Now this is sexy! Today Apple announced the iPod nano, a very elegant, slim digital player that supersedes the iPod Mini (which is no longer listed on Apple’s website but is there if you know the URL). Super slim, light and a bright colour screen are three of the great form factors of this cute […]
About: neville
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Posts by neville:
Speakers and Speeches: Mary Hodder on blog search engines
In this first offering of Speakers and Speeches, For Immediate Release is pleased to offer a 1:34 speech — including Q&A — by Mary Hodder, delivered on Tuesday, Sept. 6 at a meeting of the bloggers and RSS special interest group of the East Bay (California) IT Group (EBIG). Download the conversation here (MP3, 38MB). […]
The latest ideas in broadcasting, online media and content
The IBC 2005 conference and exhibition opens in Amsterdam today and runs until Tuesday 13 September. This annual event, organized by the International Broadcasting Convention, takes place at the RAI conference center. The conference is divided into theme days covering Delivery to the Consumer, High Definition Television, Mobile Applications, Content Production and Protection and D-Cinema. […]
Strong rumours persist about Skype acquisition
From the Financial Times this morning: Skype, the European internet telephony provider, on Thursday played down talk of an imminent takeover, declining to comment on a report that Ebay had joined the list of potential suitors with an offer valued at up to $5bn. Ebay on Thursday declined to comment on a report in the […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #66: September 8, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (podcast junkie; support for parents; Ray Nagin interview case study; non-primary audience listener); Katrina – public service announcements, has Katrina saved the US media?, controversy over the word ‘refugee’; new reports from IBM, Edelman and Intelliseek; wikis, news releases, buttons and podcasting; the critical pieces in the change communication puzzle; […]
Podcasts for Katrina relief efforts
As part of our discussion about Hurricane Katrina in show #66 yesterday of For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, Shel and I discussed an initiative by Podshow that enables podcasters to promote and offer appeal messages for supporting disaster relief efforts for Hurricane Katrina. If you visit the Podshow Cares page, you’ll find […]
Weekend conversation makers
It’s been a very interesting week for business and tech news.The iPod nano, rumors about Skype, and of course Hurricane Katrina have been among the topics that I’ve seen blogged a lot, and which I’ve commented on as well. Other things going on, too, some related, that caught my eye this afternoon from recent RSS […]
Remembrance Day
Never forget the victims of 9/11. Technorati: 9/11
Brand creativity on show
I spent a couple of hours yesterday strolling through the 11 halls of the RAI Center in Amsterdam taking in the sights and sounds of the IBC 2005 exhibition. This is a massive show. Imagine – over 1,000 companies exhibiting their wares occupying all 11 halls of the RAI. That’s about 72,000 square meters (216,000 […]
Ebay acquisition of Skype looks imminent
Still just a rumour? Last Thursday, the Financial Times reported on a strong rumour that Ebay was in talks to acquire Skype. This morning, the FT has this story prominently displayed on its home page: Ebay was in the final stages late on Sunday night of sealing an agreement to buy Skype, the fast-growing provider […]
Ebay says it is acquiring Skype
It’s now official – Ebay is acquiring Skype. A press release on the Ebay investor relations website makes it clear: London, September 12, 2005 – eBay Inc. (Nasdaq: EBAY; has agreed to acquire Luxembourg-based Skype Technologies SA, the global Internet communications company, for approximately $2.6 billion in up-front cash and eBay stock, plus potential […]
Influential Dutch marketing blog in partnering deal
Ilse Media, a Dutch publisher and blog portal, has taken a 25 percent stake in, one of the most influential marketing and business blogs in The Netherlands. Ilse Media’s strong interest is in “the knowledge power of a community of interactive marketeers,” Marketingfacts pioneer Marco Derksen told me (I’ve known Marco for much of […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #67: September 12, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (bandwidth, bit rates and listening preferences; jazzed about podcasts; answering the logo call); PR firms with no RSS; emergent journalism with; IABC’s Katrina initiative; Queen of Sky sues Delta; eBay acquires Skype, Oracle grabs Siebel Systems, America West goes to US Airways; two new European podcasters; 20 uses for […]
A powerful combination for Les Blogs 2.0
Exciting news from Blogging Planet, the communication consultancy in which I’m an alliance partner with Guillaume du Gardier, Elizabeth Albrycht and Christoph Ducamp. Loic Le Meur of Six Apart has invited Blogging Planet to co-produce Les Blogs 2.0, a two-day conference scheduled for 5-6 December in Paris. And, given how close the dates are for […]
Communicating the power of 3
Listening to eBay’s investor conference call last night which took place to discuss eBay’s acquisition of Skype, and following along with the slide presentation (PDF), it’s now clearer to me what the expected synergies are from this deal from eBay‘s and Skype‘s perspectives. It’s something they’re calling the Power of 3: (Click to see a […]
FIR Interview: Gerry Murray, President IABC Belgium – September 14, 2005
In this edition of For Immediate Release podcast interviews, Neville enjoyed a 47-minute conversation with Gerry Murray, President of IABC Belgium, and a management and communication consultant. Topics discussed include: development plans for IABC Belgium, the new Chapter website and new President’s blog, the challenges in engaging members throughout Europe, professional development opportunities for IABC […]
Google Blog Search is fast
Like almost everyone else in the blogosphere, I’ve tried the new Google Blog Search tool, released in beta yesterday. My immediate impression from doing a half dozen searches at various times today is that it’s fast! Much faster than, say, Technorati. Every search I did with Google Blog Search, the results were there in less […]
Let transparency enter your company
Before you next try and explain to your colleagues or your clients why they should pay attention to business blogging, read a terrific pitch from Loic Le Meur that sets out some of the key reasons. Example: […] One of the reasons why you should open your own blogs is now to participate in this […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #68: September 15, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion; new research from IABC Foundation; Google Blog Search; Yahoo! Mail; PodcastCon UK; a how-to ebook on podcasting; new white paper on corporate blogging; Chrysler media blog. Show notes for September 15, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & Holtz Report, a 73-minute conversation recorded live from Amsterdam, The […]
Trade unions can demonstrate relevance
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the relevance (or otherwise) of trade unions in the UK workplace. This was commenting about a lengthy article in the Financial Times that included interviews with a number of former trade union officials who had made the switch, so to speak, to the ‘other side,’ taking management jobs […]