In its 24 October edition, Business Week has an analysis of the recent sale of Weblogs Inc to AOL from the point of view of the potential for advertising in blogs. Written by Stephen Baker, one of the bloggers on BW’s Blogspotting, the article focuses on what it calls the "promising new micromedia model" where […]
About: neville
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Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 19-Oct-05
Blog Spammers Take Aim at Google Bloglines Losing Early Adopters to Rojo, Newsgator, and Google? (IACI, GOOG) Blogs are too easy to create says Wall Street Journal: Blog spam is the result Blogs of a Different Color E Ink and LG.Philips LCD build 10.1-inch flexible display Flat Yahoo Profit Tops Expectations FTC Asked to Address […]
The secret of Apple’s success
Apple may be just a minor player in the computer and consumer electronics industries in terms of revenue ($14 billion in fiscal 2005) and market share (less than 5% worldwide) but, Fortune magazine says, it is now undeniably setting the pace for both of those industries in terms of hardware, software, and industrial design. Fortune’s […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #78: October 20, 2005
Content summary: Splogs and Blogspot, questionable observations from IABC’s Canada conference, an intimidating panel, a new publisher lawsuit against Google, LA Podcasters’ Freeway Series, Dan York’s contribution, a fake Harriet Miers blog, two blogging studies, listener comments, and more. Show notes for October 20, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, […]
The here and now of participatory communication
On Thursday, I travelled to Brussels, Belgium, to participate in the 50th anniversary conference of FEIEA, the federation of European business communicators’ associations. My role was to make a presentation on new media communication channels (blogs, RSS, etc) and participatory communication as a constituent part of FEIEA’s theme for this first day of their 2-day […]
Naked Conversations is a cracking read
Earlier in the week, I received a copy of the galley proofs of Naked Conversations, the business blogging book by Shel Israel and Robert Scoble, due to hit the bookstore shelves next January. I’d actually imaged ‘galley proofs’ to be a set of individual pages or printouts complete with a guide on the symbols and […]
What is ‘it’?
Designed by German engineers and developed in Sweden by renowned Japanese scientists. It can hold 2,500 of your favourite songs. It has sleek design and incredible handling. It can even cook chicken. What is it? No spoiler in this post – visit What Is It? to find out. Oh alright, a little hint: clever online […]
Some online content is worth paying for
Some months ago, I let my annual subscription to the Wall Street Journal Online lapse. I’ve been a subscriber for some years, but decided not to renew the subscription. Cost was part of the reason. The WSJ Online is just less than $100 for a year. Not a great amount really. But I also subscribe […]
One stop for earnings call transcripts
One of the blogs I find of great informational value is The Internet Stock Blog (“news and analysis of Internet stocks, no buy or sell recommendations,” it says in its masthead). Recently, the blog started including a most useful new service – full transcripts of some of the most popular companies’ earnings conference calls. What’s […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #79: October 24, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (podcast artwork and iTunes; fake blogs; ‘sprawlopolis’; and Captcha; how to measure podcast listenership; what’s "The Giant Global Focus Group" at IABC EuroComm?); The Spinfluencer interviews Heather Green; Neville guests on Britcaster podcast #3; anonymous Publix employee blog vanishes; measuring blog effectiveness; Guidewire responds to blog survey criticisms; PRSA […]
Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 25-Oct-05
An Internet Fed Mostly by Amateurs is Fascinating Budget Launches Blog-Based Up Your Budget 16-City Treasure Hunt does this mean the blog is now officially mainstream media? Have You Read Your EULA Today? PR Owns the Blogosphere, For Better or Worse Should bank employees see blogs? The New Visionaries: Rebooting The Web Three Web 2.0 […]
FIR Interview – Jonathan Mast and Aidan Hagood – October 24, 2005
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Shel enjoyed a 24-minute conversation with Jonathan Mast and Aidan Hagood. Jonathan is a senior communications specialist with Sedgwick Claims Management Services; Aidan is the communications department admin. Together, they host “QuickCast,” arguably the first completely internal podcast. Download the conversation here (MP3, 9MB), or sign […]
Les Blogs 2.0 will change the way you think
If you’re planning to join the more than 120 people already signed up to participate in Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris on 5-6 December, get clear in your mind right now that this will be no ordinary conference: A New World is here Don’t you feel the rules and our world are changing ? Don’t […]
Video presentation on PR and the blogosphere
In mid October, I participated in a session at the Emerce eDay conference in Amsterdam entitled Public Relations in the Blogosphere. The session comprised two presentations followed by a panel discussion. The two presentations were made by Scott Rafer and I, and were video recorded. That video is now online and you can view it […]
Older posts now showing up in Google Blog Search
When Google blog search launched in September, it only indexed blog posts from about mid 2005: […] Since Blog Search indexes blogs by their site feeds, it will only include items that have been posted since it started indexing a given blog. For most blogs, that will be around June 2005, or the time at […]
Mapping your friends
This is rather neat – Frappr, an online tool that lets you map out the location where you live, work, take your holiday or anything else. You can then share your unique URL with friends and find out where the rest of them live and work in relation to everyone else. I was pleasantly pleased […]
Scott (Dilbert) Adams has a blog
This made my lunchtime! As a big fan of the Dilbert cartoons strips and an old subscriber to the Dilbert email newsletter, it’s terrific to discover that Dilbert’s creator Scott Adams started blogging earlier this week. Finally you have a chance to get to know a little about Dilbert’s creator and more insight into his […]
TypePad’s growing pains
TypePad seems to creaking under the strain of its own success. For some weeks now, I’ve been observing (and experiencing) constant server timeout problems when posting to this blog. And I’m not the only TypePad user who’s in this position. In July, I posted with some frustration on the constant difficulties I encountered at that […]
FIR Speakers and Speeches: October 26, 2005 – CPRF Critical Issues Forum
In our second special audio file, we offer up a panel discussion presented on Wednesday, October 26, 2005, in New York City, hosted by the Council of Public Relations Firms at its Critical Issues Forum 2005. The panel was titled, “Straddling the Fault in a Shifting Media Landscape: New Roles for PR.” CPRF described the […]
Shallow journalism at Forbes magazine
When you see a business magazine story about blogs with the title “Attack of The Blogs!,” you should know what to expect. A cover story in the latest edition of Forbes magazine doesn’t disappoint as this paragraph indicates: […] Blogs started a few years ago as a simple way for people to keep online diaries. […]