Communications Forum 2005 conference in California last month. Constantin writes PR Meets the WWW, his online learning journal with a focus on public relations and on how new technologies are changing PR practice as we know it. We have much in common on […]
GM experiments with podcasting
Not only is General Motors still at the leading edge with executive blogging by a Fortune 100 company, with their GM Fastlane Blog, but they’re also out in front in trying out other new communication channels. In a post yesterday GM offers two podcasts about the launch of two new car models at the Chicago […]
Clarity in communication
Here’s a plain-speaking description of a blog commenting policy that no one could possibly misunderstand: I appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment on the articles I post on this blog. Please understand that unless your comments get read and reviewed by me, they don’t get posted. Some days I literally receive hundreds of […]
Six Apart may be acquisition target
A speculative story in InternetNews.com discusses the future of Six Apart, asking whether it’s a prime target for Yahoo to add to its portfolio of offerings. The article quotes David Hornik, a Six Apart board member and a partner in August Capital, saying, “Six Apart is not in conversations about being acquired by anyone.” Last […]
Commenting on Blogger blogs just got easier
One of the irritations with Blogger has been that if you want to leave comments on a blog that’s hosted there (and by BlogSpot), you either have to have a Blogger/BlogSpot blog yourself, or you have to leave comments anonymously, depending on how the blog owner has set his or her blog’s commenting preferences. Things […]
Business podcasting is taking off
It’s been interesting reading some of the reactions by business bloggers to General Motors’ first experiment with podcasting last week. This Technorati list has lots of blog commentaries, mostly positive, although most don’t discuss the podcasts from the specific communication point of view. Quick recap: GM produced two MP3 files that they mentioned in a […]
Declare your personal blogging policy
Definitely the next must-have accessory for the serious blogger who wants to make a clear statement: (Hat tip: Guillaume du Gardier)
New media could be the saviour for old media
Business Week reports on interesting developments in the newspaper business in France: […] To survive, old-line papers are scouting for deep pockets. Libération found its savior in Rothschild. The conservative Le Figaro, hurt by a 3% drop in sales, was acquired last summer by defense tycoon Serge Dassault for an estimated $1.6 billion. So far, […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #7: February 14, 2005
Show notes for February 14, 2005. Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 46:43-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 18.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with […]
Blogging and RSS make the event
Ian Betteridge, Technovia: Demo is getting a vast amount of attention because [there] are a vast number of bloggers there, all pouring what must amount to thousands of words onto the Internet about it. I don’t know what the organisers have done to encourage this, but there’s a lesson for a lot of companies – […]
United Nations Foundation starts a blog
The United Nations Foundation started a blog last week: UN Dispatch is a blog intended to promote thoughtful discussion about the UN, and to provide an outlet for important news and views on the UN. It is administered by Peter Daou, author of the Daou Report, and will feature frequent posts from knowledgeable guest contributors. […]
Intel COO blogs with employees
While some big companies have already taken a step into the public blogosphere with executive blogs, Intel isn’t one. At least, not yet. But they do have an internal executive blog, introduced in December. The San Jose Mercury News reported yesterday that Intel’s President and COO, Paul Otellini (who becomes CEO in May), began an […]
Blogs: The explosion of free speech
Pithy commentary in Business Week on the fall from grace of CNN news head Eason Jordan over his remarks that US troops target journalists in Iraq: [Jordan] resigned on Feb. 13 after conservative bloggers feasted on a controversial statement he made in late January at the annual World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, about the […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #8: February 17, 2005
Show notes for February 17, 2005. Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 37-minute conversation recorded live via Skype from Concord, California, USA, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Download the file here (MP3, 18.7MB), or sign up for the RSS feed to get it and future shows automatically. (For automatic synchronization with […]
The shift in the balance of power
It was quite an eye opener to read this comment by Steve O’Keefe to Elizabeth Albrycht’s post on Monday that kicked-off this week-long IAOC blog fest: Most blogs that are truly open don’t work, because most people don’t want to participate in a discussion – they want to push an agenda or advertise. Most blogs […]
Total engagement with your readers
Earlier this week, I wrote about what some French newspapers are doing with blogs, commenting on Le Monde, Libération and Le Figaro. In the case of Le Monde, they have reader blogs where readers of the paper can blog about news stories they’d like to see covered. Libération has three journalists’ blogs providing readers with […]
Transparency leads to genuine debate
A thoughtful view on what the role of a blog sponsored and supported by the World Economic Forum should be and how the blog should develop comes from Lance Knoble writing in his Davos Newbies blog, in specific regard to the effects of the controversial Eason Jordan affair First, a quick recap for anyone outside […]