Advertising gets its own TV channel

A report from Reuters on the world’s first TV channel devoted exclusively to ads which is planned to launch in the UK in September, allowing viewers to tune in 24 hours a day to their favourite 30-second spots for Guinness, Walkers and Yellow Pages. Full story: Reuters Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage / […]

Advertorials by another name

Just a matter of time, I suppose, and it’s happened sooner rather than later. Marketing VOX has a brief news item about a US company called Blogversations who offer to match bloggers with sponsors (advertisers); the bloggers would write about the sponsor’s product or service and get paid for it. Hmm. A natural development in […]

Global ad industry 4% growth in 2004

Martin Sorrell, CEO of the WPP ad agency group, makes these predictions in a Daily Telegraph report: The 2004 Olympic Games is on target to boost global spending on advertising by about $1.5 billion (€1.2 billion) this year. Growth of 3%-4% for the market this year – helped by the Games, Euro 2004 and the […]

Expanding blogs to make money

From the Financial Times, 1 September: There are lots of ways to make money with weblogs. Henry Copeland’s is helping politicians raise campaign funds. Nick Denton’s Gawker Media is accumulating huge audiences with an editorial mix of sex, politics and gossip. Brian Stelter sold to a company that wanted more traffic for its […]

New ads-only TV channel airs

The world’s first TV channel that broadcasts only ads started service in the UK yesterday. The Advert Channel broadcasts British commercials from the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, celebrity ads and the best (and worst) ads from around the world. Available 24/7, the channel also offers live studio discussions and debates on the world of […]

Podcast your voice brand

Music and sound can be an integral part of a business’s brand, say Fast Company and Strategize. Many leaders listen to music to inspire creativity and innovation. And it’s been found that corporate voicemail welcome messages can make an impact on your business and bottom line. The Top 100 Voice Brands project collects recordings of […]

Website usability lessons still to learn

Via Boing Boing, I came across an interesting report on how people react to advertising when visiting websites. No prizes for guessing the most hated advertising technique – pop-up ads. The report by Jakob Neilsen shows the 11 most hated advertising techniques. My current ‘favourite’ is in there – sites that automatically start playing voice […]