Global PR Blog Week 1.0

An interesting, perhaps even seminal, online event has been taking place this week – the first global PR blog event.   As described on the website “The Global PR Blog Week 1.0 is an online event that will engage PR, marketing and business bloggers from around the globe in a discussion about blogging and […]

Global PR Blog Week 1.0

The Global PR Blog Week 1.0 that I mentioned in a post yesterday looks as though it’s been quite a success. With such a wide range of discussion topics and comments, there’s something for everyone who has an interest in blogging as a PR tool.   But discussion topics don’t just include the ones you’d […]

Business Blogs: The Unstoppable Force

I keep dipping back into Global PR Blog Week 1.0. There are some excellent and thought-provoking discussions going on that it’s worth spending time just browsing the website and picking up on topics of interest to comment on.   One of the best pieces is an interview with Robert Scoble at Microsoft by Trevor Cook, […]

Liechtenstein re-branded

The tiny European country of Liechtenstein is just about to relaunch itself on the world having had a makeover session from the brand consultants. — report today from Reuters. View video report (2m 13 secs): | Liechtenstein Rebranded (If the link above doesn’t work, go to and navigate from there.)

Yahoo! launches corporate blog

Yahoo! launched a blog yesterday. The first post is an intro by Jeff Weiner, SVP Yahoo! Search & Marketplace, so it’s kicked off with a solid business/customer focus. And, the blog starts out with commenting and trackbacks enabled. Yahoo! Search blog On his personal blog, Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo! (Finance) has an FAQ about the […]

Practical blog to link PR agencies

There’s lots of discussion going on in many blogs about the uses for blogs in a corporate environment. Guillaume du Gardier, owner of PR Planet in Paris, has taken one further step and published an example of a blog that could be used for linking together a company’s PR agencies. Simple, practical and elegant. A […]

Internet: building better PR relationships

I came across an interesting survey report today on how the internet is changing PR. The survey was conducted by Ireland-based PR practitioner Tom Murphy through his PR Opinions blog. Although the survey was carrried out in February and published in March, I’d not seen it before (I hadn’t evolved into my active-blogging mode at […]

Blogs: PR is far from dead

If there’s one thing guaranteed to get lots of attention and comment from other business bloggers, it’s when someone posts an article that challenges accepted views. Roland Tanglao had done just that on his Streamline blog with a provocative post entitled “PR is dead and blogging killed it.” It would be easy to say rubbish! […]

FAQ about blogging, PR and journalism

A link from Steve Rubel got me into a wonderfully tongue-in-cheek description of Everything you wanted to know about blogging but were afraid to ask by Simon World. Tongue in cheek or not, it’s a must-read. Got me thinking about other great ‘guides’ – PR and journalism easily spring to mind. So, courtesy of the […]

PR policy for Microsoft blogger

Robert Scoble is undoubtedly the most high-profile and best-known Microsoft employee blogger – if not the best-known business-technology blogger, period – certainly in business and technology blogging circles and in the media. Robert’s blog Scobleizer and his link blog Scoble present reliable and trusted sources of rich information about what’s going on at Microsoft as well as […]

Rescuing relationships for Blogrolling

The frustrations of the past four days for Blogrolling users – me included – look like coming to a positive conclusion. Last night, there finally was a detailed explanation from Blogrolling’s Ross Rader on what happened re the planned migration to a new server – and what went wrong over the weekend and why there […]

Time is no luxury for communicators

For everyone involved in organizational communication – be that PR, marketing communication, investor relations, employee communication or public affairs – one of the luxuries I see so many continuing to delude themselves with is that they have plenty of time to strategize, formulate, execute and measure as they progress their work in the traditional way […]