For some time, I’ve subscribed to Microsoft executive emails, the ones that periodically come out under either Bill Gates’ or, more usually, Steve Ballmer’s name. These emails address topical technology-in-business issues, and discuss how they relate to Microsoft’s products and services, obviously with a clear and strong Microsoft view. While some people cynically view these […]
Category: Weblogs
New RSS reader targets bloggers
There’s a new RSS reader on the market – Blog Navigator. Folllowing beta testing for the past few months, Stardock – about whom I’ve posted on their Windows customization apps – released version 1.0 yesterday. From the press release: Blog Navigator is a program designed to make it easy for users who enjoy reading blogs […]
Sun interviews Tony Perkins on blogging
Reverse-interview: Tony Perkins (founder and editor Red Herring, and founder and chief editor Always On Network) interviewed about business blogging by Sun Microsystems: Blogs are one of today’s hottest and most widely available technologies. They affect elections, create instant celebrities, generate scandals, and open amazing potential for open communication. As a business executive, you should […]
Delta employee not fired for blogging
The story about Ellen Simonetti, the Delta Airlines employee in trouble regarding a photo she published on her blog, is making the rounds of the blogosphere. Nearly every post I’ve seen in the past two days has got it completely wrong. See the first line of this post, above. Ellen’s got into trouble with her […]
Using a public blog as part of the hiring process
Via A Penny For… comes an extremely interesting story of how Bzzagent, a word-of-mouth marketing network in North America, proactively used their public blog to discuss their needs for hiring a particular new senior employee, and then posted commentary about the two short-listed candidates asking for comment and opinion on which one to hire. A […]
Free guide to corporate blogging
Fredrik Wackå at CorporateBloggingInfo has put together a guide to corporate blogging. A very good introduction to the subject. It covers some of the reasons for corporate blogging, examples of six types of corporate blogs, 14 steps to a business blog, and more. Fredrik’s made the PDF guide freely available for download. CorporateBloggingInfo | Beginner’s […]
Yet more reasons for policies on blogging
ComputerWorld has a very good article on the legal issues and potential liabilities facing companies whose employees blog, whether those employees do so officially or not. The article discusses topics that include libel, disclosure of trade secrets and confidential information, careless statements that can be used during litigation, the risks of loose-cannon bloggers, and advocates […]
Satirical poke at UK PR
A welcome addition to the UK PR scene – Spin Bunny, with a refreshing satirical view on the industry: In the summer heat of August 2004 a crack team of PR professionals met at a secret London location to plot the launch of an alternative PR industry trade rag. An old fashioned publication based on […]
Corporate blogging: Setting the ground rules
Yesterday, I posted a contribution to the Kitchen: How to Cook a Weblog collaborative blog on the subject of establishing clear policies regarding corporate blogging. It’s a mini-essay that discusses why companies and organizations need to pay attention now to how they enable blogging as a communication channel, and avoid messy and potentially damaging outcomes […]
Delta employee blogger now fired
The latest development in the story about Ellen Simonetti, suspended by her employer Delta Airlines for posting a photo on her Queen of the Sky personal blog – she has now been fired. A BBC News report says that Ellen is initiating legal action against the airline for "wrongful termination". Delta has repeatedly declined to […]
The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it
Here’s a good example of someone involved in marketing who either just doesn’t get it or feels intimidated by a communication channel that he doesn’t understand. I’m talking about blogs, of course. There’s a bloke in the US called Robert Bly who apparently is a copywriting wiz. He wrote an article in DM News about […]
Free guide on how to write a business blog
From weblog consulting firm Business Logs comes Writing for the Web, a free six-page PDF guide that provides a basic introduction to writing a business blog. With topics that include writing style, content and style, length of posts and how to use humour, the concise guide is a good primer for anyone who is contemplating […]
TypePad makes it even easier
If you run a blog hosted by TypePad, you’ll be pleased to know that a number of major upgrades to the service were announced yesterday: True WYSIWYG rich text editing interface so you can see common text formatting options like bold, italic, underline and strikethrough, as you edit. You still have the choice to use […]
IAOC hosts online PR blogging event
Constantin Basturea reports that the recently-formed International Association of Online Communicators (IAOC) has started a blog. What’s more, starting on Monday 8 November, IAOC will be facilitating an online blogging event throughout the coming week – the Thrilla’ in Mozilla blog fest – that will feature a different contributor each day: A-list US marketing and […]
BloggerCon III takes place today
BloggerCon III gets underway today in California. The focus of BloggerCon is weblogs in journalism, education, science, business and politics. BloggerCon is an unusual conference. There are no formal speakers, panels or an audience, but discussions and sessions, and each session has a discussion leader. It’s an un-conference and there is no cost to participate. […]
Bloggers blogging BloggerCon
In the coming days, no doubt we’ll be seeing lots of commentary, discussion and analysis on many blogs about BloggerCon III which took place in the US on 6 November (see my post). To help find blogs commenting about the event, try this Technorati link: See these reports by O’Reilly Network correspondent John Adams, […]
Corporate blogging: Start slowly but start now
A report just out by IT industry analysts Forrester Research recommends that corporate use of blogs should vary based on business goals, and companies should start slowly with blogs but start with them now. The research was conducted by Forrester analyst Charlene Li, who started a blog in September. The 18-page research report is available […]
Communicators’ views on BloggerCon
Good commentaries about BloggerCon III from Australian PR practitioner Trevor Cook who was there, with some focused thinking on what it all means from the business, PR and general communication perspectives. (What’s BloggerCon?) Blogging, journalism and public relations Bloggercon: the vendor problem Blogging and money The Bloggercon ‘politics’ session Some Bloggercon reflections – the podcasting […]
Developing a conversation with Bob Bly
Last week, copywriter Bob Bly became the target for highly critical comment all over the blogosphere following an article he wrote in DM News that said blogging is a complete waste of time. As other bloggers did I posted commentary about Bly’s article, under the title The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it. […]
New Communications Forum 2005 launches website and blog
Planning for New Communications Forum 2005 is rapidly moving ahead with the launch yesterday of the new website and blog. The concept of PR bloggers Elizabeth Albrycht and Guillaume du Gardier, the New Communications Forum 2005 will provide you with an in-depth, hands-on exploration of the future of communications with two events taking place: in […]