Following today’s joint announcement by Intelliseek and Buzzmetrics on the merger of those two firms into a new company backed by media group VNU, Shel and Neville spoke to Pete Blackshaw, Intelliseek’s Chief Marketing and Customer Satisfaction Officer. Conversation points: The joining together of Intelliseek and Buzzmetrics; VNU and being acquired; developments in tracking and […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
WordPerfect, Office 12 and a trip down software memory lane
CNET News: Corel on Tuesday announced an updated version of WordPerfect Office, its rival to Microsoft’s dominant Office suite. This news item triggered some synapses to take a short trip down software memory lane, so here goes. I’ve been using Microsoft Word for over twelve years now, from version 6 when it was called ‘Word […]
Copenhagen get-together
Light blogging for the next few days as I’ll be in Copenhagen for a client meeting. Whilst there, I’m having a great opportunity to get together on Saturday with some of the leading social media lights in Denmark such as Allan Jenkins, Jacob Boetter, Hans Henrik Heming and Trine-Maria Kristensen. Should be fun. Trine-Maria’s posted […]
FeedDemon 2 beta is out
If you use the FeedDemon RSS reader for Windows, you should definitely take a look at the first beta of the forthcoming version 2. As a long-time FD user and currently on the 1.6 beta (version 2 will repalce 1.6), I’ve installed it. Wow! Definitely worth having. More later. See developer Nick Bradbury’s post for […]
The Hobson & Holtz Report – Podcast #104: January 19, 2006
Content summary: An upgrade for Skylook, IABC opens a members-only place for “buzz,” IABC Belgium President Gerry Murray starts a podcast, Shel and Neville talk about corporate blogging (should the CEO blog?, ghostwriting, time-wasting, risks from employee blogging, using a blog in place of PR), listeners’ comments discussion (spam, online editors, PR as relationship management, […]
Eclectic Copenhagen
What do you get when a group of opinionated communicators with blogs get together? A real mashup of opinion, commentary and very lively conversation, that’s what. So it was on Saturday in Copenhagen when I was fortunate to meet with The Copenhagen Bloggers, the cream of the Danish blogosphere who you see in this photo. […]
Podcast entertainment
Last week, Shel and I had a great conversation via Skype with Lee Hopkins. An accomplished business podcaster, Lee’s also a regular correspondent of For Immediate Release, the twice-weekly show Shel and I do. The recording is now online. What it’s about, in Lee’s words: […] We talk about beginnings, mistakes, successes, strategy versus tactics, […]
Blog Spring cleaning and a fresh start
Sitting around a table in Copenhagen on Saturday in informal conversation with an eclectic bunch of communicators who are also bloggers has produced an additional benefit for me – the catalyst for a decision on what to do about my still-planned move from this TypePad blog to WordPress. I’ve decided to start over with a […]
Disintermediating the news
A thoughtful article on Friday by Richard Sambrook, director of global news at the BBC, on how the internet is disintermediating news: […] News organisations do not own the news any more. They can validate information, analyse it, explain it, and they can help the public find what they need to know. But they no […]
The podcasting opportunity for mainstream media
BBC News: Almost two million BBC radio podcasts were downloaded during December, with the corporation’s breakfast programmes the most popular with listeners. […] Simon Nelson, Controller of BBC Radio & Music Interactive, said: "It’s fantastic to see how the demand for radio downloads has grown since we first offered them in 2004. These figures underline […]
Listen to your hard drive and weep
Weird noises from your hard drive and you’re not sure what they mean? Well, you know they mean something bad is undoubtedly about to happen, but how do you find out what, exactly? Go to this Hitachi page and check out the .wav recordings there of various noises you might hear that likely indicate a […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #105: January 23, 2006
Content summary: The Bad Pitch Blog; blogging Gonzo the Whale; Washington Post comments brouhaha; science blogs as a vehicle for selling ads; thoughts, commentary and a question from The Copenhagen Bloggers; Lee Hopkins’ report; Shel’s and Neville’s podcast interviews; listeners’ comments discussion (stop talking about rewinding; adopting intelligent evaluation for PR; IABC, corporate blogs, CPRS); […]
Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 24-Jan-06
Amazon to Broadcast Weekly Internet Show And now, News – We’re taking Google News out of beta! (Krishna Bharat/Official Google Blog) Apple iTunes users growing fast BlackBerry Gets Google Talk and Google Local Business communications: RSS vs. E-mail CNET for Jan 23, 2006: Is Blackberry on the brink? Drug Companies’ Bad Case of PR […]
Edelman PR podcast coming
News via email today from Phil Gomes about earSHOT, a new podcast from Edelman PR, that he will be presenting. Phil wouldn’t say when the first edition will be out other than “soon” (and that it will be cool). If you sign up now to the RSS feed, you’ll get the teaser podcast, a 40-second […]
Weblogs for PR – plenty of opportunity awaiting
The initial findings of the EuroBlog 2006 survey on weblogs and communication management were published today, offering some interesting analysis on the state of awareness and acceptance of blogs by the PR community across Europe. The survey was carried out online last November and December, and nearly 600 PR pros from over 33 European countries […]
The road to transparency at Davos
The 2006 annual meeting of the World Economic Forum begins today in Davos, Switzerland. The organizers say there will be 2,340 participants from 89 countries including 15 heads of state or government, 13 union leaders and over 30 heads of non-governmental organizations. This year, 735 participants are at the CEO or Chairman level. What makes […]
IABC launches News Centre
It’s often a good idea to just click on things on a website as you might discover something new. That’s what happened this morning on the IABC website as I was reviewing information there about the 2006 International Conference which takes place in Vancouver in June (I’m speaking at that event; a post about it […]
TypePad captcha in action
I was adding a comment to a post on my own blog in reply to a previous commenter and hit the ‘submit’ button. What I got next was a pleasant surprise: This is a captcha, a technique that tests whether a human being is on the other end of the connection, so to speak, rather […]
Discovering Windows Live
Light blogging until the weekend as I’ll be in London tonight for the first UK preview of Microsoft’s Windows Live. Windows Live is a set of personal internet services and software designed to bring together in one place all of the relationships, information and interests people care about most, with more safety and security features […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #106: January 26, 2006
Content summary: Search firms’ PR woes, a fake Wikipedia entry, dull Davos, the never-ending press release meme, reports from Eric Schartzman and Dan York, a conversation with Jen McClure, listener comments, the music. Show notes for January 26, 2006 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 101-minute podcast recorded live in […]