A one-day conference is being organized in Paris on 11 October designed to introduce participants to communication tools complementary to blogs such as RSS, podcasting, videocasting and tracking/buzz measurement – all elements of participatory communication. Set up as a series of informal roundtables, the event is being organized by Blogging Planet (the communication consultancy of […]
Category: Weblogs
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #62: August 25, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (Google Talk; being offline for 24 hours; briefer show notes and iTunes Chapter Tool; CBC’s ad structure; PRblogs.org; show links; FIR brings Dan the news); Ziepod; Max Hansen reports from Blog Business Summit; Jeff Jarvis gets a result; Eric Schwartzman’s Spinfluencer report; CBC follow-up. Show notes for August 25, 2005 […]
Movable Type 3.2 launched
After months of beta testing, Six Apart launched version 3.2 of its Movable Type blog publishing and management system yesterday. Boasting a wide range of new and improved features, this version offers static or dynamic publishing; built-in support for multiple authors, blogs, categories, and templates; automatic archiving and publishing of XML feeds; and better platform […]
Paris blog conference update
Plans proceed apace for Around The Blog, the one-day conference in Paris organized by Blogging Planet (the communication consultancy of which I am an alliance partner) which takes place on 11 October. More speakers are on board, we now have the venue confirmed, and the price – just €85, which you can pay via PayPal […]
Mars dog blog gets it right
With the focus on blogging in Europe and North America, it’s good to have an opportunity to broaden one’s horizon and gain some insight into contrasting uses of this medium in Asia from a business and marketing perspective. Niall Cook reports on what two consumer product companies are doing with blogs as integral elements of […]
New Movable Type disappoints
I’ve spent a bit of time this weekend upgrading my Movable Type experimental blog to the latest MT version 3.2 released on 25 August. Installation of the new version was pretty smooth, no real issues with it, thanks to the excellent installation guide in the new 3.2 manual. I do have issues, though, with expectations […]
Blog spam is relentless
Since I implemented comment and trackback moderation on this blog a couple of weeks ago, the amount of spam I’ve been getting has steadily increased. Now it’s averaging between three and five such hits every day. May not sound much at all in the context of the overall blogosphere, but that adds up to at […]
Mark your diary for Les Blogs 2.0
Following the success of Les Blogs, the one-day conference that took place in Paris last April, Loic le Meur is organizing Les Blogs 2.0 which will take place in Paris as a two-day conference on 5 and 6 December. I’m honoured to be working with Loic and others in an advisory role to help plan […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #63: August 29, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (pitching journalists; IABC recognition; great iRiver recording; how email spies work); blog etiquette: Steve Rubel and Jeremy Pepper trackback stand-off; Max Hansen’s second report from Blog Business Summit; the latest on Dell hell; Lee Hopkins reports from Australia; communication channels in organizations in times of change. Show notes for August […]
Heed some good PR advice, Dell
In show #63 yesterday of For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, I commented on the latest news in the Dell hell saga as reported by Jeff Jarvis. While the situation looks hopeless, I’d like to think that Dell‘s corporate communicators and PR teams just need a little more pushing to the fountain so […]
Blog Day connections
Today is BlogDay, the day when it’s great to be part of a way to make some new connections. So I decided to link to some blogs that I’ve not directly connected to before, all from my PubSub and Technorati watchlists that show bloggers who have linked to some of my posts during the past […]
Alfa Romeo sponsors car blog
Italian blog portal Blogo.it has secured another first – Italian car maker Alfa-Romeo is sponsoring Autoblog.it from today, 1 September. This is the first blog sponsorship deal for a European blog by a major automotive brand, Blogo.it said. In a press release, Blogo.it’s Luca Lizzeri said, "in January 2005 Autoblog.it had 20,000 page views in […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #64: September 1, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (more on the PR blogger trackback stand-off; trackback spam; affinity for podcasts; FIR impacts HR; anonymous ok, but not cute and clever; show notes, etc); Hurricane Katrina and the role of blogs; developments in instant messaging; fired for blogging; blogger being sued; the Spinfluencer with Leo Laporte. Show notes for […]
Technorati’s new Blog Finder beta
A trackback overnight from Josh Hallett took me to his initial commentary of the Technorati Blog Finder, a new service launched in beta yesterday. This service does look interesting – Technorati say it will enable you to find blogs that frequently write about subjects you’re interested in by searching on key words. Tags, in other […]
Blogger goodness for Katrina victims
In yesterday’s edition of For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, Shel and I had some discussion about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the role blogs are playing. Today the situation in New Orleans in particular is looking even worse than yesterday. This is simply horrific to see such a breakdown in society […]
FIR Interview: Jeremy Wright – August 30, 2005
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Neville enjoyed a 28-minute conversation with Jeremy Wright, blogger, author and consultant. Topics discussed include Jeremy’s business blogging book and his forthcoming launch of a new consumer blog network. About our conversation partner: Jeremy Wright is a serial entrepreneur, some have even said a blogpreneur for […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #65: September 5, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (new media, resumes and Googling job seekers; book promotion and blog tours); interviews and reviews; Ray Nagin’s radio interview, Zip 71101 podcast interviews and more Katrina news; new weekly podcast from Steve Rubel and Joseph Jaffe; from our Correspondent Down Under; Darren Barefoot argues that text is better than audio. […]
New blogging white paper from Edelman and Intelliseek
Edeman and Intelliseek have just published their latest white paper on word-of-mouth marketing called "Blogging from the Inside Out: The Rise and Effective Management of Employee Bloggers." The 22-page PDF document is a rich source of information that includes: Original data on the role employees play in shaping corporate reputation and on the frequency with […]
The giant street market
An email from James Cherkoff alerted me to yesterday’s edition of Shop Talk, a weekly BBC Radio 4 business programme, in which he was one of the studio guests talking about blogs and blogging. Together with Adriana Cronin-Lukas of Big Blog Company, Simon Phipps of Sun Microsystems, Azeem Azhar, a writer and analyst, and Heather […]
Speakers and Speeches: Mary Hodder on blog search engines
In this first offering of Speakers and Speeches, For Immediate Release is pleased to offer a 1:34 speech — including Q&A — by Mary Hodder, delivered on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at a meeting of the bloggers and RSS special interest group of the East Bay (California) IT Group (EBIG). Download the conversation here (MP3, 38MB). […]