Posts by neville:

Tragedy knows no boundary

Reading and viewing online news coverage of the Katrina hurricane disaster in the US over recent days, I’m just awed by the sheer scale of so many people – thousands according to many news reports – losing their lives, family, and property. No comfort at all in knowing that this is a natural disaster, not […]

Alfa Romeo sponsors car blog

Italian blog portal has secured another first – Italian car maker Alfa-Romeo is sponsoring from today, 1 September. This is the first blog sponsorship deal for a European blog by a major automotive brand, said. In a press release,’s Luca Lizzeri said, "in January 2005 had 20,000 page views in […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #64: September 1, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (more on the PR blogger trackback stand-off; trackback spam; affinity for podcasts; FIR impacts HR; anonymous ok, but not cute and clever; show notes, etc); Hurricane Katrina and the role of blogs; developments in instant messaging; fired for blogging; blogger being sued; the Spinfluencer with Leo Laporte. Show notes for […]

FIR Interview: Jeremy Wright – August 30, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Neville enjoyed a 28-minute conversation with Jeremy Wright, blogger, author and consultant. Topics discussed include Jeremy’s business blogging book and his forthcoming launch of a new consumer blog network. About our conversation partner: Jeremy Wright is a serial entrepreneur, some have even said a blogpreneur for […]

Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 5-Sept-05

$100,000 per year… blogging. 2012 Olympic posts advertised Apple Appears Poised for iTunes Phone Launch BlogML will let you move your blog from service service Call Forwarding with Skype Disney says it does believe in fairies Lake George Pocket-sized DIY customizable paper organizer Podcast Anxiety: a cure has been found Privacy concerns over Yahoo IM […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #65: September 5, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (new media, resumes and Googling job seekers; book promotion and blog tours); interviews and reviews; Ray Nagin’s radio interview, Zip 71101 podcast interviews and more Katrina news; new weekly podcast from Steve Rubel and Joseph Jaffe; from our Correspondent Down Under; Darren Barefoot argues that text is better than audio. […]

Disaster planning, consequences and inevitabilities from Katrina

Two thoughtful articles in as many days from the Financial Times examine broad consequences of the Hurricane Katrina disaster from the business, economic, political and social standpoints. In the first, a feature on disaster planning, the FT says the consequences of Katrina for businesses worldwide are likely to be significant. Insurance claims are expected to […]

New blogging white paper from Edelman and Intelliseek

Edeman and Intelliseek have just published their latest white paper on word-of-mouth marketing called "Blogging from the Inside Out: The Rise and Effective Management of Employee Bloggers." The 22-page PDF document is a rich source of information that includes: Original data on the role employees play in shaping corporate reputation and on the frequency with […]

Podcast empire-building

Silicon Beat: Podcast Alley, the grassroots podcast directory that played a big role in spurring the popularity of podcasting, has been acquired by PodShow. The deal happened last month, we’re told, and founder Chris McIntyre is already making the move from Nashville to San Francisco. A very interesting development in an embryonic but fast-expanding industry […]