Blog contest winners well deserved

Congratulations to Mike Manuel at Media Guerilla – voted Best PR-Topic Blog in the "10 Best Blogs for 2005" contest organized by MarketingSherpa. Congratulations, too, to Marco Derksen of MarketingFacts here in The Netherlands – voted Best non-English-Language Blog. Well deserved, Mike and Marco! See the full list of all winners for more info.

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #42: June 16, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on the ROI of intranet blogging, on vidcasting and file storage, Firefox tabs, organizing podcast thoughts, PRs who don’t focus on what’s happening online); sans-serif or serif fonts?; what if the novelty of blogging wears off?; is a corporate blog an oxymoron? Business Week integrates online and print; PR gaffes #2 […]

Ride the podcasting long tail

According to new forecasts from The Diffusion Group, a US-based consumer technology research consultancy, demand for time-shifted digital audio files – that’s ‘podcasts’ to you and me – is expected to grow from less than 15% of portable digital music player owners in the US in 2004 to 75% by 2010. The firm says its […]

FIR Interview: Josh Hallett, Hyku – June 17, 2005

In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Neville enjoyed a 40-minute conversation with Josh Hallett, CEO of Hyku LLC. Topics and themes discussed include: consulting on blogs and other new-media channels; how blogs are being used in Florida, eg, in education, local government; mainstream media and blogs; working with PR and marketing firms; […]

Ketchum dissected

Poor Ketchum. After all the derision in the PR blogosphere during this past week to their news about their new-media service offering, they might have been hoping things had died down now. Not so. Today, Constantin Basturea posted an excellent dissection of Ketchum’s offering and the variety of commentaries from PR bloggers. Recommended reading. Especially […]

Carnival of the Capitalists connects you to great content

Wayne Hurlbert at Blog Business World is hosting this week’s Carnival of the Capitalists, the weekly aggregation of links to posts by a wide range of different bloggers that provides a unique focus on them for further developing conversations. For this week’s carnival, Wayne has assembled an enormous quantity of links – 71 posts spread […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #43: June 20, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on Bluetooth headsets; +1 isn’t just the US; how could it be bad for a CEO to blog internally?; on Wonkette; on fonts and fads; all the laptops were in Copenhagen; webinars about blogging produce good results; no politics in show #38; what about the LA Times wiki?); the LA Times […]

New report focuses on PR aspects of corporate blogging

Niall Cook writes about a new report called How are corporate weblogs affecting public relations practice? that examines corporate blogging from a PR perspective, focusing on three questions: What are the benefits and risks of corporate blogging? What are the underlying theories that can increase understanding of corporate blogging? What are the best practices PR […]

Blogs: No substitute for personal communication and trust in the workplace

PR Week published a pretty good piece about policies and guidelines for employee blogging last week. The article includes much of the type of counsel and advice on why companies should have polices or guidelines that you’d expect to see now, given previous media reporting on this topic as well as the widely-reported examples of […]

Ketchum starts to climb the mountain

They are paying attention after all – Adam Brown, director of eKetchum, leaves a comment on Constantin’s blog as a response to PR blogosphere criticism about Ketchum’s announcement last week on their new-media service offering. While I don’t want to continue any Ketchum-bashing, I will say that Adam’s response hardly addresses any of the criticisms […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #44: June 23, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on CEOs blogging internally; lower case is the way to go; KetchumIdeas; more on RSS; polls on blogs; getting the right URL; more on Ketchum; introducing The Spinfluencer); audio report on the power of gossip; better ways for doing podcast show notes; read your email out loud; more on Ketchum; Scandinavian […]

Let the IABC conference blogging begin!

Probably the best professional development and networking event for business communicators, anywhere in the world, begins tomorrow 26 June in Washington, DC. It’s the IABC international conference, the annual get-together for hundreds of communicators from around the world. This year’s 4-day event is special from two perspectives – first, it’s IABC’s 35th anniversary year; and […]

The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #45: June 27, 2005

Content summary: Listeners’ comments (on wit and wisdom from FIR; being stunned by Tudor Williams and Angela Sinickas; the heroes from Siemens USA); nice London hotel: blogging the IABC conference; bad press for the EC and the waste of the EU; the PR, blogs and press releases mashup; MIT surveys blog usage; Todd Cochrane’s podcasting […]

Future Tense and the confluence of forces

Congratulations to Elizabeth Albrycht and the team at Corante for the latest thought-leading resource – the Future Tense blog which, Elizabeth as editor notes, is now live. What will we expect from Future Tense? From Elizabeth’s introductory post yesterday: […] It is [a confluence of forces including technology, science, population demographics, globalization, education, society and […]

Accountants can blog, too

Blogs present many business benefits to accountants, according to The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). In the June issue of the Journal of Accountancy Online, AICPA’s journal, a feature entitled Would You, Could you, Should You Blog? gives a good overview of blogs and their business potential. Most of the reasoning in the […]