Reverse-interview: Tony Perkins (founder and editor Red Herring, and founder and chief editor Always On Network) interviewed about business blogging by Sun Microsystems: Blogs are one of today’s hottest and most widely available technologies. They affect elections, create instant celebrities, generate scandals, and open amazing potential for open communication. As a business executive, you should […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
Delta employee not fired for blogging
The story about Ellen Simonetti, the Delta Airlines employee in trouble regarding a photo she published on her blog, is making the rounds of the blogosphere. Nearly every post I’ve seen in the past two days has got it completely wrong. See the first line of this post, above. Ellen’s got into trouble with her […]
EU signs new Constitution
European Union leaders today signed the new EU constitution in a lavish ceremony held in Rome. Heads of state and government took it in turn to sign the text in the same room where the Treaty of Rome was signed to establish the EU in 1957. Also present at the ceremony were the leaders of […]
Firefox call to arms paying off
Red Herring has an interview with Rob Davis, the man behind the Firefox marketing campaign behind the New York Times ad. A reminder of the marketing story so far: The Mozilla Foundation wanted to raise money to support launch activities for Firefox 1.0 upon its release on 9 November, including a full-page advertisement in the […]
Community editing your CV with a wiki
As everyone knows, having an effective CV (résumé, in American) is a prerequisite when you embark on a new career search. Yet it’s not always easy to produce a good CV, in spite of great inputs from friends, colleagues and others who willingly give of their time and experiences to help. Today I found out […]
Nice package for photo shows
During the weekend, I was playing with Photo Story 3 which Microsoft released last week. You can create animated slideshows from your digital photos, optionally adding a commentary and/or music. It’s dead easy to use. I created a very simple show from a single photo (an Amsterdam canal scene) with music following the example walk-through […]
In two minds about Google Desktop
I’ve been using Google Desktop since it came out a few weeks ago. But I’m not convinced that it’s all it’s cracked up to be. There’s a great deal to like about it. It’s extremely simple and easy to use: if you use Google for web searches, then you’ll know how to use it on […]
Personalized search from Google
Following my earlier post today about Google Desktop, here’s info about Google Personalized Search. From the FAQ: Google Personalized web search delivers custom search results that are based on a profile you create describing your interests. […] Google Personalized web search is currently available in test mode on Google Labs, where you can create and […]
Using a public blog as part of the hiring process
Via A Penny For… comes an extremely interesting story of how Bzzagent, a word-of-mouth marketing network in North America, proactively used their public blog to discuss their needs for hiring a particular new senior employee, and then posted commentary about the two short-listed candidates asking for comment and opinion on which one to hire. A […]
More great thinking via ChangeThis
The latest batch of manifestos from ChangeThis are released today. Since ChangeThis launched in August, the collection of manifestos has grown to over 40. (Read the manifesto about ChangeThis (PDF) to understand what ChangeThis and manifestos are.) Manifesto topics are wide ranging and represent some really great thinking and original ideas. These are five of […]
Free guide to corporate blogging
Fredrik Wackå at CorporateBloggingInfo has put together a guide to corporate blogging. A very good introduction to the subject. It covers some of the reasons for corporate blogging, examples of six types of corporate blogs, 14 steps to a business blog, and more. Fredrik’s made the PDF guide freely available for download. CorporateBloggingInfo | Beginner’s […]
Yet more reasons for policies on blogging
ComputerWorld has a very good article on the legal issues and potential liabilities facing companies whose employees blog, whether those employees do so officially or not. The article discusses topics that include libel, disclosure of trade secrets and confidential information, careless statements that can be used during litigation, the risks of loose-cannon bloggers, and advocates […]
Filmmaker Theo van Gogh murdered
News this morning of the murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, gunned down last night in Amsterdam. Police reports said van Gogh was stabbed and then shot dead by an unnamed assailant near the Oosterpark in east Amsterdam. The killer then engaged police in a shootout before being wounded and arrested. The great-grandson of […]
The net groans under the strain
So are the US elections to blame for internet connectivity issues today? Since mid afternoon Central European Time today (early morning US Eastern time), I’ve seen difficulties in connecting to a number of blogs and websites in the US. Lots of time-outs, and some “site doesn’t exist” error messages re sites that I know do […]
Satirical poke at UK PR
A welcome addition to the UK PR scene – Spin Bunny, with a refreshing satirical view on the industry: In the summer heat of August 2004 a crack team of PR professionals met at a secret London location to plot the launch of an alternative PR industry trade rag. An old fashioned publication based on […]
What’s in a name? Plenty, if it’s Spam
Two very different takes on the same story that Hormel, makers of Spam, the eponymous luncheon meat food product, is embarking on a TV advertising blitz in the UK next week. As reported by Spam: ‘It’s a meat’ insists Hormel. Spiced-ham maker Hormel has announced a massive UK advertising campaign in what may be […]
Corporate blogging: Setting the ground rules
Yesterday, I posted a contribution to the Kitchen: How to Cook a Weblog collaborative blog on the subject of establishing clear policies regarding corporate blogging. It’s a mini-essay that discusses why companies and organizations need to pay attention now to how they enable blogging as a communication channel, and avoid messy and potentially damaging outcomes […]
Delta employee blogger now fired
The latest development in the story about Ellen Simonetti, suspended by her employer Delta Airlines for posting a photo on her Queen of the Sky personal blog – she has now been fired. A BBC News report says that Ellen is initiating legal action against the airline for "wrongful termination". Delta has repeatedly declined to […]
A9 search toolbar for Firefox adds to search choices
Monday’s release of the A9 search toolbar for Firefox by Amazon subsidiary highlights how you’re now really spoiled for choice when you want to search for information on the web and on your own PC. Just like the A9 toolbar for Internet Explorer, the new toolbar for Firefox (Windows, Mac and Linux versions) makes […]
The story of the copywriter who didn’t get it
Here’s a good example of someone involved in marketing who either just doesn’t get it or feels intimidated by a communication channel that he doesn’t understand. I’m talking about blogs, of course. There’s a bloke in the US called Robert Bly who apparently is a copywriting wiz. He wrote an article in DM News about […]