Following the success of Les Blogs, the one-day conference that took place in Paris last April, Loic le Meur is organizing Les Blogs 2.0 which will take place in Paris as a two-day conference on 5 and 6 December. I’m honoured to be working with Loic and others in an advisory role to help plan […]
Category: Europe
Alfa Romeo sponsors car blog
Italian blog portal has secured another first – Italian car maker Alfa-Romeo is sponsoring from today, 1 September. This is the first blog sponsorship deal for a European blog by a major automotive brand, said. In a press release,’s Luca Lizzeri said, "in January 2005 had 20,000 page views in […]
The latest ideas in broadcasting, online media and content
The IBC 2005 conference and exhibition opens in Amsterdam today and runs until Tuesday 13 September. This annual event, organized by the International Broadcasting Convention, takes place at the RAI conference center. The conference is divided into theme days covering Delivery to the Consumer, High Definition Television, Mobile Applications, Content Production and Protection and D-Cinema. […]
Brand creativity on show
I spent a couple of hours yesterday strolling through the 11 halls of the RAI Center in Amsterdam taking in the sights and sounds of the IBC 2005 exhibition. This is a massive show. Imagine – over 1,000 companies exhibiting their wares occupying all 11 halls of the RAI. That’s about 72,000 square meters (216,000 […]
Influential Dutch marketing blog in partnering deal
Ilse Media, a Dutch publisher and blog portal, has taken a 25 percent stake in, one of the most influential marketing and business blogs in The Netherlands. Ilse Media’s strong interest is in “the knowledge power of a community of interactive marketeers,” Marketingfacts pioneer Marco Derksen told me (I’ve known Marco for much of […]
A powerful combination for Les Blogs 2.0
Exciting news from Blogging Planet, the communication consultancy in which I’m an alliance partner with Guillaume du Gardier, Elizabeth Albrycht and Christoph Ducamp. Loic Le Meur of Six Apart has invited Blogging Planet to co-produce Les Blogs 2.0, a two-day conference scheduled for 5-6 December in Paris. And, given how close the dates are for […]
Trade unions can demonstrate relevance
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the relevance (or otherwise) of trade unions in the UK workplace. This was commenting about a lengthy article in the Financial Times that included interviews with a number of former trade union officials who had made the switch, so to speak, to the ‘other side,’ taking management jobs […]
London podcasting conference set for success
Europe’s first conference on podcasting takes place in London tomorrow, and it looks clear that it will be a terrific event. So far, 128 people have signed up and paid their ₤30 to participate in PodcastCon UK. The sign-up wiki shows a further 35 people who still might be there once they’ve paid the small […]
A bright future for UK podcasting
A tremendous success – that’s my judgment of PodcastCon UK which took place in London on Saturday. Europe’s first conference on podcasting saw 120 or so people gathered together to present, talk, mix and get to know each other in an atmosphere of keen excitement. A massive tip of the hat to the four organizers […]
Telling the EU what we want
What do online Europeans want from an e-enabled government? asks William Heath: Public sector computerisation will cost Europe €88bn in 2005. But did we ever say what we wanted? Are e-government projects designed for citizens? Do we use them? Will they make life easier and meet our needs? Should we trust them? Unless we ask, […]
Spreading the word in Europe
As we head into the last quarter of 2005, it’s great to see so many worthwhile professional development events taking place during the next few months which either are wholly about social media from the business perspective or prominently include this broad topic as a constituent part of a conference or seminar. I invest quite […]
Solving your communication challenges
IABC members will soon be receiving their copy of the brochure for IABC EuroComm 2005, the fifth annual professional development conference in Europe that brings together communicators from across the globe to share best practices, examine case studies and discuss the latest developments in communication planning, practice and analysis. Considering the role of new media […]
Why Europe fails to leverage innovation
A guy has a great idea for a product or service that companies would very likely buy, certainly enough that the idea has money-making potential. He’s trying to get some financial backers. So he’s sitting in his local Starbucks on the wifi sending some emails and his business plan. Someone asks if the next seat […]
Speaking at E-Day Amsterdam
Heading off to the Emerce E-Day conference taking place today in Amsterdam. I’m participating in a panel discussion broadly titled Public Relations in The Blogosphere. My fellow panelists are Scott Rafer, Frank Janssen, Paul Molenaar and Hans Mestrum. We hope to have a stimulating and dynamic multi-lingual discussion (Dutch and English) on issues and strategies […]
The here and now of participatory communication
On Thursday, I travelled to Brussels, Belgium, to participate in the 50th anniversary conference of FEIEA, the federation of European business communicators’ associations. My role was to make a presentation on new media communication channels (blogs, RSS, etc) and participatory communication as a constituent part of FEIEA’s theme for this first day of their 2-day […]
Les Blogs 2.0 will change the way you think
If you’re planning to join the more than 120 people already signed up to participate in Les Blogs 2.0 in Paris on 5-6 December, get clear in your mind right now that this will be no ordinary conference: A New World is here Don’t you feel the rules and our world are changing ? Don’t […]
IABC conference blog launched
Today The Plenary Panel Weblog launched. This new blog is designed to be a place for commentary and discussion about the theme of the panel discussion that will kick off the first day, 1 December, of the IABC EuroComm 2005 conference taking place in Paris from 30 November to 2 December. The theme for the […]
BBC web users have their say
Some lively conversations going on in the BBC News website’s Have Your Say section, a forum where anyone can contribute comment and opinion on topics presented for discussion. One of the interesting things about this forum is the comment recommendation system where readers can recommend a comment to tell the BBC and other readers which […]
Updated list of European corporate blogs
Fredrik Wacka, who writes the popular CorporateBloggingInfo blog, updated his list of European corporate blogs last week. The updated list includes blogs by organizations in Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and UK. This is a very useful resource, complementary to the strongly US-focused list […]
Changes and constants in Budapest
I returned last night from a business trip to Budapest, Hungary, my first visit there since 2003. Reading the Budapest Sun and the Budapest Business Journal during my stay, I was struck as always by the vibrancy and energy of the business climate in this country. While Hungary may not currently have the strongest economy […]