Posts by neville:

IABC Europe conference kicks off

Arrived in Paris late last night, ready to participate in the IABC Eurocomm conference which formally kicks off today and runs through tomorrow. I’m moderating the opening session discussion panel on the giant global focus group. No prizes for guessing what this is about at a conference full of communicators! So, my fellow conversationalists – […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #90: December 1, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (changing intro music for FIR book review podcasts; working on new H&H Report intro music for show #100; World AIDS Day; Blog Marketing book for review; tapping into FIR; Sony BMG going down the drain; two sides of crisis communication; new media tools not so effective in parts of Asia; […]

Les Blogs 2.0 kicks off today

The Les Blogs 2.0 conference in Paris formally starts today and runs until Tuesday evening. The event is completely sold out. Lots already been going on over the weekend, judging from the rapidly-growing Technorati tag list. What’s the event about? Absorb this, from Loic’s opening remarks: […] We believe there is a revolution going-on. We […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #91: December 5, 2005

Content summary: A special edition: Neville and Shel discuss the future of public relations and the skills communicators will need to succeed in a forever-altered communication environment. The discussion includes listener feedback. Show notes for December 5, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 75-minute conversation recorded live from Concord, […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #92: December 8, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ audio and email comments (a proto-vlog in Australia; the future of newspapers; IBM’s podcasting guidelines; what’s the best tool for starting an electronic conversation?; PR and propaganda; offending employees with guidelines for personal presentation; how HR can use blogs; more on the future of PR to add to show #91); Wikipedia dust-ups; […]

Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 11-Dec-05

2005 – The IT year in quotes A Little Sleuthing Unmasks Writer of Wikipedia Prank Baffled by the beauty adverts? So is a Nobel prizewinner Big Pharma Seeks an Image Cure Boards seek to keep tabs on activists Campaigning for Blog Awards – Is This Ethical? Can This Man Reprogram Microsoft? CitySlickrs Podcast show no. […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #93: December 12, 2005

Content summary: Yahoo! acquires and teams up with Six Apart to offer Movable Type; IABC adds new media categories to Gold Quill Awards; Irish government uses RSS to deliver budget information; the Wikipedia class action lawsuit website; Nokia’s blog relations campaign for the N90 smartphone; listeners’ audio and email comments (from Geneva to Zurich; […]

New software hits and misses

Three of my favourite software apps launched new or upgraded versions recently. Only one definite hit in this group, unfortunately. WindowBlinds 5.0. The latest version of the add-on for Windows XP that lets you completely change the look-and-feel of your Windows is just great. The major improvements I can see in this version over the […]