Spotted in a post by Hugh MacLeod – an innovative (and, today, hardly surprising) approach to building buzz about a movie by getting bloggers to talk about it. In return, they get free tickets to the US preview. The details are in an Instapundit post: […] The PR folks for the forthcoming Joss Whedon (Buffy, […]
About: neville
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- Owner of the NevOn Archive.
Posts by neville:
End of the road for Land Rover customer
The happy ending to the Land Rover Discovery saga that Adrian Melrose had been hoping for just hasn’t happened. The latest news from Land Rover’s most patient, loyal and suffering customer is that he has finally reached the end of the road: […] So I throw up my hands in the air and tell Land […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #71: September 26, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion (building engagement; figuring out b5media; the problem with Google Print; good and bad batteries; ID3 tags; finding the needle in the haystack); soundvertising with Senseo; sound quality challenges with podcast interviewing by phone; podcasting: tech challenges and communication opportunities; new business podcasts; tagging; Lee Hopkins report; end of the road […]
Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 27-Sept-05
24-megabit broadband launched at £24 a month Are You on Top of Your Enterprise IM Blogging @ McDonald’s Blogs that link to Global PR Blog Week 2.0 Book: Blog! How the Newest Media Revolution is Changing Politics, Business and Culture — by David Kline & Dan Burstein Feed Etiquette IABC Financial Communications Conference – Notes […]
Spreading the word in Europe
As we head into the last quarter of 2005, it’s great to see so many worthwhile professional development events taking place during the next few months which either are wholly about social media from the business perspective or prominently include this broad topic as a constituent part of a conference or seminar. I invest quite […]
An alternative to email catchup
Light posting ahead until the weekend as I’ll be travelling, meetings, etc. Then, a massive email and post-comments catchup. Do I really mean "catchup"? Comments to blog posts, definitely, but email? My email inbox looks truly horrendous. Boy, do I identify with this: […] My email inbox is totally out of control, with more than […]
Free access to PR Week online
Hot on the heels of PR Week’s making available RSS feeds of much of the content of their US and UK editions, the publisher of the weekly PR industry journal is now offering free access to the complete content of PR Week US and PR Week UK online editions until the end of October. A […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #72: September 29, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments, an update on the iPod nano, Wikimedia’s open-source textbook project, more on soundvertising, Neville’s cheese sandwich, a great quote for making the employee blogging case, Whirlpool starts a podcast, a business podcasting white paper, Neville’s new mixer. Show notes for September 29, 2005 Welcome to For Immediate Release: The Hobson & […]
Blog network aids graduate recruitment
Reading a review of corporate blogs in the Financial Times the other day, I spotted a new gem mentioned in the feature – a series of blogs set up by Cadbury Schweppes in the UK as part of its graduate recruitment activities. From Cadbury’s press release: Cadbury Schweppes, the world’s largest confectionery company, has opened […]
Keeping Apple coolness intact
The problems with scratches on the new iPod nano that hundreds of users reported during the past two weeks hasn’t turned out to be the brand, reputation and PR crisis for Apple that it could have been. Thanks largely to a public acknowledgement that a batch of nanos did suffer from a manufacturing defect regarding […]
Think of blog spam as cockroaches
I’m very glad that I implemented comment and trackback moderation on this blog (and on my other blogs). Today, this blog plus my other one and my two experimental ones collectively get hit with an average of 8-12 spam comments or trackbacks a day. Because of moderation, they don’t appear on any blog – I […]
Big choices in the UK for internet phone services
If Skype paved the way for free and low-cost telephone calls via the internet for early adopters, enthusiasts and others who ‘saw the light,’ then Freetalk looks set to kick-start a mass market in the UK with the launch last week of a new internet phone service that lets you use the phones you already […]
The rise of individual credibility
A challenging assessment of the differences between executive blogging and business blogging and which are best blogs, by Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired magazine, writing in The Long Tail: […] It’s a huge mistake to equate executive blogs with business blogging, just as it’s a huge mistake to see the world only through the economic […]
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #73: October 3, 2005
Content summary: Listeners’ comments discussion; changes to podcast show notes; PR waking up to social media; Nielsen survey on RSS subscribers; Wikipedia article posted on Wikipedia; book publishers using podcasts; blog spam forces a blog to close; Lee Hopkins report; Yahoo! to start digitizing books; US GAO publishes Ketchumgate findings; podcasting at The Conference Board. […]
Biz-Tech-News: Headlines 04-Oct-05
Broadband Adoption in the United States: Growing but Slowing Description of Office 2003 Service Pack 2 Employee No. 1 Is Scouting China for Google First Monday — Podcasting: A new technology in search of viable business models Internet Sales Tax on the Horizon Microsoft confirms next XP service pack Microsoft is Podcasting Netscape Lands Browser […]
IBM’s credible message: Blogging means business
Two senior IBM executives are featured in an informative and engaging series of audiovisual presentations that present the case for blogs as strategic business tools. Presented by Harriet Pearson, IBM’s Chief Privacy Officer and Vice President for Corporate Affairs, and Willy Chiu, Vice President of IBM’s High Performance On Demand Solutions Group, some very interesting […]
Solving your communication challenges
IABC members will soon be receiving their copy of the brochure for IABC EuroComm 2005, the fifth annual professional development conference in Europe that brings together communicators from across the globe to share best practices, examine case studies and discuss the latest developments in communication planning, practice and analysis. Considering the role of new media […]
Can Ketchum now walk their talk?
Via Jeremy Pepper, news that the Ketchum PR agency has now launched a blog to support its ‘personalized media’ offering. Regular readers will know the story of Ketchum and how their entrance into the PR blogosphere in June attracted almost universal derision by members of the PR community. If you didn’t follow that story, let […]
Podcasting the Conference Board conference
My FIR co-presenter, Shel Holtz, recorded a series of podcasts at the Conference Board’s 2005 Corporate Communication and Technology Conference in New York on 26 September. Those podcasts are still not showing on the conference web page – but, last night, seven podcasts showed up in the podcast RSS feed in my RSS reader. So […]
Technorati-Edelman blog survey results published
Things will be a bit quiet here until the weekend as I’m on the road. Meanwhile, take a look at the results of the Technorati/Edelman blog survey that was conducted late last month. According to the two firms, Technorati contacted tens of thousands of active bloggers via email, blog posts and the networks of discussion […]